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Quotes on STORMS and WEATHER

"A contented heart is a calm sea in the midst of all storms." ~Anon

"A strong soul shines after every storm." ~Positive Energy

"All storms of the heart will come to pass. There’s always a peaceful shoreline and a safe harbor touching all troubled waters. Sail on!" ~Robert Clancy on Healing

"And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in." ~Haruki Murakami

"Around the rustling of many waters, may my heart find peace in Your presence, Lord. Please see us through this storm." ~Winnie Dacoco-Carmona

"Be a tree standing tall despite of heavy storms and drought." ~Charito Gonzaga

"Be strong, things will get better. It might be stormy now, but rain doesn’t last forever." ~Anon

"Beyond the storm is a bright sunrise that reminds us of a new day ..." ~Felizardo Demetillo

"Clouds come floating into my life no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." ~Tagore

"Courage comes the moment you decide to walk through the unavoidable storms in your life rather than sidestepping them. By experiencing whatever it is your soul needs to learn, you earn strength, gain confidence and wisdom to share. Then you are able to encourage and uplift another soul caught in the storms of life." ~Lisa K. Fox

"Don't let every little wind that blows bend and break you! Save your strength for the big storms that come!" ~Eileen Dielesen....the WOMAN WITH A DRE‪AM

"Every hurricane has an eye to remind you that even among life’s most terrible storms, God is still watching over you." ~Robert Clancy

"Every one of us must eventually face the storm." ~Bryant McGill

"Every storm in your life is followed by a rainbow." ~Anon

"Every storm is a school, every trial a teacher." ~Rick Warren

"Every storm runs out of rain." ~Gary Allen

"Friends are like rainbows, always there to cheer you up after a storm." ~Positive Energy

"God can bring showers of blessings our of storms of adversity." ~Anon

"God is not in the least bit surprised or taken off guard by the storms you are facing. Trust Him, He's got this." ~Crosswalk

"God will carry you through every storm in your life and give you strength to make it through." ~Anon

“Home is a shelter from storms – all sorts of storms.” ~William J. Bennett

"I admire people who choose to shine even after all the storms they have been through." ~Anon

"I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~Aeschylus

"I find beauty in the rain. Embrace all the storms that comes into your life and learn how to dance with it." ~Raquel Geralde Villanueva

"I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature." ~Paulo Coelho

"I thank God for the mountains I have had to climb, the storms I have faced, and the tears I have shed, as they have made me understand how strong I really am and how blessed I am when the road is smooth, the sky is clear, and my soul has a reason to smile." ~Mountain wisdom

"If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm." Mahatma Gandhi

“If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm.” ~Warren Wendel Wiersbe

"If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm." ~Frank Lane

"In every life there will be storms; those inevitable moments of uncertaintly, turmoil, and strife." ~Anon

"In order to realise the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the stress of the storm." ~Corrie ten Boom, 1892-1983

"In spite of the raging storm inside
Your version of 'life' is my version of death
So I will live out my 'madness'
...Until my very last breath'"

"In the middle of the storm be loving, positive, and honest. It doesn't matter if the storm is of your making or that of someone else that your caught in. You determine if you are positive or not, angry or not, loving, respectful, open, honest or not. I hope you will choose to be positive for yourself and others." ~Michael Huddleston

"Is the beam from a lighthouse affected by howling wind and rain? It remains perfectly steadfast and unaffected by the storm. Your true self is like that. Nothing can ever harm you once you are consciously aware that it is so." ~Vernon Howard

"It's always good to grow, kiss the clouds and touch the sky but to know your roots is even better. Time will come where storm hits your pedestal and you got no choice but to surrender and fall, returning back to where you came from." ~Jeffrey D. Cejero 

"It is only during a storm that a tree knows how strong it is." ~Matshona Dhliwayo

"It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it." ~Amelia Barr

"Keep the faith. Hold on. Things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever." ~Anon

"Keep walking through the storm. Your rainbow is waiting on the other side." ~Heather Stillufsen

"Learn to dance in the storm so when life hands you a stormy weather, you just glide through it" ~Ikechukwu Izuakor

