Table of Contents


Quotes From The Way of the Peaceful Parent

"As parents we so often help our child expand their awareness to help them consider the wants, needs and perspectives of others, and the more we do it in a way that they also feel considered, we're helping them in their slow but steady development of appreciating and considering others. Modelling value and appreciation for ourselves is one of the ways that we do this. By simply saying out loud that you're so pleased with what you've achieved, you're helping your child, young or old, to be aware of what you've done and achieved and they likely will naturally feel appreciation for you. The tall poppy syndrome in our societies can make it hard for us to evolve ourselves out loud, yet doing so gives our children and others around us permission to do the same." ~Parents often feel a lack of acknowledgement, appreciation and value for all that they do in their day to day lives. It's so important that we do the big work of increasing our value of ourselves to fill up our emotional tanks when it isn't coming from one's
child, partner or other adults (at least not in a recognizable form). Especially if you grew up with parents who didn't tend to reflect your value and warmly express their appreciation for what you do and who you are." ~The Way of the Peaceful Parents

"Acknowledge and be kind with yourself about your limitations. When it’s hardest to be kind and loving towards our child is usually when we most need to be kind towards ourselves. Children and adults alike need love when feeling low or angry." ~The Way of the Peaceful Parent

"It's often when we really stop and join our child in their world, when we truly listen with our mind and heart, when we join or observe their play mindfully, that we begin to get little inklings of the innocence, openness and preciousness of their minds and hearts." ~The Way of the Peaceful Parent

"When we indulge in being playful, we enter our child’s world, we gain relief and give our child relief from our seriousness. A child’s world lights up when their parent enters their world of play and it helps us parents shake off some of our stress." ~The Way of the Peaceful Parent

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