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Lifted from FB by the MUSIC MAN

"Embrace imperfection and then you can love yourself and move forward." ~Joseph Wayne

"Embrace your pain no matter how severe. Embrace your limitations, your suffering and your doubts no matter how you have judged them." ~Wayne Joseph

"I make music for those who love to feel, no matter the consequences. Follow me for your daily dose of divine imperfection." ~Wayne Joseph

"Music is full of internal imperfections. Like the crystal, imperfections make you uniquely beautiful, and I celebrate them here with imperfect music." ~Wayne Joseph

"Pain is my teacher of the profound. It teaches me love and compassion which becomes the gateway into the divine embracing of the ups and downs, or of the bad hand. It then can be the foundation to build wonderful things. No need to wait. No need to fix." ~Wayne Joseph

"The Bright Window is the eyes that you look through, out onto the world at the times and places that you live." ~Wayne Joseph

"You are not cut from a machine. Your are grown from the Earth who knows imperfection is essential for diversity and to drive evolution. You are part of the scheme which makes life possible." ~Wayne Joseph