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Steve Parish Quotes

"Awe lives alongside joy; one cannot be fully realised without the other. Only when you are joyful, inspired, and appreciative of the majesty of our subjects can you genuinely capture their essence? 
Words and images woven as stories have created purpose in my life ..." ~Steve Parish

"If the content of your life is not integral 
to your Creative Life Purpose then crop it out!" ~Steve Parish

"Unique creative expressions evolve
when we step outside our comfort zone." ~Steve Parish

"When struggling to find new pathways, try talking to the moon, a perfect accomplice for all things relating to the heart." ~Steve Parish, THE ACCOMPLICE

"You may have recently suffered some form of physical loss: maybe poor health, a flood, fire, sudden lack of employment, or the demise of a relationship. Remember, you cannot lose something you are. Loss is part of life, but the associated pain can be converted into energising your life in positive ways. If there is pain, meditate on it, breathe into it. My darkest lows have time and again evolved to become instrumental in producing my most exhilarating creative highs. It is interesting to me that right now even having lost all we owned in the Brisbane floods in 2011, I can feel the pain of the thousands currently affected yet my historic pain has completely healed.  So, there is always hope." ~Steve Parish, FINDING THE LIGHT, March 3, 2022