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Leticia Rae Quotes

"Everything I want flows to me because the only barriers are the ones I set for myself and I choose to set them free." ~Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"Focus on what you enjoy in every moment. Have fun, be happy and be free from thoughts that are not conducive to an enjoyable life." ~Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"I believe that making gratitude a daily habit can change your life because you are focused on the good in your life that already exists. By doing this, you not only invite more blessings into your life by being open to them, but you let go of the fear that blocks." ~Letecia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"Let's be who we are; not who our ego thinks we are - or wants us to be." ~Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"Finding The Silver Lining
Life has no remote. Get up and change it yourself.

If you aren't happy, change your life by changing your beliefs. Your thoughts control your life. - Leticia Rae

"Life is about finding your own kind of creativity and finding inspiration in everything. That is where you find Joy and Love." ~ Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"The ability to understand other's negative behavior and show them unconditional love is a sign of incredible strength and self-confidence." ~ Leticia Rae from Finding The Silver Lining

"The greatest gifts you can give are Time, Love and Understanding." ~Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"When we allow ourselves to feel, we allow ourselves to heal. Let's always be honest with ourselves in every moment. We don't grow from hiding - We grow from what we face." ~Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

"When we practice the art of letting go of fear, we allow an abundance of Love to flow towards us." ~Leticia Rae, Finding The Silver Lining

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