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Robert Hill Sr. Quotes

“A relationship that can handle the trials is built to celebrate many triumphs.” ~Rob Hill Sr., For Single People Who Still Understand The Value of Relationships

“Am I lonely because no one cares, or am I lonely because I’m not strong enough to let anyone get close enough to care?” ~Rob Hill Sr., I GOT YOU: Restoring Confidence in Love and Relationships

“Any person you deem worthy enough to share your space with should value it.” ~Rob Hill Sr., I GOT YOU: Restoring Confidence in Love and Relationships

“It is not enough to get so used to saying “I love you” that you forget to take advantage of chances to show it.” ~Rob Hill Sr., For Single People Who Still Understand The Value of Relationships

"Just be smart enough to know when “enough is enough.” You can’t complain about somebody crossing the line if you fail to set the boundaries. You can’t complain about somebody wasting your time when you didn’t require them to earn it. Sometimes you just have to let go. Not everything is meant to be a “forever” kind of thing. You have to be honest with yourself even if it hurts. You can’t give people too many chances to make the same “mistakes.” Learn from it. Grow out of it. Be done with it." ~Robert Hill Sr.

"Learn how to lead your heart; start recognizing when something isn’t good for you and be strong enough to let it go. A person can only waste the time you give them an opportunity to waste. Stop trying to open doors for people who constantly shut you out. Make sure the interest is shown in the effort, the talk is supported by the actions, and the trust is earned through the consistency." ~Robert Hill Sr.

"Nothing protects the heart like patience. Don’t get your hopes up too fast. Don’t let your fears speak too loud. Don’t give your doubts too much time.

Can’t be surprised when you fall off with certain people. Few people understand what it means to really be there for somebody.

And that’s the roughest part about being on a journey, you realize the main ones that said they’ll ride, are the first to fall off. People make promises when the sun is shining and make excuses when the storm comes.

That’s why I’m always thankful for the rain… it washes away the unnecessary. The reality is, you could be amazing, genuine, and sincere but still be overlooked. Because honestly, people don’t want something real anymore, they just want reasons to complain and excuses to avoid. Having a good thing is so hard because meeting a strong person is so rare.

So I’ve learned to respect when people run from me, I realize my kind of love ain’t for everybody. I’m at peace with that." ~Rob Hill Sr.

“Real love does not destroy you. It builds you up!” ~Rob Hill Sr., I GOT YOU: Restoring Confidence in Love and Relationships

“Understand who you are as a woman in a way that radiates to men that you are one of one, not one of many.” ~Rob Hill Sr., For Single People Who Still Understand The Value of Relationships

“We never arrive at a place of knowing it all. For as long as we are alive, we are challenged to grow, learn, evolve, and mature.” ~Rob Hill Sr., I GOT YOU: Restoring Confidence in Love and Relationships

"When I give, it does not come with strings. I’m not keeping track of what you owe me. When I give, I choose to do so without ulterior motives. I give because I’m genuine. I give because I know what it’s like to be without. To long for and be ignored. To speak and not be heard. To care for and have nothing returned. When I give it’s because I get it. It’s because I know the value in what I have in my heart and I refuse to let the world stop me from sharing that. But when things start being taken for granted. When you no longer appreciate my sincerity. I won’t switch, I won’t get angry, and I won’t be spiteful. I’ll just get smart and I’ll change your role in my life. Because when I give, I’m all in. But when I’m done, there’s no looking back." ~Robert Hill Sr.

“When you try to control and manipulate your relationship, the limitations you set don’t allow you, or the other person, to freely experience the opportunities love has to offer.” ~Rob Hill Sr., I GOT YOU: Restoring Confidence in Love and Relationships

"You can't make somebody "get it". Effort is a reflection of interest and you can't force them to see that you're worth it. Be wise enough not to waste your time, patient enough not to settle, and strong enough not to force it. Whatever is meant to be will be." ~Robert Hill SR

Source: Goodreads, Lessons Learned in Life, FB

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