Table of Contents



"A Raven knows where to teach for carcass." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Acknowledge knowledge, but deny ignorance." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"All evil stems from envy (worst of worst), and when put into action becomes all sins." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"All life is driven to hope, even in the times of despair." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Anonymity is a place, where abyss takes its form." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Anyone can speak kindness, sympathy, love and so on; But can you do, without announcing: That matters." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Anything that is blind is cult." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Argument goes in vain, when perspective is plain." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Art demands peace." ~Hanan Muzafar

"As long you're right, none can say you're wrong." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Be a giver, but not to the ungrateful." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Brave ones sacrifice themselves, they're not afraid of adversary, and have will to seek wisdom: They know the worth of time, and time knows their worth." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Calamity comes on nations, and test on individuals." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Chaos leaves you with questions, and solitude with answers." ~Hanan Muzfar

"Conflicts die, when opinions die." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Dead have no days. They speak out at night." ~Hanan Mufazar

"Decay is what happens within walls." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Digging the graves don't bring life " ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Don't compete, just be honest; Victory tastes sweet, when earned hard." ~ Hanan Muzafar 

"Even earth is fertile, where it's tender." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Even from despair, comes hope: 
It takes lot of courage to handle despair." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Every conscious being fights for freedom." ~Hanan Muzafar

5 June 2023

"Flowers are like this, they grow even when they're not desired;
All they can do is bring a bright smile." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"For a withered soul escapes." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"From time to time, world has become history." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Hate doesn't cease to exist: It's corrosive, but dominant too." ~Hanan Muzafar

"He who is Truth, can create it." ~Hanan Muzafar

"I had nothing to sacrifice, except my heart, and I sacrificed it." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"I prefer silence over din; Let them do, what they want to do: Let it be, As it's be." ~Hanan Muzafar

"If it doesn't make difference, then why would it matter?" ~Hanan Muzafar

"If you can understand the flight of bird, and phase of moon; you can quite predict the weather?" ~Hanan Muzafar 

"If you think, you would do, and He won't know: Then you're wrong." ~Hanan Muzafar

"It is easy to blame, but hard to accept your faults." ~Hanan Muzafar

"It takes time and courage to find yourself." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Judgement can't be hastened, cause it's on time; 
Though favour in sight, can be hastened." ~Hanan Muzafar 

""Justice happens all the time, though judgement takes long?" ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Knowing gives the power to judge; for you can't judge,  what you don't know." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Learning is mutual,  Growth is solitary." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Love meets you at your weakest!
Looks for you, when you need it most?
~Hanan Muzafar 

"Modesty is hidden beauty." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Money is hilarious, people run after it, and it runs from them." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Nations crumble, when they're ruled and run by sick men " ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Neither history nor evidence can be erased; History speaks, and evidence proves." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Not only does God writes history; He creates it." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Often I meet what seems to be usual, and often that comes out to be unusual?" ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Once the truth hath revealed to you; You  will no longer remain SILENT, as you were." ~Hanan Muzafar

"One who can reveal himself, can understand others: As revealing yourself is transcendental." ~Hanan Muzafar

"One who dreams, becomes witness." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Out of strangest, loneliness is the most strange." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Past is past, it can't be forgotten neither  can be changed: Though you can learn from it." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Patience is of strong, noise is from weak." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"People come to you when you have; Who comes? when you don't have." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"People either get broke or corrupt, when they don't get, what they desire." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Raise yourself to where none remains to follow." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Rather than blame, make yourself worthy of claim." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Religion divides, God unites." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Religion is what you follow, and God is what you don't know." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Right matters, efforts count, value values." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Righteous knows, which way to go." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Science can only tell, what it says; What it doesn't see and understand,  it can't tell and define that." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Silence is the most loud scream." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Silence over falsehood is crime." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Sleep is a wonder, that calms world; 
Men desire world, and world devours them." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Spirit moves with lightning speed, yet can ROAR". ~Hanan Muzafar 

"States have self interests, and they use banner of nationalism for exploitation; it's both people and states." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Take stand where it's right, and when it comes to rights: If you won't take, none will do it for you." ~Hanan Muzafar

"That which can't bring you out of darkness is not light, and that can't bring you out of despair is not hope." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"That which you give, comes back in many ways to you: World is a reflection of you, the way you perceive it." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"The beauty of things is not in their complexity, but in simplicity." ~Hanan Muzafar

"The conversion is of soul, not of flesh." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"The greatest confession you can make is with yourself, and the greatest reunion you can make is with God." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"The most strongest are those, who suffer most; it's not they choose suffering, rather it's given to them." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"The value of life is understood by those, who loose it." ~Hanan Muzafar

"The world of dead never sleeps." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Then belong to those, who do now." `Hanan Muzafar 

"There's no great revolution, than to mend what's broken." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Those who've slave mindset, can't get freedom." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Those who seek religion, can never reveal God: For God does not have religion: Yet He is truth." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Time and Life, has ways to beat you." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Time is paradoxical, yet it defines itself." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"To see through chaos needs insight." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Tough times reveal who you are." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Truth is the highest temple, which can't be destroyed." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Two faces of the coin, tell the same tale." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"We're part of such puzzle, no matter how much we resolve it on our own: We end up on ourselves." ~Hanan Muzafar

"What goes beyond our understanding,  we tend to make that relative." ~Hanan Muzafar

"What is man without grief? Dust! I came to draw strength from it." ~Hanan Muzafar

"When Death speaks, we remain silent." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"When one comes to free them, they accuse him of falsehood." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"When your heart is circumcised, you don't need to find wisdom: It will come to you." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Where there's darkness? There's light!" ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Where there's diversity, there's conflict." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Where your drive is, there you will be." ~Haznan Musafar

"Word that can't do is vain." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Words are whispers in the ears of wise: Who hath ears, listen!"
 ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Words have momentum, and art has impact." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"World is worth, laugh and lament." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Wrath is a judgement, and judgment comes with justice." ~Hanan Muzafar

"Your adversary can teach you more than your idle fellow." ~Hanan Muzafar 

"Your being is more powerful, than their ego." ~Hanan Muzafar


"There's such a void in us, that nothing can fill us, wounds that we hide within us;
If world would be consumed, it would be consumed by nothingness:
It's our satire, and we're its masters."
~Hanan Muzafar