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Quotes on GIFTS and PRESENTS


"GOD's GIFTS put ours to shame." ~Anon

“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.” ~Steve Maraboli

"A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great." ~Anon

"A strong woman is a gift to the world!" ~Begin With Love

"Always remember to be kind...especially to children. Their gifts are unconditional." ~John Edward

"Being a star is a blessed gift. That means I shed light to the weary who walk at night." ~Sharon Novilla

"Children are our precious gems, precious in the eyes of God. How we mold them, how we care for them, is our way of thanking God for this wonderful gift..the GIFT OF LIFE." ~Crispulo Bacud Tappa

"Confidence is winning over self---not others. But we have to stir up the gift that is within us, see that we appreciate all the small things we can do well. We can only be what we give ourselves power to be." ~Chief Meninock

"Creativity means loving whatsoever you do – enjoying, celebrating it, as a gift of existence! Maybe nobody comes to know about it. Who is going to praise Paras for cleaning this floor? History will not take any account of it; newspapers will not publish her name and pictures – but that is irrelevant. She enjoyed it. The value is intrinsic." ~Osho

"Each and every day on earth is a precious gift. Rise each morning knowing this, and your day will feel precious." ~A.D. Williams

"Each day is a gift even if it isn't exactly what we hoped for." -Anon

"Each morning we wake up and are handed the gift of a new day, a fresh start and a chance to begin again. It’s what we do with this gift that counts." ~from I Love My Family

"Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness…" ~Richard Bach

"Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection." ~Pindar

"Faithful friends are gifts from heaven: Whoever finds one has found a treasure." ~Anon

"Give the gift of your absence to those who do not appreciate your presence." ~Anon

"Give this day as much appreciation as you imagine you would give to the best day of your life. If you do this, even for just one hour, you will surely “regain” and “take back” all of the gifts you could so easily have overlooked." ~Robert Holden

"GRATEFUL....for God's precious gift of friends who carried me during the darkest times of my know who you are...thank you ." ~Eileen Dielesen

"He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver." ~Thomas a Kempis

"I look at life as a gift of God. Now that he wants it back I have no right to complain." ~Joyce Cary

"I really think—at any age—it's learning to be comfortable in your own skin. If women would treat themselves with the same kind of love they give to their friends, that would be such a great gift we could give ourselves. What makes you the most attractive is self-confidence. That's what people see." ~Cindy Crawford on Body Image

"If I could give you any gift, I'd give you love and laughter, a peaceful heart, a special dream and joy forever after." ~Positive Life Affirmations

“Kindness is a heavenly gift that’s packaged with love, sealed with an angel’s kiss and delivered with a beautiful smile.” ~Robert Clancy

"Life is only traveled once; today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory. Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself." ~Anon

"Life's true gift lies in your freedom to design it beautifully. With each rise of the sun, you get to chase the opportunity to fill your days with meaning—to live your life the way you choose." ~from Success dot com via Haizer Adrias Libcat, FB

"Loneliness, when accepted, is a gift that will lead us to find a purpose in life. Don't panic." ~Paulo Coelho

"Look at what you know and at what you have and let your gifts reflect what you give." ~Anon

"Memories are gifts. We place them in the hearts of others when we are no longer around." ~Susan Gale

"Music is the universal language par excellence and it is enough to put your mouth to your heart and everything begins to flow.  Very grateful for such a valuable gift." ~Alex Gonzalez

"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." ~Jim Valvano

"No gift is too small if it is wrapped with love." ~Anon

"Of all the things you can create in your life, love is among the greatest gifts you’ll ever make." ~Robert Clancy

"Of course we can buy a present from the market and we put a lot of love into it. But to tell you the truth, my hut in Upper Hamlet in not large enough to store all these kinds of presents. I would like to have a kind of present that I can enjoy every day and you also can enjoy every day - a present that can last for a long time, a present of the heart." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"One of the great gifts of literature is that it allows us to see the world through the eyes of another, and in doing so, sometimes we end up learning a thing or two about ourselves, or about the person we would like to be. For many women, Anne inspired them to believe in themselves and know what they were capable of and what they were worth. Anne showed us how to love ourselves and to encourage others to do the same." ~Katie Bull, Sullivan Entertainment (Anne of Green Gables)

"Regardless of sunshine or rain, be thankful for another great day and treat life as the ULTIMATE Gift…because it is!" ~Pablo Valle

"Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of thyself." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

"Solitude is a gift and a privilege. It silences the noise of all that isn’t you, so you can finally get to know and love the person living in your chest. It teaches you the power of longing, self-trust, creative resurrection and surrender. In solitude you learn how to become your dancing partner in the dark and only author of your life. Don’t fill it up with fear, doubt or failed expectations. Stay there with your naked self and breathe. Learn to be one with your own soul." ~Anon

