Table of Contents


Quotes From Darkblue Skye


"A true relationship is not about age, religion, distance, nor about communicating with each other everyday. It's all about a silent promise made to each other to stay together forever. And the most important is trust and loyalty."

"Being in a relationship is not about kissing, dating or showing off. It's all about being with the person who makes you happy without any efforts."

"Every woman has her own story. Every woman has her own personal struggle. Every woman has her own journey. It’s not always a good one, and it’s not always a bad one." ~Darkblue Skye

"I believe true beauty comes from the heart."

"I make up a thousand excuses just to run into you by chance."

"Love a man who can sense your sadness in your smile, hear your voice in your silence and feel your love in your anger." ~DBS

"Love the one who loves you. Respect the one who deserves it. Value those who take care of you. And forget those who don't deserve you!"

"Relationship gets stronger when both are willing to understand mistakes and forgive each other."

"True love is better than first love."

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