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Bob Hildreth Quotes

"Buddhism was not meant to be a religion - but a philosophy. Man made it a religion.
Christianity was not meant to be a religion - but a relationship. Man made it a religion.
The last line though sums up Everything "through human effort" - a True Grace based Relationship has Nothing to do with "human effort" and Everything to do with - The cross of (sic) - Christ!" ~Bob Hildreth, Be Graceful

Bubba Zana at 3-1/2 mos. 
October 8, 2019
First Visit to Lola 

"It's beautiful to watch a baby in a home where they are surrounded by love begin to develop and grow. The ability of that precious little one to have no fear and know that whatever happens arms of love and compassion keep them safe and secure as they struggle through the challenges of growth is a Beautiful thing to behold." ~Bob Hildreth

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