Table of Contents


Quotes Cut from AMO MAMA

Lifted from AMO MAMA/FB

"A family in which everyone has each other's back will always live in harmony and happiness." ~Amo Mama 

"A happy life is only in our hands and does not depend on LIFE COACHES." ~Amo Mama

"A lie may take care of the present,  but it has no future." ~Amo Mama 

"Don't look at the coating. 
It's the filling that matters most." 
~Amo Mama

"Every act of kindness is a drop and when it falls into the ocean of kindness,  it makes waves that reach every shore." ~Amo Mama 

"God always guides you exactly where you need to go, even if you suffer a lot along the way." ~Amo Mama 

"In dark times radiant people shine brightly on your path." ~Amo Mama

"In redemption,  you find the power to
 turn darkness into light." ~Amo Mama

"Kindness is the wings on which a person ascends to God." ~Amo Mama 

"It sometimes happens that people depend on money more than they depend on their conscience." ~Amo Mama 

"Love can SEE through any PRETENSES."
~Amo Mama 

"No material wealth could ever be more precious than human life." ~Amo Mama 

"One SELFISH ACT can ruin the lives of dozens people." ~Amo Mama

Photo taken at John Paul Getty Museum Gardens, Los Angeles, California through the kindness of Marietta Estacio-Vasquez and hubby Engr. Vic Vasquez May 2013

"Our beauty is temporary, but our soul is eternal." ~Amo Mama

"Penny pinching is the vice of those who have no heart." ~Amo Mama 

"Remember, when people who used others as their stepping stones will one day lose their footing." ~Amo Mama 

"The beauty of the soul gives charm even to the plainest of bodies, just as the ugliness of the soul destroys the magnificent creation." ~Amo Mama

"The most beautiful flowers blossom only when they are cared for." ~Amo Mama 

"The most innocuous acts can have an equal power either to hurt or heal a child's soul. Don't disregard your children." ~Amo Mama 

"The path to genuine bliss is always the thorniest one." ~Amo Mama 

"The saddest thing about betrayal, it never comes from your enemy." ~Amo Mama

"There are times in your life when it seems like only dark times lie ahead.  But there's always someone who will light your path to the future." ~Amo Mama 

"When a soul leaves this world,  it needs to find peace before it can turn into an angel." ~Amo Mama

"When the time is right, the Lord will make it happen." ~Amo Mama 

"You're alive not just when your heart keeps beating,  but when the memory of you lives on in the hearts of others." ~Amo Mama