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Quotes Extracted from I DREAMED of THIS Blog

"I had to get some perspective exploring overseas to truly discover my own patriotism." ~Unattributed by I Dream of This (Nathan Allen)

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, create a life you don’t have to escape from.” ~Unattributed by Nathan Allen, blog author I Dreamed of This.

"Other people label them as poor, but there is contentment and real joy in their eyes!" ~Faulan from I Dreamed of
This, FB

"The Philippines isn't a poor's a rich country full of poor people." ~Leah C. Dancel

Blog Author: Nathan Allen


“The Road Of Life Is Rocky”
Today I was led around the island by some local children, and on the way back I struggled walking over this long, rocky beach in my oversized tsinelas (flip flops). It was very slow going and took a lot of energy, because I had to carefully plan and execute each step. My flip flops were not stable, and sometimes the rocks were slippery. I only focused on the rocks directly in front of me, step by step, and continued that way for quite a while.
Growing tired in the afternoon sun, eventually I realized that if I just stopped for a moment and took a look at the big picture, I could plan a more efficient route that would be MUCH easier and FAR less time consuming. I also realized that perhaps this is what many of us are doing in life - only focusing on the difficult day-to-day grind in front of us, and neglecting to see that slightly adjusting our course could make all the difference in the world.
Struggle is NOT a necessity. Let's not be afraid to look up and reach for a better life." ~Nathan Allen, I Dreamed of This

"There is a new administration on the horizon now, and whether you support it or not, let's hope it spells the end of these kinds of abuses. Rampant nepotism and unchecked egos have done great harm to the Philippines. I would love to see a merit-based system embraced by the country, and it seems the new President does as well. Allegedly, he is also tired of irresponsible media reporting, and wants to expand the freedom of press. Seems like a good start." ~Nathan Allen, I Dreamed of This, travel blogger

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