Table of Contents



"A relationship is about two things. First, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences." ~Jay Shetty

"Don't get caught up in falling in love with the idea of someone. Fall in love with who they prove themselves to be." ~Jay Shetty 

"If we don't heal the pain of our past we will bleed all over our future." ~Jay Shetty

"If you want to leave a lasting impression on others, the best way to do it is not to try and impress them." ~Jay Shetty 

"Repeat daily: I remain focused on my goals. Even if I face a moment of difficulty or setback, I will not give up. I know consistency is the key to success. I know that I can do it. It's natural for things to not go to plan. But the challenge will not block me. If I commit to the process, it is only a matter of time." ~Jay Shetty

"Someone trying to understand you is love. They don't have to fully understand you to show they care. They are there for you, learning about you." ~Jay Shetty 

"Sometimes you have to remind yourself that you're something special.  That you can't be replaced. Your heart, your mind, your conversation,  your care, it can't be replicated by anyone. " ~Jay Shetty 

“The greatest mistake we can make with anger is taking it out on someone who didn’t make us angry.” ~Jay Shetty

"When you try to live your most authentic life, some of your relationships will be put in jeopardy. Losing them is a risk worth bearing; finding a way to keep them in your life is a challenge worth taking on." ~Jay Shetty (Think Like a Monk)

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