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Extracts from ILA Magazine

Lifted from ILA

"A defeat in life's battles teaches a deeper wistful reflection to a true sense of humility in the face of triumphs." ~Lyn B. Pastrana

“A good vision is essential to leads mission. A good mission is essential to reach at ultimate destination.” ~Mohammed Hamim (J. Kyaw Than Naing) 

"A great teacher sets his/her learning objectives achievable and measurable. Makes his/her learning sessions innovative, enjoyable and for pupils and manages the available time, efficiently." ~Gul Bakhti

"A man's anguish hurts much deeper than his  anger." ~Vasant Kumar V.P.

"A small breath of value and honor is much better than to live the life of a hundred years of shame." ~© Amar Shah

"A vibe from a wistful heart is the reflection of longing love." ~© Imtiyaz Pan Dow

" At times, you need to fight for your dreams, even if it means to take precarious risks." ~© Ababio Sylvester Owusu

"Be optimistic in all your endeavors and you will definitely end up thriving." ~Ababio Sylvester Owusu

"Butterfly scoots and dances until death; then rests - and the last hope dies." ~P. A. Shaaz 

"Calm your brain to see the storm coming through, a torrential rain of thoughts travelling around you, ask for it to have a freefall onto your kinaesthetic ken, to explore the vulnerability of vivid views." ~©️®️ Laxman Rao

"Creativity is that fire, that rage, that spark for an ignited spirit." ~Laxman Rao

"Penance and Poetry are a passion in their pursuit." ~Laxman Rao

"When you lose your sight,
enable your insight,
When you lose your path 
induce your Intuit."
~Laxman Rao 

"You might have known the complexion of an ego, while not its various shades." ~Laxman Rao

"Do not be led by others, awaken your mind, amass your own experience, and decide for yourself, your own path." ~©Rita Chugh

"Heart is not a basket for keeping tension and sadness. It is a golden box for keeping roses of happiness and sweet memories." ~Rita Chugh

"Do not judge a man by what you hear of him, judge him by what you know of him, because the friend of one man may be the enemy of another." ~© Akori Clement

“Educate your mind with the treasures of love, care and harmony that will maintain peace.” ~Deepti Shakya

"Embrace each mistake to reshape your destiny, let life live in harmony." ~©Ramesh Chandra Pradhani

“Fear those surrounded by positivity and who are able-minded, their power is beyond compare.” ~Bint Zubair 

"For oft, when on my couch I lie, In wistful or cheerful mood, Your love flashes upon my inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude."

~© Prasanna Bhatta

“Heart is not a place to store trashes, it’s a place for keeping good memories. If you have any trash in store, delete permanently and replace with good things. Keeping negativity in store, will always break you down, take away your happiness from one negative thought to another, but when you finally let go, you will always find joy and peace of mind.” ~Haleematu Salisu (Best Entry Quote)

"Heartbeats are the music of souls." ~Myriam Ghezail Ben Brahim

"Honesty and truth are like bitter-leaf. It tastes sour when you chew and swallow it initially, but brings sweetness eventually." ~©Ajibola Rahman Dr-Oral

"I feel delightful in observing the carousel of life enriched by lessons taught from experiences." ~Leah C. Dancel, April 29, 2022

"Life is not all about elation for joy, success and triumph. It, too, is tinged with wistful nostalgia that makes us reflect why things happened the way they were, as regrets often come too late to change the sonata of dramatic ends." ~©Leah Dancel

“Sometimes, someone is kind to you. Sometimes, we, too, are kind to others when we are offered with a chance to do so. It’s a privilege part of our journey in life.” ~Leah Dancel, Best Entry Quote 

..."I was here when the first person walked this trail. He was persistent to meet the mountains peak.
He had a vision for his eyes to see. In the storm of that winter, it is true that he struggled but, I sheltered him from the storm. And when he needed fire, I shed a branch or two with shared nettles for his tea. And that summer I gave him shade in his travels." ~Eric Aguilar, extracted from "Ways To Go"

"Just as the desert traveller 
 sees of water afar the sand,
 so does the sailor sometimes see
 a far off the mirage of land."
 ~Eric Aguilar

"In calamity are the letters that spell 'calm'. ~©Nivedita Roy

"Knowledge is the paragon of wisdom. You need knowledge and wisdom to have virtue." ~© Vince Valdez

