Table of Contents



"A strong woman is a gift to the world!" ~Begin With Love

"Although we are far from perfect, there are some things that we do extraordinarily well. We have figured out that time and space are irrelevant as we encourage and comfort one another in meaningful, beautiful ways. What we do here is incredibly powerful, changes lives and proves, beyond any doubt, that compassion is universal and love has no boundaries." ~Begin with Yes

"And if today, all you did was hold yourself together, I am proud of you." ~Begin with Yes

"As you fall asleep tonight, visualize something that makes you feel happy, blessed, and peaceful... and know this; whatever you can imagine, you can create in your life. Sleep tight, dear ones." ~Begin with Yes

"… as you move toward sleep, gently put your ideas, worries, fears, plans, hopes and thoughts about tomorrow on the bedside table. Then take a few deep and slow breathes and welcome in the blanket of love and safety to surrounds you. As you drift off to dreams, know that everything can wait until a new beginning tomorrow." ~Begin with Yes

"As your day begins, you probably have a long list of things to remember and get done. But if you don’t take at least one small step towards a personal goal or dream today, you will have missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. Small steps happen because we make them a priority. Declare what your small step will be today, and put it near the top of your list!" ~Begin with Yes

"Become a lantern lighting the way for others and you’ll find yourself surrounded by lanterns lighting the way for you." ~Begin with Yes

"Before you go to sleep tonight identify one person who you will encourage tomorrow and decide how you’ll do it. And then with that plan in place, rest easy knowing something good is just around the corner." ~Begin with Yes

"Community is not a place.  It's a beautiful energy we create to enrich,  support and inspire one another." ~Paul Boynton 

"Dusk is such a beautiful transition time of the day – We are heading toward rest but there’s still time to make the day count. In fact, if we took just one small step towards a personal goal today, we’d wake up tomorrow morning closer to our dream then we are right now. Hope you take that small step and go to bed with a smile!" ~Begin with Yes

"For many of us feeling scared has become a habit rather than a reaction to a real threat. But fortunately we can learn a new behavior by moving forward anyway, replacing fear with feelings of bravery and power. After a while we’ll be able to skip scared and go right to the powerful and brave feelings instead!" ~Begin with Yes

"Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today,  let it be enough." ~Begin with Yes

"I have missed some opportunities and screwed up others. I have my share of regrets and sad edges around a relationship or two. I’ve disappointed my family, friends and even more often myself. I have complained, whined, and been noisy, and then other times been silent when I should have spoken up. But tonight I will go to sleep with a smile knowing that tomorrow is right around the corner and another chance to get it right will be waiting for me." ~Begin With Yes

"If we don't have people in our life who are cheering us on and supporting us during difficult times, we have some important work to do. But surprisingly we don't need to look for people to help us, rather we need to look for people who need our help and then offer our hand. The rest will take care of itself." ~Begin With Yes

"If you’re feeling restless and don’t know why, there’s a very good chance that you’re either avoiding something that needs attention or not pursuing a dream that cries out for a little loving. The solution in both instances is action. Just one small step will curb the restlessness and actually move you along in amazing ways. There’s still time today for a small one. Then settle in for a good night’s sleep!" ~Begin with Yes

"If you're truly ready to see how powerful you are, you need to stop thinking about all the things outside of your control. Instead turn your heart, mind and soul towards all the things you can influence, and make something good happen." ~Begin with Yes

"If you take a single moment this morning to quietly remember your non-tangible blessings and gifts, your day will be so much sweeter and meaningful." ~Begin with Yes

"If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders." ~Begin with Yes

"It's amazing to discover that despite our delays, missteps and imperfections, we are, at this very moment, in the perfect place to take that next important step." ~Begin with Yes

"It is impossible to comfort others without feeling more settled and calm yourself. Tonight be open to that opportunity and when it appears, say “yes!” ~Begin with Yes

"It’s okay to be discouraged, burnt out, exhausted, disappointed, heart-broken, afraid, lonely and immobilized. Everyone I know has been there. The chances are extremely good that you’ve earned that right the hard way. But the simple truth is this: The longer you stay there, the longer it will take to get to a better place. Rest well and invite hopeful, “get up and go” thoughts into your dreams tonight as you get ready for a new day." ~Begin with Yes

"It's not just OK to pay attention to your own needs, it's essential. An undernourished heart and soul has so much less to offer the rest of the world (including family, friends, work mates and even strangers) than hearts and souls that are filled. So please take care of yourself; the rest of the world needs you fully charged!" ~Begin with Yes

