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Jeff Foster Quotes

“Healing hurts. But what hurts more is the refusal of the call. The true pain of living is the abandonment of self, the mind-body split that makes us fear life. Our ache may be heavy and our souls tired today, but resistance makes it all feel a thousand times worse. Rejection of where we are amplifies suffering. Until we cannot take it anymore. Until there is no way out but in. Diving into the blackness, we discover not death but more abundant life. This is the great paradox of healing, which all great artists and poets and seers have known. We die into our trauma and discover our courage. The fiercest warriors are the ones who have let life break and remake them a thousand times over. The gods of healing are calling through your pain today. Healing hurts, yes, but the hurt itself may eventually heal you.” ~Jeff Foster

"If you're exhausted, rest. You are enough, simply in your Being". ~Jeff Foster

"Leave everything undefined, including yourself. Befriend uncertainty. Fall in love with mystery. Kneel at the altar of not knowing. Give your questions time to breathe. And the answers will find you." ~Jeff Foster

"Sometimes life seems is unbearable. Yet a moment later the very same life feels unbearably beautiful. Life never changes, only your perspective." ~Jeff Foster

"There is a time for speaking, and a time for silence. A time for sharing our deepest inner life, and a time for listening too. A time for being together, and a time for being alone. A time for coming closer, and a time for giving each other space. A time for "telling our raw truth", and a time for... well, holding our truth close, and waiting, and cultivating patience, and perhaps finding an alternative outlet. Sometimes that is the kindest thing. To not share. Or to wait. Or to listen instead."

"This is the path
for those who know
there is no path
Only endless destinations
And never-ending beginnings"
~Jeff Foster

“Thoughts and feelings are not mistakes, and they are not asking to be HEALED. They are asking to be HELD, here, now, lightly, in the loving arms of present awareness…” ~Jeff Foster

"We seek some kind of permanence, something to hold onto - a person, a philosophy, a feeling, a state, a story, even a spiritual identity. But the fleeting nature of experience ensures that everything we grasp eventually slips through our fingers, including our attempts to stop grasping. Until we recognise that impermanence is actually a dear friend, and fragility gives life its beauty, and this seemingly ordinary day, with its waking, its washing, its breathing, its joys and its pains, is the dear friend we have always longed for. The Beloved calls us home in any way she can, and this 'ordinary' life is her ingenious invitation. You are imprisoned in grace, dear friend, and the key was never made." ~Jeff Foster

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