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Sue Fitzmaurice Quotes


"A better world can only be built by better people." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"A lot went wrong before I ended up in a great place." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, mirror what you admire." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Awful things can happen. Sometimes those things save you." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Counting other people's SINS, doesn't make you a SAINT." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Crises are a part of life. We can choose misery, or we can look deep inside and recognise an opportunity to grow." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Discovering and living your purpose is an amazing journey." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Don't lose something that matters, because of something that doesn't." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Don't run away from stuff that needs fixing. Stop and face the problem, deal with it, and lode everyone involved." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Every living thing has a LIGHT. Look for the LIGHT in others and hold that LIGHT in your heart in all that you exchange with them." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Find your own voice. Go your own way. Learn the truth for yourself. Don't let it too late; it gets harder to discover." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Forget the mistakes of the past." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Give yourself quiet time in your day, every day, even if it's just a few minutes. All of us need it in this busy, crazy world we live in. Time to reflect, time to connect with the Divine, time to just be." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Guilt doesn't change the past. Worry doesn't change the future." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Healing light is everywhere around you and in you. Be still and quiet and you will find it." ~Sue Fitzmaurice 

"I know I came into this room for a reason." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"If you can continue to let it happen, don't make me listen to you complain about it." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"If you want to make the world  a better place,  take a look at yourself and make that change." ~Sue Fitzmaurice 

"It's one of the best things in the world when a career and a passion come together." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Life is not always sunshine and smooth seas; but there are sunshine and smooth seas in it." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Most people see only how we appear. Few see us as we really are." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"No one in the world wakes up in the morning deciding to be miserable all day." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"No rain. No flowers." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

‪"Not every day is a great day. But there have been great days, and there will be more." ~Sue Fitzmaurice‬

"Not one shred of evidence support the notion that life is serious." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Once you forgive whatever you never imagined possible to forgive, you will find extraordinary peace." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Sometimes it's not about finding answers; it's about facing them." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

Sometimes, keeping busy keeps us going. Other times, too much busy knocks us over. Know when to call a time-out." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Sometimes you just need to lie on the couch and read for a couple of years." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Start something new. It's good for your soul." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"The first forty years of childhood are the toughest." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"The magic you can contribute to the world is much greater than the mistakes you've made." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"The more my path becomes clear, the more the people around me change." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"The more your own path becomes clear, the more old friends fade, and new friends appear who are more aligned to your new purpose. The Universe sends us who we need." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"The most dangerous liars have convinced themselves they're telling the truth, and they often do." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"The wings of angels are often found on the backs of the least likely people." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Things I wish I'd learnt sooner: Status and money aren't worth losing a fraction of your integrity for. Liars generally keep on lying. Happiness is an extraordinary asset and worth fighting for. Spending money on stuff you don't need is stealing from your own future. Sleep, exercise and eating your greens are as important as your mother said. You can and should love everyone." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"We act like defence lawyers for our own mistakes and judges for other people's." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"We're now living in a 'post-truth' era. Not only are we drowning in information, but much of it is either not true or partly true. We are starving for wisdom and the ability to discern the truth." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"We think when things get sorted out we'll find peace. But actually, when we find peace things get sorted out." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"What if you looked in the mirror and saw your character instead of the face?" ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"What it means to 'be AUTHENTIC'" …
… to be more concerned with truth than opinions
… to be sincere and not pretend
… to be free from hypocrisy: 'walking the talk'
… to know who you are and to be that person
… to not fear others' seeing your vulnerabilities
… being confident to walk away from situations where you can't be yourself
… being awake to your own feelings
… being free from others' opinions of you
… accepting and loving yourself

"When you are clear, the way forward opens. To be clear, let go of anger, guilt, and judgment. To let go, ask for Divine help, and release yourself every day from anger, guilt and judgment." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"When you're having a rough time, it can feel like all the great work you've done to yourself, just disappears. It hasn't. Once you start your awakening, you never really go back." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"When you dance to your own rhythm, people may not understand you; they may even hate you. But mostly they'll wish they had the courage to do the same." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"When you stop judging you open your life to love, light and laughter." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"When you stop telling yourself you're losing, you'll start winning." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Without health, wealth is useless, and joy is stifled." ~Sue Maurice

"You can't fight for peace. You have to shake hands for peace." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"You can't fight the whole world, and you can't keep fighting everyone in your world. It's not about giving in; it's about letting go." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"You can't remove negative thinking by pretending it's not there. Acknowledge its presence, don't beat yourself up to it, be kind to your negative thoughts and wave them gently on the way." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or their fancy car... but because they sing a song only you cn hear." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Your heart isn't someone else's meal; protect it." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

"Your past may not look magnificent but your future could be extraordinary." ~Sue Fitzmaurice

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