Table of Contents


Quotes From I Must Be A Mermaid

"Allow peace to enter into your heart and soul. Let it surround you, embrace you, carry you to that calm and serenity that you so desire." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Be inspired. See the light within you." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"Be still and you will hear the sound of your own ocean." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Breathe… and open your heart to love." ~JMAB-I Must be a Mermaid

"Breathe in Love, Peace, Joy, Serenity." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Clear your energy and make way for abundance." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Each sunrise brings with it a new unfolding." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Embrace all that life gives you. Breathe through the intense times. Float in the peaceful ones. Live!" ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Deep within you is the strength and courage you need to breathe on." ~Jill Alman Bernstein

"Dive deeply into your heart, into your soul, into your dreams." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Don't get discouraged sweet soul. Everything flows… Everything will find its way to where it is meant to be. Keep your heart and mind strong. Allow yourself to feel each moment and then discover the preciousness within. And don't forget to breathe. And keep swimming… never stop swimming." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"Don't let your emotions drag you down. Let them flow through you as a gentle breeze ruffles the sea." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Don't look back with regret. Because at one time, you made the choice and did exactly what you wanted." ~JMAB-I Must Be a Mermaid

"Each day is a new voyage." ~I Must Be A Mermaid (jamb)

"Everything is our teacher: every situation, every relationship, everything we experience." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Give me the strength to move through my day with grace and love in my heart." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"I am an open vessel of loving awareness allowing all that is to flow through and to me with ease, grace and joy." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"I am swimming in the light! Always find the glimmer, the spark of light and lightness in your day." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"I have always said that expectation is the root of all disappointment and sadness. Let go of that expectation, and life will flow sweetly." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"I place myself in the loving hands of the universe." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"I want to lie with you on the shore beneath a brilliant canopy of stars and dream all the mysteries of the universe that are within us." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"If you are struggling and feeling down, please remember that there is always someone to reach out to. You are not alone on this journey. There is always love." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"If you can take time to sit quietly, clear your head of all the stress of the day, breathe in the stillness of the air and the beauty of the world around you.... create that openness... that space where love can just spread its warmth within you." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"If you will open the veil to your inner soul, you will find your deepest truth. It is a vast landscape for all your dreams and wishes...." ~JMAB2013 (I Must Be A Mermaid)

"In the velvet sky, there is a twinkling star that connects to rythmic beating of your heart." ~JMAB-I Must Be A Mermaid

"It has been a long swim. Each stroke pulling water, pulling me through the waves, through the current, holding fast and strong as to not get caught in the undertow that would drag me down so deep that there would be nothing to guide me out to the light. I fear that place though I have never really been there - I have had just a hint of the depths and the darkness. I have felt the pull - the inescapable sadness, the unwillingness to forgive myself, the feelings that come up again and again and surround me with questions and perhaps regrets. But I swim on." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"It is so important to do things that bring you joy, and that make your heart and soul smile." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Just breathe... and let the sea soothe your soul." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Just breathe throught it and then let it go." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Just flow. Surrender to what is …" ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Let the waters of the ocean wash away the dust of the day and sweetly cradle you as you sleep." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Let the waves carry love and light into your day." ~I Must be a Mermaid/jmab

"Let your kindness and compassion ripple through your universe." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Like the sea, we too learn to embody our waters. We must dive deep to set our anchors, and make sure that our ropes are strong and sure. We must root firmly in who we want to be, allowing our essence and our passion to rise up and shine in our world." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"Look for the beauty in each day. See the light...smell the fragrance... listen to the birds sing..." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Love is all around us … It's written in the sand… It's written in the sea." ~jmab/IMBAM

"May you rest and dream in the arms of the stars." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"One little shift can change everything." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"One step forward, a few steps back.... a few steps forward again... Each day is a mixture of emotions and memories. There are tears, anger, disbelief.... and some smiles and laughter too. But I wake up each day and push forward, move on. That is what we all must do - in the face of whatever is thrown at us each moment in our lives. I find that I am diving deep into my strength and courage, and I come up with the same thing each time." ~I Must Be A Mermaid (Jill)

"Open your eyes and breathe in all the beauty and wonder of today." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Our journey is our life in progress. We are always moving... always experiencing and evolving." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Rise to the glory and wonder of this new day." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"She dreams of the ocean late at night and longs for the wild salt air." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Struggle is nature's way of strengthening your character." ~

"Swim your path with courage and confidence." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Tap into the stillness, and into your true and higher self." ~I Must Be a Mermaid.