‪"Life is like a candle being lit at birth. As it continue to light, it will weather storms and turbulence. Some will not bear it and some will till fully consumed." ~‬Larry P. Silva

“Life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors.” ~Anon

"Marriage is a place of forgiveness that welcomes one home, and arms they can run to in the midst of a storm. It's a grace." ~Darlene Schacht

"No marriage is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together." ~ShiShi Rea-Dancel, FB

"No matter the number of times you fail you must be determined to succeed. You must not lose hope. Don't stop in your storm. Don't give up so easily." ~Tony Narams

"No storm can last forever. It will never rain 365 days consecutively. Keep in mind that trouble comes to pass, not to stay. Don't worry! No storm, not even the one in your life, can last forever." ~Iyanla Vanzant

"Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path." ~Lessons Learned in Life

"Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.” ~Mario Fernandez

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace despite the storm." ~Anon

"She loves moonlight and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul." ~JM Storm

"Solitude is a silent storm that breaks down all our dead branches. Yet it sends our living roots deeper into the living heart of the living earth. Man struggles to find life outside himself, unaware that the life he is seeking is within." ~Khalil Gibran

"Some messages need a storm, to be able to be found." ~Cat Knott

"Some people survive and talk about it. Some people survive and go silent. Everyone deals with unimaginable pain in their own way, and everyone is entitled to that, without judgment. So the next time you look at someone's life covetously, remember … you may not want to endure what they are enduring right now, at this moment, whilst they sit so quietly before you, looking like a calm ocean on a sunny day. Remember how vast the ocean's boundaries are. Whilst somewhere the water is calm, in another place in the very same ocean, there is a colossal storm." ~Nikita Gill

"Some things you can only learn in the storm." ~Anon

"Sometimes there are stormy moments in your life when your friends do more than just walk with you; they become angels that carry you and protect you with their wings." ~Steve Maraboli

"Sometimes you are delayed where you are because God knows there's a storm where you are headed." ~Anon

"Storms can bring fear, cloud judgment, and create confusion. Yet God promises that as you seek Him through prayer, He will give you wisdom to know how to proceed. The only way you will survive the storm will be on your knees." ~Paul Chappell

“Storms make oaks take deeper root.” ~George Herbert

"Storms make trees take deeper roots.” ~Dolly Parton

"Storms test the strength of your anchor." ~Reamus Wilson

"Strong women aren't simply born. They are made by the storms they walk through." ~Anon

"Talents are best nurtured in solitude, but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world.." ~Goethe

"The garden has been part of my life every day, in every season and in all weather. It has witnessed my greatest joys and absorbed my deepest sorrows." ~Sydney Eddison 

"The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow." ~Deborah King

"The greater your storm,the brighter your rainbow." ~Dr. Libby

"The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow." ~Susan Gale Quotes

"The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too." ~Vincent Van Gogh

"The resiliency of water is most impressed 
  by the conditioning of the storm." ~EA

"The sincere friends of this world are as ship lights in the stormiest of nights." ~Giotto di Bondone

"The storm is only a temporary guest, oftentimes leaving humans different levels of devastations. How strong are you to face the storm that visits you?" ~Leah C Dancel, 24 December 2021

"The strong, calm man is always loved and revered. He is like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm." ~James Allen

 "The whistle that stirs the wind that sways the trees in the forest may not be as strong as a storm, but strong enough to shake-off the dried leaves of the tree to bare its naked soul so that  leaves can grow anew,  where birds can roost and sing their sweet songs again." ~Cris Tappa

"There are some things you can only learn in the storm." ~Anon

"There's no better weather than porch sitting weather." ~Susan Gale

"There's no storm that God won't carry you through. No bridge that God won't help you cross. No battle that God won't help you win. No heartache that God won't help you let you go of. He is so much bigger than anything you will ever face. Leave everything in His hands. Embrace each day confidently knowing that He will take care of you." ~Charity M. Richey-Bentley

"There is peace even in the storm." ~Vincent Van Gogh

"They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm." ~Dorothy Parker

"Thunderstorms are as much our friends as the sunshine.” ~Criss Jami

“Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm.” ~ Charles Caleb Colton

"We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, but in times of a stormy weather, you will discover true friends when they don't hesitate to be a lighthouse." ~Dodinsky