“It’s the small habits that will change your life: How you spend your mornings; How you talk to yourself;  What you read; What you watch; and, Who has access to you. Transform your life one small step at a time.” ~Begin with Yes

"It is time to love, appreciate and accept yourself as you are and where you are right at this very moment. And then, it is time to love, appreciate and accept yourself for where you are headed. You are worthy and lovable from this moment on." ~Begin with Yes

"It is your warm, unexpected smile as you pass a stranger on the street. It is speaking up and standing up for those who are being discriminated against and letting them know we are much more alike than we are different. And it’s offering not only a kind word but a warm hand to those struggling to find their way, earn a living, feed their children and make a better life. These are the things that make a difference and these are the things we are here to do." ~Begin with Yes

"Just because we have a hopeful and optimistic spirit doesn’t mean we don’t have challenging days, personal struggles and heartbreaking experiences. What it does mean is we know it’s important to surround ourselves with positive people and energy. And it means we have great respect for our own resiliency and take personal responsibility for making things better." ~Begin With Yes

"Let tonight be a time to recharge. As you fall asleep – imagine today’s hurts and disappointments leaking out from the tips of your toes and evaporating. And then open your heart and welcome in the warm and comforting spirit of love and hope that has been patiently waiting." ~Begin with Yes

"Moving forward, even a little bit each day, is so much better than being stuck. Sometimes the step forward must be extremely small, but when it comes to getting unstuck, it's not the size of the step that counts; it's simply taking that step!" ~Begin with Yes

"Night time can be a perfect time for reflection. But instead of reflecting on what did or did not happen today, imagine instead what could happen. It’s wonderful and even essential to have big dreams, but remember that big dreams come true most often as a result of many, many small steps. You don’t have to write a novel tonight, but if you wrote one sentence, you’d be on your way." ~Begin with Yes

"No one is immune from storm clouds, dark or dreary days and difficulties that challenge us to the breaking point. But we can also remember that it's always at that point that we discover something remarkable ---We are much more resilient than we could have ever imagined, every storm passes, and the warm, bright sun does come out again." ~Begin with Yes

"Once we understand the difference between a burnt potato and a catastrophe, we will learn to laugh at small upsets and live more graceful, grateful lives." ~Begin with Yes

"One small step at a time turns thoughts, ideas and dreams into realities." ~Begin with Yes

"Our essential purpose is always to love. We must be grounded in love, self-respect and compassion for ourselves so the love for others can flow gently thru us. It is not arrogant or wrong to lovingly take care of ourselves; it’s arrogant and wrong not to." ~Begin with Yes

"Resting deeply requires us to temporarily surrender the worries, the dreams, the fears, the plans and the circular thinking that tends to preoccupy our waking moments. And resting deeply is so important because it allows breakthrough shifts in perspective that will open new doorways that can change everything for the better." ~Begin with Yes

"Slowly we begin to understand that pursuing our passion is not about our ego but about our purpose. And although there are many unique and individual paths, our shared purpose is always to bring more love, hope, compassion and light into the world." ~Begin with Yes

"Some of us create with paint and brushes, some of us with words and some by raising loving children. Some of us create cakes that are masterpieces, gardens that are peaceful, while some of us can tune an engine so it hums like a symphony. I only mention a few ideas to make a point. Trust me, you are a creator. Make something beautiful today!" ~Begin with Yes

"Sometimes it's the little things that we feel the most grateful for: Like a cup of coffee, a glimpse of sunshine on a cloudy day, an unexpected smile. And then when we remember that we can actually create these small moments for others, our power to do good is unleashed and the world is literally changed in an instant." ~Begin with Yes

"Sometimes people don't understand, don't appreciate or don't support us. Sometimes people ignore, bully or disappoint us. This is serious business. And although shifting away from people who don't nurture us isn't always easy and sometimes we need help, we have the right to decide who we will be around. Our hopes, our dreams, our very souls are counting on us to choose wisely." ~Begin with Yes

"Sometimes we are like a flower unwilling to bloom. We hang on tightly to things that no longer serve us, and when we do, our hearts and hands aren’t able to fully open to receive the gifts the Universe has planned for us. But when we allow ourselves to bloom, we not only receive those gifts—we actually discover we are surrounded by other beautiful flowers too!" ~Begin with Yes

