Table of Contents



"A good man wipes away a woman's tears. But a great man listens to her story of why she's crying and hurting on the inside then he comforts and encourages her." ~from Emotional Filmtrucks

"A woman who truly loves You will get angry at You for many reasons, but will never leave You!" ~(Fact)

"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You’ll have your heart broken and you’ll break others’ hearts. You’ll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you’ll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you’ve never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone’s hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don’t be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back."

"Dear Guys ... I don't believe any lady is cheap. Just because she gave you a "Yes" without making you go through the stress of wooing a woman; doesn’t make her cheap!.. She is probably making it easy for you because she likes you. She is a hard Lady to another guy who is even way too richer and better looking than you.. So kindly stop these childish talks and Respect your woman!." ~Emotional Filmtricks

"Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; or with the idea of being in love." ~


"It hurts when you realise you rejected other people for that one person who wasted your time... So painful. But not to worry; No matter how messed up you think you are, there will always be someone that loves you and still thinks you're amazing." ~Emotional Filmtricks

"It’s easy to feel uncared for when people aren’t able to communicate and connect with you in the way you need. And it’s so hard not to internalize that silence as a reflection on your worth. But the truth is that the way other people operate is not about you. Most people are so caught up in their own responsibilities, struggles, and anxiety that the thought of asking someone else how they’re doing doesn’t even cross their mind. They aren’t inherently bad or uncaring — they’re just busy and self-focused. And that’s okay. It’s not evidence of some fundamental failing on your part. It doesn’t make you unlovable or invisible. It just means that those people aren’t very good at looking beyond their own world. But the fact that you are — that despite the darkness you feel, you have the ability to share your love and light with others — is a strength. Your work isn’t to change who you are; it’s to find people who are able to give you the connection you need. Because despite what you feel, you are not too much. You are not too sensitive or too needy. You are thoughtful and empathetic. You are compassionate and kind. And with or without anyone’s acknowledgment or affection, you are enough." ~from Emotional Filmtricks

"LADIES: There's absolutely nothing wrong with being or feeling sexy but don't try so hard to be sexy that You end up taking off your clothes. Keep your clothes on. Don't let your private parts that deserve to be seen by only your partner be seen by everyone. Find better ways of making yourself look beautiful." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"Many people are forgetting how to communicate to their partners in their relationships. Instead of discussing and solving their problems with their partners, they share them with toxic friends, work associates and others post them on the internet. If your partner is doing something that bothers you, talk to him or her and stop letting facebook inboxes, likes, retweets ruin what you are trying to build... Beware of third Party!" ~Emotional Filmtricks

"Music is as timeless as the emotions that it carries." ~Ray Chen 


"No matter how bad it hurts or how bad you feel, it’s time to stop thinking about that person who played with your feelings, who took your love for granted, who never appreciated your care, who wasn’t contented with what you could give him or her. You can’t stay at that hurtful place anymore. You can’t keep shedding tears over someone who doesn’t deserve the love you gave. You can’t keep feeling sorry for yourself and thinking if only you did more. You can’t make them want the relationship because if they wanted they wouldn’t have let go of you.
You deserve better now. You deserve someone who appreciates you and who won’t play with your delicate heart.. Just like a cut on your hand will take time to heal, your broken heart needs time to heal as well. That’s not the end of your life. You will get over that pain you’re having right now and one day you’ll be happy again." ~EF

"No relationship is endless sunshine. In a relationship there are cloudy days, windy nights, rainy days, cold nights and stormy days. But once you’ve learned that every condition is temporary, you’ll have discovered the secret to making your relationship last. Therefore don’t let the temporal conditions of life cause you to make permanent decisions in your relationship. No problem lasts forever. If you learn to weather the storms and play in the rain you’ve learned the secret of surviving each passing storm." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"Pride destroys relationships and marriages. You are human and you make mistakes. Swallow your pride, admit when you are in wrong and take responsibility for your actions. Don't seek to justify your mistakes or push blame to someone else. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and say, "I am sorry, I was wrong please forgive me." to save your relationship." ~EMFT


"Right now she might be hurting, she might be in pain, she might be overwhelmed, she might be stressing, she might be depressed, she might be balling her eyes out, she might be feeling hopeless, she might be feeling sad, she might be feeling weak, she might be feeling like she'll never love anybody else again, but you know what?
In the end, she's gonna be alright. She knows it's definitely over with you this time and she also knows you guys will never be able To make things work again, but that's okay, because it may not seem like it to her now, but she'll be fine without you one day. One day, she'll be able to think of you and not feel a thing. One day, she'll be able to see your name and not get the urge to talk to you. One day, she'll look at old pictures of you two and not miss her relationship with you. One day, she'll be able to look at you and not want to break down and cry.

