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Don Shapiro Quotes

“Guidance from our inner wisdom lights a path for us to follow about that which we could not possibly know. These messages may not be easy to decipher. It could be a feeling, a sensation, a symbolic event, a sense of peace or a shout. They arrive without clear explanation or directions. While it can be difficult to trust such messages, they often are unerringly accurate. Once we can separate our ego, desires and emotions from our true inner wisdom, we can find the guidance that will take us to a better place.” ~Don Shapiro, author Life Is A Fork In The Road

“Take responsibility for your choices. Don’t put the blame on anything or anyone else, not even your past. You can’t change the past and you can’t control other people. You can control how you respond and what you do next. Today is a new day. Start fresh by accepting responsibility for your choices and how they shape your life’s journey. You can change your life for the better by making a series of good choices over time. Now may be a good time to start the change. It’s all up to you.” ~Don Shapiro, author Life Is A Fork In The Road

“We grow our tree of life through the forks we take. Each branch you grow becomes a fork that defines your life’s journey. The tree you see is the life you have grown based on all your choices big and small. If the branch you’re on is not where you want to be, grow a new branch and create a better tree for yourself." ~Don Shapiro, author Life Is A Fork In The Road

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