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Quotes From The Healing Room

"Come meet me in the night sky - under the brightest star. I'll be waiting for you." ~Fiona Dunphy

"Don't allow other people's noise ruin your inner peace." ~Fiona Dunphy, The Healing Room

"Grab a friend by the hand, run out into the world and have an adventure." ~ The Healing Room

"If you're feeling alone tonight, look up. The same moon shines down on all of us." ~Fiona Dunphy, The Healing Room

"It's impossible to be angry and to laugh at the same time. The emotions we feel are based on the choices we make. We can choose to feel sad, angry, resentful or we can choose to be happy, joyful, forgiving. It's not always easy to choose the latter - sometimes it's so tough you have to keep focusing on your decision every single minute. And that's ok too. Remember that what you focus on is what grows - so choose laughter, choose joy, choose love." ~Fiona Dunphy

"It takes one person to forgive. It takes two people to be reunited." ~from The Healing Room (Fiona Dunphy)

"Keep your head up, your shoulders back and look the world in the eye. Miracles are all around you if you take the time to look." ~Fiona Dunphy, The Healing Room

"Learn to get in touch with yourself, with your feelings and emotions. With you inner voice. Learn from every moment, every experience." ~Fiona Dunphy, The Healing Room,

"Let no one dull your sparkle or dim your light." ~Fiona Dunphy, The Healing Room

'Life is like a raging river. Resist or struggle and it will surely bowl you over. Surrender to it, and it will carry you to wonderful places." ~Fiona Dunphy

"Oh Beautiful Soul, for you to feel this sad, you must have once felt so very happy. Know that you will be happy again. It will be wondrous, it will be beautiful, and it will be real." ~Fiona Dunphy

"One of the hardest lessons I've ever learnt in my life is to simply ignore most of what people say.... I now watch what they do instead." ~Fiona Dunphy, The Healing Room

"People who are truly beautiful are always filled with beauty on the inside, which spills over to the outside." ~Fiona Dunphy (The Healing Room)

“Take some time today, and every day to just pause and breathe.” ~The Healing Room

"The truth costs you nothing but a lie can cost you everything." ~Fiona Dunphy

"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." ~Fiona, The Healing Room

"Time won't make you forget your pain - but it will help you to understand it and help you to grow from it. " ~Fiona, The Healing Room

"To experience peace does not mean that life is always blissful. It means that you are capable of tapping into a blissful state of mind amidst the normal chaos of a hectic life." ~Fiona Dunphy

"People who are truly beautiful are always filled with beauty on the inside, which spills over to the outside." ~Fiona Dunphy (The Healing Room)

"You came from the same force that created the stars, thunderstorms and rainbows. Don't allow anyone to make you feel less than this - especially yourself." ~from The Healing Room


"I've come to realise that love doesn't always last forever - no matter how much you want it to.
That you cannot love enough for two people and by trying you will be crushed. That trust can be betrayed - and often by the one person you never dreamt could be capable.

That true love can lead to grief and loss. That hearts are shattered as often as they are cherished. And I've also realised that the longest, toughest and most harrowing day is still only 24 hours long. That even though I might cry through the darkness of the night, the sun still rises in the morning, bringing with it a new day full of purpose and potential.

That love can cause devastation and tears, but that there will be friends nearby to wipe them away. That support comes from all directions and in the most unexpected and unlikeliest places - especially when you're on the right path.

And I've finally realised that it's okay not to know what to do next. Not to know what I want, and to be comfortable in that confusion and pain. And the very best realisation of all is that there isn't a single answer for every question - and that it can evolve and change and transform with me." ~F. Dunphy, The Healing Room

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