"Sometimes we must love from a distance... and that's okay." ~Begin with Yes

"Sometime we need a bridge and sometimes we are the bridge. No one I know has escaped troubled waters, rough seas and challenging, scary days. There are times in our lives when we could use a little help and other times when we are given the chance to be that help for someone else. It really doesn’t matter where you are right now. What matters is that you remember we are stronger together and taking a hand is just as important as offering one." 
~Begin With Yes

"Sometimes we stumble. Sometimes we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we even feel like giving up. But, at the end of the day, we know that’s just not who we are and we smile and know we will get through this and that things will be OK." ~Begin with Yes

"The call to love is not about an individual relationship, it’s about your relationship with the world." ~Begin with Yes

"The odds are in your favor. I’ve learned that we don’t always feel like it, or even feel up to it, but we still need to get out of bed and get on with our day. And at least nine times out of ten – Once we’ve started, things begin to get better." ~Begin with Yes

"The planets are still spinning. The grass is still growing. And this spring the leaves came back as usual too. If this can all happen without me weighing in, worrying or having elaborate action plans, I guess at least for tonight I can turn my personal problems over to the Universe too!"  ~Begin With Yes

"The “secret” to making something wonderful happen today is to just go make something wonderful happen!" ~Paul Boynton

"There are things that you already know that you haven’t yet allowed yourself to fully see. Maybe it’s a change you need to make, a relationship that needs to shift, a goal you need to focus on, or a dream that needs to be put front and center." ~Begin with Yes

"There are times when we must ignore how we’re feeling. Anxious, scared, unworthy, confused must be set aside as we get out of bed and begin a new day. As we step into our lives and step up to the tasks that need our attention, these feelings will dissipate and we will discover that we are more powerful than our feelings and we have more strength than we thought." ~Begin with Yes

"There’ll always be people around who will be glad to tell you what’s wrong with you, your life and the world. Look instead for the people who will tell you what’s good and what’s right. And while you’re looking, make sure you’re doing your best to be that kind of person yourself. It makes contact so much easier!" ~Begin with Yes

"Things, especially life-changing important things, are often hard but seldom impossible! And guess what? You have whatever it takes within your beautiful self to do whatever needs to be done! Something to think about." ~Begin with Yes

"Tonight as we lay down to sleep, let’s simply begin by being grateful for our soft pillow and then fall asleep hopeful for the new day ahead." ~Begin with Yes

"Tonight pay a little less attention to what's happening around you and a little more to what's happening within. You have an important mission here and if you quiet down just a bit and listen to your yearnings, hopes and dreams, you’ll know what you need to do next." ~Begin with Yes

"Underneath it all, you are a sweet, loving and lovable soul." ~Begin with Yes

"Usually uphill climb leads to spectacular views" ~Begin with Yes

"Want to help the people in your life heal, grow, feel happier and more content? Then pay attention to your own journey. Not only will you be paving the way for the people you love, you'll be showing them that it's not only OK to take care of yourself, it's essential." ~Begin with Yes

"We all have our wounds – some hidden deeply and some more recent and clearly visible. But we are each in the process of healing too. When we take steps to heal ourselves, we grow. When we help others heal, we both grow. It’s a beautiful thing and just part of every journey." ~Begin with Yes

"We almost never know when we are close to a breakthrough. So keep taking those small steps knowing that the next one just might be the one you’ll always remember as that incredible turning point!" ~Begin With Yes

"We are often disappointed that realities don’t live up to our expectations. But fortunately that doesn’t stop those unexpected little miracles or heartwarming moments or memories that seem to appear out of nowhere. At the end of the day, as we wash the last few dishes and turn off the (Christmas) lights, alone with our thoughts at last; we realize that everything is OK. And in that moment, we blow out the last candle with a smile of gratitude for what’s behind us and pull back the covers with a sense of hope for what’s ahead. And we rest." ~Begin with Yes

"We can’t change the weather outside but we can keep out inner world warm and balmy and we can always warm the hearts of others with a gentle touch, a smile and an encouraging word." ~Begin with Yes

"We can't feed every hungry person a warm meal or buy a coat for every child or homeless person who needs one but there’s a good chance we can make one meal or one coat possible. And if that’s a hardship for us this year, we still have a warm smile and a gentle touch to offer the many people around so needing a little love. Each and every gesture of kindness and compassions makes a difference and together they change the world." ~Begin with Yes

"We fall, we get up. We make mistakes, we learn. We hit a roadblock, we find a detour. That’s just who we are!" ~Paul Boynton, Begin with Yes