"Sometimes the greatest gift you can give yourself is time for quiet contemplation. Your soul’s wisdom often emerges in the quiet places. Spend time in nature. Go for walks. Allow yourself to unplug. It is in the quiet that your consciousness settles and you can breathe into a deeper place of peace." ~Illuminating Souls

"Speech is the gift of all, but the thought of few." ~Marcus Porcius Cato

"The best gift in life is knowing that we have someone who loves us unconditionally, who can make us laugh, who is there to listen and who warms our heart." ~Anon

“The first gift of your conscious alertness is when you discover, that instead of you, the deep-programs of your conditioned mind are living your life” ~Frank M. Wanderer

"The gift of happiness belongs to those who unwrap it." ~Anon

"The greatest gift a parent can give a child is a belief in something greater than themselves. The greatest thing you can do with that gift is to show the world your strength in that belief." ~Robert Clancy

"The greatest gift anyone could give anyone is for the other to feel worthy, adored and more than enough for all that they are. This is a gentle reminder that the people you surround yourself with in every direction should feel both uplifting and safe to your mind and heart. Not confusing, not draining, not controlling, not vague, not calculating, not unreliable, not cold, not dismissive, and not manipulative. Don’t mess around with the energy you take into your body and being, work wise, friendship wise, and relationship wise. Life is too short and delicate for these damaging things. It’s really that simple." ~Victoria Erickson

"The greatest gift I can give is to see, hear, understand and to touch another person." ~Virginia Satir

"The greatest gift in life is to be remembered." ~Ken Venturi

"The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap. It consoles. It distracts. It excites. It gives you knowledge of the world and experience of the wide kind. It is a moral illumination." ~Elizabeth Hardwick

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses." ~Hanna Rion 

"The greatest gift we can give one another is rapt attention to one another's existence." ~Sue Atchley Ebaugh

"The greatest gift we can seek is peace of mind, to walk in balance, to respect all things." ~Elders (ONONDAGA)

"The greatest gift you can give others is your best you—your healthiest you." ~Joseph J. Sweere

"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back." ~Anon

"The heart of the giver makes the gift precious." ~Martin Luther

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." ~Albert Einstein

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose is to give it away." ~Pablo Picasso

"The most precious gift parents can give their children is they love each other, respect each other, and care for each other." ~T N Hanh

"The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"The role of women in many communities around the world is that of caretakers and of educators, so ensuring that women globally are given the proper tools to persevere that they can then pass along to their children and grandchildren is one of the greatest gifts that could be given to a community caught in a cycle of poverty." ~Katie Bull, Sullivan Entertainment (Anne of Green Gables)

"There are two gifts we should give our children; one is roots, and the other is wings." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"There is no gift a parent can give his child that is better than good manners." ~Anon

"There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return." ~Nelson Mandela speaking during a ceremony to acknowledge FCW Harlow Butler (Pty) Ltd for supporting the Nelson Mandela Foundation's HIV/AIDS and Education Programmes, Nelson Mandela Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa, 27 February 2004

"To be incredible by nature is to be born with a natural gift ..." ~Port Stephens dot org, Australia 

"Today we can be truly thankful by worshipping the Giver instead of the gifts we enjoy. Focusing on the good things in our lives may benefit our bodies, but directing our thanks to God benefits our souls." ~Jennifer Benson Schuldt

"Understanding someone’s suffering is the best gift you can give another person. Understanding is love’s other name. If you don’t understand, you can’t love." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

"What brings joy to the heart is not so much the friend's gift, but the friend's love." ~Aelred of Rievaulx,12th century Monk. (From The Friendship Book: A Thought For Each Day 2014 sent by MPW of Hants).

"What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it - would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have." ~Ralph Marston

"What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God." ~Hans Urs von Balthasar

"When you open your eyes in the morning, sit for a moment and appreciate the gift of a new day, create a peaceful thought and enjoy some moments of silence throughout the whole day." ~Positive Thoughts

"You have no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You. Nothing seemed right. What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the ocean. Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. So I've brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me." ~Rumi

"You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give." ~Eleanor Roosevelt


"Friendship is a priceless gift, that cannot be bought or sold, but it's value is far greater than a mountain made of gold. For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear. And in time of trouble it is powerless to cheer. It has no ears to listen, no heart to understand, it cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand. So when you ask God for a gift, be thankful if he sends, not diamonds, pearls,or riches, but the love of real true friends." ~Natalie Love

"Make me strong in spirit, courageous in action, gentle of heart, let me act in wisdom, conquer my fear and doubt, discover my own hidden gifts, meet others with compassion, be a source of healing energies, and face each day with hope and joy." ~Anon

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