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Laurel Bleadon-Maffei Quotes

"Allow yourself to rest. Your soul speaks to you in the quiet moments in between your thoughts. " ~Illuminating Souls

"Changing your life often begins with the inner work. It can be a tender process of stripping away the beliefs and dreams that no longer resonate for you. It is not an easy path, but it is worth it. Because one day soon you will be standing on the shore of a brighter tomorrow. One that feels like home and is big enough to hold all of you." ~Illuminating Souls

"Dear Soul, Today we send you this reminder that you are loved. We know life can feel challenging sometimes and you wonder where you will find the inspiration to find your way out of the muck. But know there are brighter tomorrow's ahead for you. The prayers and dreams you have been seeding into the world are finding their way to fertile ground. You are blossoming open into a brighter expression of life. It's OK if you don't yet know what that looks like or how you are going to get there. Your soul knows. God knows. Your angels are helping you navigate into the sweet expression of your authentic truth. So trust in the gorgeous potential of your soul. Goodness is coming your way." ~Illuminating Souls

"Don’t be afraid to be you. The world needs your unique brand of awesomeness." ~Illuminating Souls

"Give your worries to the angels and breathe in peace." ~Illuminating Souls

"God has placed angels on your path. Some of them have cold noses and have an affinity for long walks and cookies." ~Illuminating Souls

"He sat in the stillness and listened to the wisdom of his soul. It was there in the quiet he could feel his connection with the beauty of the universe. He was home. " ~Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Illuminating Souls

"I am a sliver of the moon come to deliver you a message. Do not believe that because all you can see is but a sliver of me shining in the darkness that this is all there is. It is an illusion you see. Because hidden in the shadow is my wholeness and fullness. And one day soon, you will be able to see all of me again. So remember this moment, when you perceive your life to be but a sliver of light, that you are really whole and complete. And one day soon, when the shadow dwindles you again will see your wholeness reflected back to you." ~Illuminating Souls

"It’s not always easy to stay positive. Especially when life is hard and the people around you bring messages of gloom. If you’re in such a place, be mindful of where you go for support. Find positive-focused, compassionate people and resources that will help you keep the faith and hold a vision of a brighter day." ~Illuminating Souls

"It's okay to take a breath and rest. Healing and transformation often take place in the quiet spaces." ~Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Illuminating Soul

"Life has struggles. It is our job to keep moving through the muck; loving ourselves as best we can until one day we are living a brighter expression of our life." ~Illuminating Souls

"Life is a tapestry of moments. Some breathtaking in their beauty. Others heartbreaking. But when they are woven together, they reflect the true beauty of your life." ~I.S.

"May the light shine brightly upon your path and may you know you are loved. You are a gift to this world." ~Illuminating Souls

"Often the journey of transformation is steeped with mystery and you cannot see where you are going. Be brave. Because sometimes leaps of faith lead to the most wonderful adventures." ~Illuminating Souls

"One day, she decided to trust her path and leave her worries to God. The world smiled. Life would never be the same." ~Illuminating Souls

"Sometimes the greatest gift you can give yourself is time for quiet contemplation. Your soul’s wisdom often emerges in the quiet places. Spend time in nature. Go for walks. Allow yourself to unplug. It is in the quiet that your consciousness settles and you can breathe into a deeper place of peace." ~Illuminating Souls

"Take in the beauty that surrounds you. You've done enough for now. Take a breath and sit in the quiet. Allow the universe to nurture you." ~Laurel Bleadon-Maffei

"The gift of pure love allows you to bless others and accept them without condition, granting them the freedom to make their own choices and live with them, and giving your Divine Self the freedom to do the same." ~Neale Donald Walsch

"The universe is bringing you amazing adventures that will make your soul sing." ~Illuminating Souls

"We all walk through the shadow. Life has struggles. It is our job to keep moving through the muck; loving ourselves as best we can until one day we are living a brighter expression of our life. Please. Don’t ever give up. Your life & your gifts are precious. Trust that life will get brighter. Somehow. It will." ~Illuminating Souls

"We were meant to explore this earth like children do... unhindered by fear... propelled by curiosity and a sense of discovery. Allow yourself to see the world through new eyes and know there are amazing adventures here for you." ~Illuminating Souls

"What if the lulls and moments of feeling stuck were actually pauses in the flow of inspiration provided to give you time to rest and replenish?" ~Illuminating Soulsa

"When things aren’t happening in your ideal timing, please don’t lose faith. Things are in motion, it just may not always feel that way. You have not been forgotten." ~Illuminating Souls

"You are not lost. It just feels like it sometimes. You are moving through shifts and changes. Have courage and know your soul is leading the way." ~Illuminating Souls

"You have permission to rest. You are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken. You do not have to try and make everyone happy. For now, take time for you. It’s time to replenish." ~from Illuminating Souls

"Your destiny is bright and true. You are a bringer of light. You are a vessel for love. When you smile, the heavens shimmer with joy. Celebrate your life, sweet friend, there is goodness here for you." ~Illuminating Souls

"Your imagination is a gateway to the greater expanse of wisdom available to you. Dream beyond this moment. Travel beyond what is present right now. Allow yourself to bathe in the mystical, the joyous and the creative potential that calls forth from your soul." ~Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, Illuminating Souls

"Your life and your gifts are precious. Trust that life will get brighter. Somehow it will." ~Illuminating Souls

"Your soul is filled with infinite compassion, patience and inspiration. Trust the wisdom of your soul. It knows the way. We promise." ~Illuminating Souls

Author: Laurel Bleadon-Maffel

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