"We have yearned to be loved and been afraid to love. We have experienced love that hurts and love that heals. We have been loved with many conditions and loved with no strings attached. We have loved and lost people who meant the world to us and we have forgotten some we thought we'd loved forever. We have experienced romantic love, lustful love and sometimes both. We have felt love that confused us and love that seemed to clarify everything. We’ve known the love of family and or friends and we have loved our pets and been loved back just as surely as night turns to morning. We are learning by doing and although we have learned so much, we still have so much more to learn. And so we embrace love in all its many forms knowing it is our purpose, our greatest blessing and most importantly our very heart’s desire." ~Paul S. Boynton

"We may not know what's around the next corner but we do know what makes us smile and that's where we need to put more of our energy. And one very small step in that direction is all it takes to set things in motion tonight." ~Begin with Yes

"We never really get over devastating loss. In the thick of it, we almost stop breathing; sometimes even wishing we could. And we know deep within that we will never be the same. Yet, one day we feel the sun on our face again. We find ourselves smiling at a child or a joke or a memory. And at that moment, we realize we are finding our way back. Changed forever? Yes. But also softer, deeper, more vulnerable and more loving too. And we are breathing again." ~BWY

"What do I know that I am not letting myself see?" ~Paul S. Boynton

"What's meant to be will always find its way." ~Begin With Yes

“When it feels like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, it is time to let go of some serious baggage. For starters, let go of responsibilities that belongs to others. Let go of things beyond your control. Let go of past mistakes. Let go of regrets. Let go.” ~Paul Boynton 

"When our actions align with our passions and purpose, wonderful things begin to happen." ~Begin with Yes

"When our heads finally hit the pillows tonight, let’s think about the people we love, those nearby, those far away and those who are sweet memories that will linger forever. Remembering each smile is a way to count your blessings and invites sleep to gently find you." ~Begin with Yes

"When we are feeling fearful, tense, and worried or stuck, we just need to remember we’ve been here before and we’ve always worked our way through it. We are so much stronger and so much more capable than we may think. And if you don’t believe me, just look at all you’ve already dealt with and remind yourself – you’re still here! Then fluff up those pillows and get some good sleep." ~Begin with Yes

"When you're feeling lonely, visit an elderly neighbour who is living alone. When you're scared, help someone else be brave. When you're stuck, encourage a friend to take a small step. When you're depressed, make someone smile. When you're defeated, cheer someone else on. When your heart is broken, help someone mend theirs. And when things are going well and are unfolding the way you want, be grateful and bring someone else along with you." ~Paul Boynton, Begin With Yes

"When you find yourself feeling troubled or anxious or overwhelmed or sad, think of something you’re grateful for and say it out loud or whisper it silently. Repeat as needed until you drift off to sleep." ~Begin with Yes

"While we sleep our soul is quietly recharged." ~Begin with Yes

"Will you follow where your heart leads?" ~Begin with Yes

"You are not your worries, your fears, your anxieties or your disappointments. You are the tender touch, helping hand and gentle smile. You are here to stand up and speak out demanding fairness, opportunity and hope. You are here on purpose and with purpose. You have everything you need and the world is waiting. We are counting on you and it’s time to begin." ~Begin with Yes

"You do know what’s true. So listen carefully and act accordingly." ~Begin with Yes

"You've been given a full box of crayons. But if the beautiful picture you were born to create is going to happen, you have to open the box and begin to colour!" ~Begin with Yes

"You have important dreams to pursue. And by taking just one small step towards them today, you will attract the energy, encouragement and vision you need to take a few more steps tomorrow." ~Begin with Yes

"You know so much more than you may think. You just need to find a quiet place so your heart can talk and your mind can listen!" ~Begin with Yes

"You may not be perfect. The day may not be perfect. Your life may not be perfect. The world may not be perfect. But that doesn't mean they aren't each perfectly beautiful. Rest well beautiful!" ~Begin with Yes

"You will never have all the answers because each answer creates a new question. It’s like dancing, and there’s a sweet and gentle rhythm to it when you remember: One question, one answer, one step at a time is how life is meant to unfold. Now listen for the music and get some good sleep!" ~Begin with Yes

"Your time is way too precious to be around people who see the negative in everything, who discourage rather than encourage and who bring people down rather than lift them up. And if the negative energy is coming from family and moving away almost impossible, put your positive energy into bringing new, more hopeful people into your life. You, your goals and your very purpose here on earth is your call to action and nothing could be more important." ~Begin with Yes

Author: Paul S. Boynton

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