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Scott Stabile Quotes

"As you go through your list of things to do for the day, make sure to remind yourself that you are a cool, hot, unique and wonderful human being, as loving as you are lovable, and that your place in this world makes many, many, many people smile. In short, you rock!" ~Scott Stabile

"Don't worry if you're making waves simply by being yourself. The moon does it all the time." ~Scott Stabile

"I have decided to stop saying yes to people and situations that don't support my well-being. Instead, I will say yes to my happiness, and yes to my growth, and yes to all the people and things that inspire me to be authentic and whole, while at the same time accepting me just as I am. My yes, from here on out, is my pledge to live honestly, my commitment to love myself fiercely, and my cry to create my best life possible. Yes." ~Scott Stabile

"Manure helps a garden grow. Think of yourself as a garden, ever changing. All the shit in your life serves your growth and helps transform you into something strong, and resilient, and beautiful. Even delicious." ~Scott Stabile

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