She will Get over You!" ~Emotional Filmtricks

‪"Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough. Take your stand, speak up and refuse to let others hurt you. Throughout your lifetime some people will discredit you, disrespect you and treat you poorly for no apparent reason at all. Don’t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don’t make any space in your heart to hate them. You don’t have control over what others think about you, but you do have control over how you decide to internalize their opinions. Leave them to their own judgments. Let people love you for who you are, and not for who they want you to be. Or let them walk away if they choose. They can’t harm you either way; it’s their understanding that is faulty, not yours." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"She misses you but she won't chase you. For the longest time, she tried to be good enough for you. For the longest time, she did her best to make you happy. For the longest time, she has done everything she could to show you she deserves a guy like you.
But finally, she can't find it in herself to make an effort anymore. Finally, she can't find it in herself to care as much anymore. Finally, she can't find it herself to fight for you anymore. Every mistake you've made has finally caught up to her. Every flaw you carry has finally convinced her that you're bad for her. Every heartbreak, pain and hurt you put her through has finally pushed her far enough never to come back into your life anymore.
So, don't expect her to come running back to you like she always has before. Don't expect her to give in to her feelings for you like she always did in the past. Don't expect her to settle for getting hurt over you like she always does all of this time. It took a lot of "I'm done", it took a lot of "I don't think I can do this anymore", it took a lot of "It's overs", but she's really finished this time around.
Sure, it's going to be hard to be alone, but she'd rather be alone than to be with someone who makes her feel alone. Sure, it's going to hurt to move on, but she'd rather be hurt moving on than to be hurt by someone who doesn't appreciate her staying. Sure, it's going to be a challenge to love someone again, but she'd rather love someone again once she's ready than to love someone who takes her love for granted.


"Stop trying to force yourself to see the good things in the wrong people. When someone shows you that they do not care about you, have enough respect for yourself to walk away and wait on someone who does."
"Understand that your love is a gift. Understand that your love has the power to do great things in someone's life who appreciates it. We have to get back to drawing a line in the sand and sticking to things that we will and will not accept from other people."
"We have to get back to setting new standards with love, and never allowing ourselves to go below that bar again. Why wait forever for the wrong person to treat you right, when there is someone out there waiting to do that right now.
If it doesn't make you happy, it doesn't make sense. Don't over complicate something so simple that should be shown so easily."


"Successful Relationships are built on true and genuine friendship: Your partner should be your Best Friend Forever. True friends spend time together; they talk together, laugh together and cry together. True friends enjoy each other’s company while they celebrate life’s moments together. True love is more than just kissing, hugging or sleeping together; it’s about loyalty, honesty and courtesy - attributes that you’ll always find in a best friend. Don’t just love each other, take your relationship to the next level and become true best friends also; you’ll have fun and enjoy life together. Genuine friendship creates wonderful relationships. Don’t Just be your partner’s partner; become your partner’s Best Friend Forever!"


"The reason why other women look attractive is because someone is taking good care of them. Grass is always green where it is watered. Instead of drooling over the green grass on the other side of the fence, work on yours and water it regularly. Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make a woman admirable and beautiful." ~Emotional Filmtricks. To Husbands and Boyfriends, on Love is a Beautiful Thing


"This goes to all my Single Friends out there: Not everyone that you see in a relationship is happy and comfortable. Many are in pain, they’re stressed, ever in regrets, tears, torture, they have sleepless nights, they are lonely and others are not contented with the people they have. Therefore, take your time in choosing the right person to spend your life with. Don’t rush because being single is not a curse. Keep working on yourself as you are praying to God to help you in finding the right person." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"True friends are always there for you. Fake friends only appear when they need something from you. Time passes and you begin to see people for who they really are and not who they pretend to be. Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule. But love people who never look at their schedule when you need them. Life is much too short to waste time on people who don’t really care for us deep down. When someone shows you who they really are believe them the first time." ~EMFT


"True love knows no distance, beauty face and body size, it’s all about what you feel inside your heart and accept someone for who they are." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"Wait for the one who simply adores you. The kind of person who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person; the only person who will drop everything to be with you at any time no matter what the circumstances, for the person who makes you smile like no one else ever has. Wait for the person who wants to show you off to the world because they are so proud of you. And most of all, wait for the person who will make you a priority, because that’s where you belong." ~from Emotional Filmtricks

"We are often let down by the most trusted people and loved by the most unexpected ones. Some make us cry for things that we haven’t done, while others ignore our faults and just see our smile. Some leave us when we need them the most, while some stay with us even when ask them to leave. The world is a mixture of people. We just need to know which hand to shake and which hand to hold! After all that’s life, learning to hold on and learning to let go." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"When we sigh about our problems, they grow DOUBLE. But when we laugh about them... they become BUBBLES! Have a bubbly life!" ~Emotional Filmtricks

"When you say “I love you”, you are making a promise with someone else’s heart. You should honor it with actions to prove it. Love is not only an emotion. Love is a verb." ~EF

"WOMEN ARE PRICELESS. A lot of men act like they are doing a woman a favor by asking for her hand in marriage but let's think about this. She changes her name, changes her home, leaves her family, moves in with you, builds a home with you, gets pregnant for You and bears children for you.
Pregnancy destroys her body. She gets fat. Almost give up in the labour room due to the unexplainable pains of childbirth. Even the kids she delivers bear your name till the day she dies.
Everything she does benefits you. So who is really doing who a favour? Dear Men, appreciate your woman today because it is not easy to be a Woman. Being a woman is Priceless!!!! Too bad so many women of today don't even know their values. God Bless The Women!" ~from Emotional Filmtricks


