Table of Contents


Robin Korth Quotes and VERSES

"A generous soul shines with an easy and constant grace--loving, joy-shot and happily blessed." ~Robin Korth

"As I set my mind free, I set my spirit free." ~Robin Korth

"FEAR is the mightiest of illusions. It is always in the future. We tear our own souls and limit our hearts over something that hasn't even happened. In owning this truth, I am able to set my spirit free--with mindfulness, determination and compassion." ~Robin Korth

"Getting older . . . What I thought would be the evening of my life is turning out to be the morning of my soul. What an amazing place to be." ~Robin Korth

"If I want a life that has depth and wonder, I must seek to cultivate these qualities within myself. For my life is always a reflection of who and how I am." ~Robin Korth

"Inner change doesn't happen without a battle of soul. Releasing what was for what is means I have to be willing to destroy a part of myself I have been holding onto as real. Sometimes this "real" is way older than I yet know." ~Robin Korth 1/28/20

"It is a joy to be in a sanctuary of peace and birds in the woodland." ~Robin Korth

"Learning to undo the thinking habits I was given as a child is the way to inner peace. Doing this with courage, honesty, willingness and compassion is a gift I give to myself. It is also a gift I give to you. Because I am no longer angry, judging, scared or dismissive. I am inclusive, delighted and filled with a mischief of joy." ~Robin Korth 7/14/19

"Let me have the courage to honor myself. And know that how I feel is valid. No matter how another may choose to react to my truth." ~Robin Korth, January 2020

"Meaning isn't found in my words. It's found in the feelings and thoughts that lie beneath them." ~Robin Korth

"My emotions belong to me. I create them with myself. They arise from how I was taught to think and what I was taught to believe. How I feel is not the creation of anyone else. When I realize this, I own myself with power and courage. With laughter, willingness, self-knowing and grace." ~Robin Korth

"My knowing of the power and grace of my own life is limited only by what I am willing to settle for. I call the journey. I pave the road. The mystery and wonder of each breath is found in my passion for the gift of my soul--this laughing, curious and eternal essence of who I really am." ~Robin Korth

"Our grand boredom as a race means it is time to go somewhere else. It's time to honor and explore the next great frontier of man--the infinity of our soul." ~Robin Korth

"The biggest courage I know is to love myself best. For then I am able to turn all that I am to you--in kindness, self-knowing, courage and grace. Without my own soul as my center, how can I serve you?" ~Robin Korth 1/26/20

"The light of my own soul is there, always waiting in the quiet for me to come home. A peaceful comfort of truth, honesty and grace." ~Robin Korth

"The only person who can make us feel small or unimportant is ourselves--when we accept what others think or say about us as the truth." ~Robin Korth

"There really is no good or bad, right or wrong, left or right. These are concepts and labels created, agreed to and then thought of as "real." I choose to no longer believe things just because everyone else does--this closes down my soul. When I ascribe to these without examining what lies beneath them, I limit my thinking. My mind--the creation point of my spirit--is held hostage. I have chosen to make myself less by my own unquestioned belief system." ~Robin Korth

"To feel guilty about our mistakes is insane. We can't possibly know they are "mistakes" until we make them. So, why beat ourselves up over them? They deserve our thanks instead, as they are wisdom gifts to our souls." ~Robin Korth

"To find true joy and peace within my life, I had to get to know the woman who wanted to feel these things--I had to get to know myself." ~Robin Korth

"Until I got willing to tear the blinders of my mind and push my spirit into new ways of thinking and knowing, I wasn't ever going to have a life that made sense to me--one that held my soul. I would just be doing another "version" of living within the same damned model of reality that was slowly killing me." ~Robin Korth

"When I question my thinking, when I am in doubt of what to do next, the best answer for me is this: Let me be kind. When kindness drives my thinking, actions and emotions, I always come through with love and a deeper understanding of myself and those share this earth with me." ~Robin Korth



"A birthday wish for you.
On this blessed day that marks your arrival in this life,
I wish you joy in the wonder of who you are.
I wish the courage and willingness to push your soul
ever-closer to the divine love that calls your name.
I wish you the blessing of self-honesty and the power of awareness.
I wish you a knowing that you are the gift you give to yourself.
You are God realized--as are we all.
Happy Birthday!" ~Robin Korth


"In the quiet . . .

A piece of me small-large comes calling. A little girl holding the hand of a giant. They are both me. Little-Big. Hurt-Revenging. Purposeful and Powerful.

In the quiet . . .

The years track back. Changed now with memory wishes, with sparkles of inner truth, with bravery of full sight.
In the quiet . . .

Breath is deep. Future and past mix colors. Demands and wounds switch places. Simplicity and clarity are very different friends. "

~Robin Korth 1/29/20


"Let me live all that I am today!
With power, curiosity and grace.
With willingness, courage and love.
With laughter, gratitude and joy.
For tomorrow is never guaranteed."
~Robin Korth


"My heart opens to the dawn.
My soul flies in wonder
to the heart of the new day.
The inside me that calls
to life rises in love
to a once-more beginning."
~Robin Korth

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

"To hold my heart in the middle of sorrow,
To anchor my spirit as the tears rise slow,
To know a pain I never expected to greet,
To accept this in my journey to wisdom,
Is courageous grace--brutal and blessed."
~Robin Korth


"Unto to this day . . .
A celebration of soul.
A song of love to self and the world.
A delight of energy.
A bowing of gratitude and grace.
A soul open in wonder. I am.
This is. We are. Forever and ever.
Always and unto."
Robin Korth

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