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Mark A. Cummins Quotes

"Every Fire Fighter needs to mentor at least one child and show them the rewards of helping other people." ~Mark A. Cummins

"I can't imagine how anyone or any law can prevent insanity. Or why anyone thinks it's the guns that cause the problem. It's the guns that solve the problem. You can't stop a person intent on murder. You can't determine if that person will use a truck load of fertilizer to blow up a building or use the truck to run down people in the street. Or fly a plane into a tall building. You can't take away the things a nut can find to do his dirty work. So why limit a sane persons right to protect himself and his neighbors from the wrongdoers." ~Mark A Cummins, FB, October 7, 2017, on recent Las Vegas shooting

"I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
I shall keep the faith."
~Mark A Cummins

"It doesn't bother me that my neighbors have bigger or better guns than me, but it would bother me a lot if they told me that I couldn't have mine. How about you?" ~Mark A Cummins, October 7, 2017

"This may sound too simple but it is very important for everyone to consider. Our immune system is our best defense for anything that does not belong in our blood system. The oxygen you breath combines and oxidizes the toxic carbon products. Eat well, breath well, and help your immune system operate at best possible level. Learn best breathing techniques." ~Mark A Cummins

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