"We look for anchors in our storms … Each disturbance or turbulence requires us to put down a root, a foundation so that we can steady ourselves, and from that place of grounding, grow." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"What happens after the storm is always gentler and more beautiful than before." ~Paul Dean

"When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone, avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life, may your heart soar like an eagle." ~From Native American Encyclopedia

"When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is more powerful than a million empty words." ~Thelma Davis

"When the storm is raging around you, when a flood of emotions is billowing up inside you, when you are about to come unwound and come undone, hear the Master speak, 'Peace, be still.'" ~Stacy L. Sanchez

"When the storm of life comes howling and raging outside your window; when you look that tempest in the eye, there will be a quickening in your instincts. In that moment, you will burn with aliveness. Your total intelligence knows exactly what to do, because you were made to weather the storms of life." ~Bryant McGill

"When the storm rips you to pieces, you get to decide how to put yourself back together again." ~Bryant McGill

"When things changed for you many left you and wrote you off. But not only did you endure the storm, … but you grew in the storm. You are different. … I did not create you to fit in.… I created you to stand out!" ~GOD

"When you're young, thunderstorms seem scary. Like the sky is angry at you. But now that I'm older, something about its roar soothes me; it's comforting to know that even nature needs to scream sometimes." ~Anon

"When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about." ~Haruki Murakami

"'Why do you like thunderstorms?' 'Because it shows that even nature needs to scream sometimes.'" ~E. D.

"Without rain nothing grows, learn to embrace the storms of your life." ~Expanded Consciousness

"You are stronger than the storm, for he is you! You're the strength and power that  you hold in your hands." ~Leah C Dancel,  24 December 2023

"You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you." ~Joseph B Wirthlin

"You experience the deepest worship in your life in your dark moments, when you weather storms after storms." ~Kyle Reygel Perales

“You know your testimony is strong when your roots are so deep that other people’s storms will never knock you over.” ~Shannon L. Alder

"Your greatest test is when you are able to bless someone else while you are going through your own storm." ~Anon



"All of us can take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism." ~Anon

"Don't let every little wind that blows bend and break you! Save your strength for the big storms that come!" ~Eileen Dielesen....the WOMAN WITH A DRE‪AM

"Each of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits." ~Fulton Sheen

"Family values are a little like family vacations -— subject to changeable weather and remembered more fondly with the passage of time. Though it rained all week at the beach, it’s often the momentary rainbows that we remember.” ~Leslie Dreyfous

"I get my best ideas in a thunderstorm. I have the power and majesty of nature on my side." ~Ralph Steadman

“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.
It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"If I accept the sunshine and warmth, I must also accept the thunder and lightning." ~Khalil Gibran

“If you only walk on sunny days you'll never reach your destination.” ~Paula Coelho

"Learn how to distinguish between a quick summer rain and a devastating hurricane." ~Paulo Coelho

"Lighthouses don't get all wobbly when the weather gets rough; they just stand there shining." ~Anon

"My favorite weather is bird chirping weather." ~Terri Guillemets

"Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself." ~Annie Leibovitz

"Remember, anyone can love you when the sun is shining. In the storms is where you learn who truly cares for you." ~Anon

"Solitude is a silent storm that breaks down all our dead branches. Yet it sends our living roots deeper into the living heart of the living earth. Man struggles to find life outside himself, unaware that the life he is seeking is within." ~Khalil Gibran

"Stormy weather is calming to the soul. The subtle patter of the rain, the intoxicating scent of petrichor, the small chill to the howling wind. Every element that adds towards rain makes me long for a permanent winter." ~Anon, The Diary Files, SL-NSW, August 7, 2020

"Talents are best nurtured in solitude, but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world." ~Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe

"The bird does not change its feathers because the weather is bad." ~Nigerian Proverb

"Waves of serene life pass over us from time to time like flakes of sunlight over the fields in cloudy weather." ~Henry David Thoreau

"We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, but in times of a stormy weather, you will discover true friends when they don't hesitate to be a lighthouse." ~Dodinsky

“We could all take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.” ~Anon

"You will lose someone you can’t live without, and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly - that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp." ~Anne Lamott

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