"The heart is deep with many ravines and crevices... the mysteries of how and why we love, why we feel, can be found within those shadows and depths. Dive deeply into your heart.." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"The ocean is my peace." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"The ocean is my well. It replenishes all that I am. It is there that I feel whole." ~JMAB, I Must Be A Mermaid

"The love you receive is a reflection of the love you give." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"The ocean is my peace." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"The one thing that we know for sure is that we are constantly and continually shifting, changing, growing." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"The sea allows us to return to our purist and most authentic selves. Dive in. Leave everything but your truest essence." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"The sea makes me dream… It makes me want to love." ~JMAB-I Must Be A Mermaid

"There are lessons in every relationship. I know it is hard to fathom this, but sometimes there are people who we meet, just so they can teach us to let go." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"There is a place in each of us… and it is the very heart, the very essence of who we truly are." ~jmab/IMBAM

"There is a place where everything can be discovered and anything is possible." ~jmab/IMBAM

"There is love everywhere. We need just to look for the glimmer of light that illuminates the blooming flower or the blade of grass or the butterfly dancing in the wind." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"There is much I feel when I am with the sea. There is a timelessness, an eternity, that covers my soul as the tides cover the shoreline. I am often lost in thought - wondering about things that were, or are, or might be … I can sense my heart and soul with every gentle breeze or rushing wind… I can smell the salted air and taste the ocean on my lips. I feel it all and know the infinite possibilities, the endless questions, the answers all love. All that I imagine and dream are within my grasp, within me." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Though it is often quite painful, the breaking open of our hearts and souls allows the light of light and healing to shine within us, making our growth and transformation inevitable." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"Today is the day to just allow love to flow into your heart and out into the world." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Truly we can be grateful only when we recognize what makes our heart sing, our soul swoon, our very being dance with delight. Open your eyes, your heart, your soul, your mind and see and feel and smell and touch and taste the world. It is through those experiences that we become conscious of our treasures." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"We are all just riding the waves." ~jmab/IMBAM

"We are all swimmers. We swim through our days, our relationships, our work, our lives... Sometimes our strokes are strong, sometimes gentle... Sometimes we power through, and sometimes we struggle just to push our hands through the water. All the time we are aware of our feelings, our heartbeat, and our rhythms of life." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"We are all wired for struggle but it is in this adversity that our greatest strengths and insights are gained." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"We are as vast as in our complexity and possibility as the ocean itself." ~Jill Alman Bernstein, IMBAM

"We are often guided or directed to make certain choices, to take certain routes, to connect with certain people... or not. Challenges and obstacles are put in front of us to test our wills, and divert our attention and help us to lose or find our way." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"We look for anchors in our storms … Each disturbance or turbulence requires us to put down a root, a foundation so that we can steady ourselves, and from that place of grounding, grow." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"We need the darkness to find our most amazing light. Out of the darkness we emerge, shining, stunning, in magnificence and love." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"Whatever it is that is holding you back, whatever is weighing and bringing you down, you must find the wind that allows you to rise above it. and plus, perspective is everything." ~I Must Be A Mermaid

"When everything is in alignment, there is no struggle." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"When you are feeling overwhelmed… Take a step back. Take a deep breath. And tell yourself: everything's going to be okay. You are doing the best you can. Be gentle with yourself." ~I Must Be a Mermaid

"When you practice self care, you tend to your heart and nurture your soul." ~Jill Alman-Bernstein

"Your soul has so much to tell you. Open your heart and you will hear what it wants you to remember." ~IMBAM

Source: FB

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~


"Are the waves reaching
for the sun, the moon?
Or do they come to extinguish
the seas power in the sand?
I will meet the waves
where they are born,
and listen to their dreams.
I will jump in the sea."
~John Patrick Shankey


I gather them all in,
Saw them all in the moonlit sky.

My mermaid soul dove into the bath
By the window to the universe,
Where the full moon perched
And I could lay my head back
Opening my eyes to the sky's wonder.

The stars were brilliant tonight
They shone their light and
Pierced my heart,
Showing me the way home,
Forever making me theirs.


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