"My fragile dream still possesses a gentleness, an ambience and a wistful elegance." ~Amrita Mallik

"Let the cruelty get out of mind. Let the revolution blow like the wind." ~Diya Sinha

"Life is just a path
Thru which my soul flies
Learning lessons of Divine
While walking  on fresh  morning grass
I need nothing to have my peace..."
~Zana Coven, ILA Magazine

"Life is the soul energy, the spirit. The flute is the body, where the soul resides. The thoughts we think, the words we speak, the actions we do, the relationships we create and the connections we make are the different sounds of the flute." ~©Feliz Ruiz

"Life is the sunshine soul with the beauty of kindness!" ~Petros K.  Veloudas (Πέτρος Βελούδας), Greek Poet, The Response of Silence

"Love is in the eyes of the wise
Within the soul that beautifully rise
Poetry are just hidden phrases or emotions
That can be effectively described by dedication."
~Farhan Anjum 

“Make love until the last hope.” ~Ernesto Santiago

"Never be disappointed for rejection,
Because it's the first lesson of perfection." ~©®Lokanath Rath

"Never ever question your abilities,
Because it will  then close the doors of possibilities." ~©®Lokanath Rath

"No matter how much we digress, ignore and apply our rules, we will remain dancers to the divine music. Hence, instead of peeping into other's lives, we should focus on our own performances." ~© Amrita Mallik away in depicks you up and you feeltepower of a loving"Now, you walk and find out about him.
Walk your own path and find out about yourself." ~©Eric Aguilar

"Once there is a dream to the future, focus is the best way to take." ~©Aliu Kazeem

"Peace, no booking required, just own it with no distortion - to create memories that you will remember in perpetuity." 
~Ernesto Santiago

"People indeed, tend to celebrate inhumanity the world over, rather than choosing to be happy." ~©Amb Maid Čorbić

"Reading and meditation on the word of God first thing in the morning refreshes the heart, mind and soul to start a day, happy and beautiful." ~Cherrie Facun Dancel

"Rescue yourself to a pool of gloom, let go of wistful emotion that burdens you to move on. Remember, there's always a glimpse of hope in times of despair." ~©Dimple Lobo Corcino Opina

"Resiliency is the ability to bounce back when the going gets tough, to weather the challenges, face the difficulties on hand, with face held up as your walk your path." ~© Feliz Ruiz

"Teetering for war is a violent disposition to humanity as children are vulnerable victims."

~© Vincente A. Valdez, Jr.

"The more we want to keep the time of separation, it is getting closer." ~©Gordana Andonovska

"The truth is a  prerequisite for freedom, any soul who neither knows nor embraces it, will remain a slave of lies." ~©Akori Clement

"There's a sunset everywhere 
Clouds of blue and white
Sun is shinning tempered gold
Saying one last time "Hello I got to go"
~Sheila Ann

"To succeed in life you have to reject the rejection,
As they are the part of the distractions,
Just be focused and continue with your actions."©®Lokanath Rath

“Trust yourself. You can win any stage, by showing Ray of heart with spiritual pride.” ~Afrose Saad 

"War cannot return time and loss to humanity; Peace can be of love and existence for us." ~© Han Quoc Vu

"We are just passengers who want to take a ticket across the globe to spread words, yet we are just one small dot in the sky." ~Maid Čorbić

"Weep not o man for the days foregone,
Embrace the road that comes thy way.
For new crust forms where graves once lay,
And thus the wheels of time roll on."
~Dipanjan Battacharjee

"Whatever life brings along our journey
Let us look at the sunrise as our journey through life." ~David Soh, ILA

 "When life leaves no stones unturned to lead you to destruction, be like the phoenix that from the ashes obtained resurrection." ~©Diptarupa Mallik Dasgupta

"When pride is aroused, learning will be impaired; when humility is humbled, understanding grows more and more." ~© Han Quoc Vu

"World is devastated by human behavior. Only true love can survive in our hearts." ~© Amb Maid Čorbić

"World is not good when we have intolerance for humans and nature." ~© Amb Maid Čorbić

" You only stop striving when you are out of breath, don't give up on doing the good things for humanity." ~© Han Quoc Vu


"Remembrance of the Autumn breeze, a picture of imaginary scenes somewhere between the sands and waters." ~Bernadette O'Reilly, Donna McCabe and Mena Sisto (combined phrases from their Best Entry pieces of Short Poems.