"You can be a wife material and still not be his choice. Not because you're not good enough, but because he's not looking for a wife. He's looking for fun, chill, games and nothing serious. Let him do that but with someone else! You deserve better!" ~Emotional Filmtricks


"You don’t need anyone’s affection or approval in order to be good enough. When someone rejects or abandons or judges you, it isn’t actually about you. It’s about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs, and you don’t have to internalize that. Your worth isn’t contingent upon other people’s acceptance of you — it’s something inherent. You exist, and therefore, you matter. You’re allowed to voice your thoughts and feelings. You’re allowed to assert your needs and take up space. You’re allowed to hold onto the truth that who you are is exactly enough. And you’re allowed to remove anyone from your life who makes you feel otherwise." ~Emotional Filmtricks


"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect—you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break—her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there." ~

"Your emotions are not hardwired. With some practice, you can actually learn how to control them." ~Ted Talks

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~
* People too weak to follow their own dreams, will always find a way to discourage yours.

* Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.

* Don't talk, just act. Don't say, just show. Don't promise, just prove.

* You can choose to let it define you, or you can choose to move on and leave it behind you.

* Instead of wishing you were someone else, be proud of who you are. You never know who was looking at you wishing they were you.

* Anybody can do the easy stuff, but it's the hard stuff that ultimately determines how successful you become.

* No one ever became great by imitation. Imitation is limitation. Do not be a copy of something. Make your own impression.


*Girls are sensitive, they over think every little thing and they care way more than they should, but that's what makes their love so strong.

* A girl is happiest when she knows you make her your everything in front of everyone, every time.

* Sometimes you don't even feel like a "friend" to some people. I feel more like an option or someone they run to when they need something.

* Sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together

* We 've lived. We 've loved. We 've lost. We 've missed. We 've hurt. We 've trusted. We've made mistakes but most of all, we 've learned.

* The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up.

* A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is. But then, everyone has a limit they can wait or take things.

* Once you've been hurt, you're so scared to get attached again. You have this fear that everyone you like is gonna break your heart.

* Girls and Boys are alike... I really like you. A lot. I know sometimes I mess up and do things that make it seem like I don't care but trust me, you're my world.

* Sometimes you only forgive a person because you can’t imagine not having them in your life.

Source: Emotional Filmtricks


Best Romantic Tips Ever

FOOD: The way to a man's heart is his stomach, I don't think another road has been discovered yet.. .and that applies in a little way to the ladies too, prepare a delicious meal for your partner often times especially its more romantic to do it early in the morning, maybe before he or she gets up from the bed, so you guys can eat then eat each other.

TOUCH: Touch is one of the five senses human being possess, and so also in every successful and growing relationship that cannot be sidelined at least try To hold her hand, do more of holding her long in your arms let your body make contact and so will your heart, when you walk put your arms around her waist or shoulder or the simplest if you are the extremely shy type at least you should be able to hold hands.

SUSPENSE: Ask her out on a date, I know that you are not just courting her but that doesn't matter what matters is the impression you'll create in her that she has somewhere to go at the end of the day, before You know it that's what she'll be thinking and she can't do almost anything else without thinking of you thereby making the evening a blessed romantic night for The both of you.

~Emotional Filmtricks



Your fiance may not own a car. He may not earn a lot of money. He may not live in a posh estate. He may not be able to shower you with gifts all the time. He may not have a great job. But it’s enough to know you are the ONLY ONE He has at his heart.

He has a vision. He is Honest. He is very hardworking. He is humble. He keeps that smile on your face. He talks to you every day. He actually listens to you. He always replies your messages. He tolerates you when you're moody.

His family knows you. He tells you you're beautiful all the time. He sees you every chance he gets.
He appreciates the tiniest things you do. He is there when you need him. He respects you. He is proud you are his. And he treats you like a queen because you are his everything and he fears to lose you.

Why ask for what he cannot afford? He may not have it all now, but one day he will... He may not be living his dream now, but one day he will… He pictures making a family with you and he means it when he says that he loves you. African Ladies, appreciate that man in your life who strives to be all you need.

He may not be all the things you need right now but with time he will be, He will get a job, get the money, he will buy a land and he will build a house for both of you. He won’t be renting or staying at his parent’s crib forever. He will fulfill all his promises and he will be a good dad to your children.

Just kindly be patient if you seriously love him. Everything will be fine between both of you. Don't be pushed around by money and what you wanna eat now....I pray you don't eat up the future of your unborn.
God bless REAL men!.. ‪

Source: Emotional Filmtricks via Let Love Be My Witness


"Love is not a joke,
Love is not a game,
Once you fall in love,
You will never be the same. . .
Love is never-ending,
Love is never wrong,
Love can make you weak,
Love can make you strong. . .
Love is more than words,
Love is more than giving,
Love can make you cry,
Love can make you sing. . .
Love is always true,
Love is always kind,
Love is something that happens,
Not something that you find."

From Emotional Filmtricks

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