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Steven Aitchison Quotes

"Being alone has the power that very few people can handle." ~Steven Aitchison

"Being close to water brings me closer to my soul." ~Steve Aitchison

"Change your perception and you change your world." ~Steven Aitchison

"Choose your own path, choose your own life and live it according to your rules, not anybody else's." ~Steven Aitchison

"Deep in my heart I know I am a loner. I have tried to blend in with the world and be sociable, but the more people I meet the more disappointed I am, so I've learned to enjoy myself, my family and a few good friends." ~Steven Aitchison

"I don't read to pass the time, I read to open up my mind." ~Steven Aitchison

"I remember so much wanting to be an adult when I was a child, now, as an adult, I wish I could see life through the eyes of a child again." ~Steven Aitchison

"I would like to thank every single person who has ever been unkind to me. You taught me to be even kinder to others." ~Steven Aitchison

"It takes a strong person to do their own thing and not wait for anybody else to validate their existence." ~Steven Aitchison

"Learning to be alone, and enjoying it,  is the most empowering gift you can give to yourself." ~Steve Aitchison 

"Nothing is more beautiful than honesty..." ~Steven Aitchison

"Prejudice is a belief born from a shortcut to thinking." ~Steve Aitchison 

  • Photo lifted from FB
"Sensitive people are those special people who tune into the emotions of others, but what we must realise is that if we constantly take advantage of their caring nature they will build a wall around themselves to protect themselves." ~Steven Aitchison 

"Sometimes it feels as if nothing is going your way, and you’re in the middle of a meltdown. Please know that it will pass, and you will come out the other end much stronger than you were before." ~Steven Aitchison

"Sometimes the silence connects us deeper than words ever will." ~Steven Aitchison

"The lowest points in our life teaches us to reach our higher self, the higher self teaches us not to forget the lowest points." ~Steven Aitchison

"... the strong person, is not to be feared but admired and there is much to learn from this person. Take the time to do so. Your life will thank you." ~Steven Aitchison

"There's a lot of pain in being being lonely, but a lot of beauty on being alone." ~Steve Aitchison

"There's so much noise in the world today that we've forgotten to hear the beautiful sound of silence." ~Steven Aitchison

"Three hundred years from now children will be learning about a lost art that has the ability to: enrich minds, increase intelligence, reduce stress, increase knowledge, increase concentration. It's called READING." ~Steven Aitchison

"Time really does seem to fly as we get older, that's because we"ve forgotten to stop for a while to enjoy the time." ~Steven Aitchison

"To make a difference in someone’s life you don’t have to be wise, rich, or beautiful. You just have to be there when they need you." ~Steven Aitchison

"We all have our own personal roads to travel, it's only when we follow someone else's road that we deviate from our own journey. Be strong and travel your own road." ~Steven Aitchison

"We cannot guarantee an amazing future for our children, but we can bring up amazing children to shape our future." ~Steven Aitchison

"When you become friends with solitude, you will never feel alone again." ~Steven Aitchison

"When you have fought so hard to get back on your feet, don't ever go back to the people who knocked you down." ~Steven Aitchison

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