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James Blanchard Cisneros Quotes

"Every moment allows us to begin anew." ~James B. Cisneros

"Every time you experience anger, you are being gifted with the opportunity to learn how to deal with it in a more productive and loving manner." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"For just one day, trust that you are in the right place at the right time. Do so and your frustrations will turn into peace and gratitude." ~James B. Cisneros

"Forgiveness is the choice that leads to peace. Today forgive, not because others say it’s the right thing to do, but because as God’s creation, you are worthy of peace." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"Free will allows us to focus on the thoughts we want, and it is the thoughts we have and support that shape, color, and define the world we see." ~James Blanchard Cisneros, Author

"God is always trying to remind you of your loving nature, thus He allows, through free will, for judgment, anger, resentment and revenge to manifest so you can see and better understand how unalike they are to you." ~James Blanchard Cisneros, Author, You Have Chosen to Remember

"Grace is the gentle eternal flow of God's unconditional love that nourishes and fills our souls." ~James Blanchard Cisneros (Excerpt from the book You Have Chosen to Remember)

"If we feel hurt by others words, it is not their words that affect us, it is how we choose to interpret those words that affect us." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"It is your thoughts about your experience, not the experience by itself, that colors your journey." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"Judge yourself no longer for your past. All of our past has been of use to give us the life experience, knowledge, and wisdom we now have." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"Judge yourself no longer. Instead thank all your ‘negative’ thoughts and emotions for showing you that what they offer you, you truly do not want." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"Negative emotions are not negative. Negative emotions allow you to see which illusions of yourself and others you are still holding unto as real. Thus processing negative emotions is a sacred part of your journey, of all our journeys. Today practice patience, not only with yourself but also with others, for we are all One, and so when you learn patience for others, you are also learning to respect your own process. You are a blessing to this world, not just parts of you, but all of you. Peace." ~JB Cisneros, You Have Chosen to Remember

“Once you awaken you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.” ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"Resentment is not created by the past, but by how we choose to carry the past." ~James B. Cisneros

"The areas in your life that you now see as challenges are the areas you have come to this world to help heal." ~James B. Cisneros

"The ego is a very limited belief system within the sleeping mind." ~James B. Cisneros

"The people we meet today are those we have been appointed to serve." ~James B. Cisneros

"The power to change your life resides within you, not in the outside world." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"The truth within you is sacred, loving and eternal." ~James B. Cisneros

"There are thousands of replies to illusions. But there is one powerful response to reality, and that is appreciation." ~James Blanchard Cisneros (Excerpt from the book You Have Chosen to Remember)

"Today, rise up from the ashes and dust the ego has told you that you are, and shine your eternal nature on all you see." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"We are all One, thus whatever you do to ‘others’ you will feel reverberating within you and throughout your day." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"We experience contentment when we realise that everything that is occurring in our lives is useful for our growth and development." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"When self-doubt comes knocking at you door, remember, God thought and created you. You are in the most literal sense the physical thought of God on Earth." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"When the ego demands anger, let us instead use anger as a trigger that helps awaken us from our dream, that helps us depart the darkness and return to the light." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

“When we are upset, it is not the picture outside of us that is truly upsetting us. It is how we interpret and react to that picture that is upsetting us.” ~James Blanchard Cisneros 

"Wholeheartedly place the moment in God's hands and the need for anger, stress and judgment dissolves." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"You can heal someone simply by the words you choose. Those you are in front of today are those you are being asked to heal. Those that have been entrusted to you by Source are those He is asking you to comfort with your words. You will not be in front of anyone ‘by chance’ today. Chance, is an illusionary idea of the ego, you are on a sacred journey and all those you encounter today are those you have been sent here to serve. Do not take your mission lightly, pay very close attention to the words you use, and align your words with the energies of love, compassion, forgiveness, peace, and joy." ~JBC

"You paint the world you see with every thought you think." ~James Blanchard Cisneros

"Your worth is perfect, gifted to you in your creation, changeless in time. No one can add or subtract your worth." ~James Blanchard Cisneros 

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"Negative” emotions are not negative. Negative emotions allow you to see which illusions of yourself and others you are still holding unto as real. Thus processing negative emotions is a sacred part of your journey, of all our journeys. Today practice patience, not only with yourself but also with others, for we are all One, and so when you learn patience for others, you are also learning to respect your own process. You are a blessing to this world, not just parts of you, but all of you. Peace." ~JBC, You Have Chosen to Remember

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The Power of Checking in on Yourself Throughout the Day:
Every moment allows you the opportunity to begin anew. Throughout the day, practice becoming present, returning to the present moment and asking yourself: “What kind of day do I want to experience.” Today let us practice checking in on ourselves, and deciding if the thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and reactions we are experiencing are the ones that will assist us in having the day we want. When you are not feeling confident, forgiving, generous, loving, or kind, stop yourself and say, “This is not who I truly desire to be, I now choose to stop this thinking and return to my truest-self, I now choose to be who I truly am. I have control of how I act, behave, react, and interact with others and myself. I no longer choose to put effort into following the same dead end roads of judgment and self-judgment that the ego demands I follow. I am no longer an unconscious prisoner to what the ego has programmed me to think. I now choose to become the expression of the day I desire to have.” ~James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of the book "You Have Chosen to Remember"

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"This World is a Reflection of the Thoughts We Think:
You can only define this world through your thoughts. Because it is within your mind that you define the world you see, then this world is simply a reflection of the thoughts you choose to think. Everything “out there” is given definition by you. Thus, when you work on developing a more peaceful mind, then the world that you see through this mindset, will appear more peaceful. Equally so, If your mind is in a confused, fearful and chaotic state, then it is through this mindset, that you will define the world you see, and thus how you choose to participate in it. Your thoughts drive how you participate in this world, and thus of how you experience it. If you are not at peace with how you are participating in and experiencing this world, then focus not outward but within, to change it.

Today, when your thoughts are showing you a world you do not want, do not just hand your creative power over to the ego, instead take your power back, by taking your thoughts and mind back. In times when you lack peace, recall who your creator is, He is Love, and thus you are forever worthy of Love’s inheritance. Peace is one of the many expression of Love, and thus is your inheritance and natural state. When not at peace, you are somewhere you do not belong. But do not despair, simply return to the now, and chose once again. Simply, align your thoughts and mind with Love, and because love is who in truth you are, allow it to lead you. Ask yourself: “In this moment, what would Love have me think, say and do”, and then do that. As you do, you will begin to represent and reflect, Heaven on Earth." ~James Blanchard Cisneros, "You Have Chosen to Remember"

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What is Success?
In the world of illusions, success can be measured a hundred ways, and failure a thousand others. In truth, you achieve success through your simple participation in the life experience. You experience growth, and that is what you have come to do. If you accomplish what you have come to do, then you have succeeded. In that sense, there is no more need to ever talk about the idea of being a successful human being. My friend, let go of the world’s illusionary idea of success, and focus on those areas in your life that fill you with passion, peace, and joy. Those areas will reenergize and magnify the light in you. By following your passions, peace, and joy, you will successfully serve as a reminder and example to others that their true hopes, desires, and dreams, are indeed within reach, within them. ~James Blanchard Cisneros, Author of the book "You Have Chosen to Remember"

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