Table of Contents



A Prayer for You...
May your precious soul be comforted by a blanket of divine love.
I call upon the angels to watch over you from the blessed heavens above.
May God hold you in safety, so you can release your worries and fear.
Let whatever you’re going through be just a reminder of what you hold dear.
~Robert Clancy
"A flower awakens its delicate petals to caress the morning dew, only to dance and rejoice in the precious light of this new day. Isn’t it wonderful that you’re meant to shine in that very same way?" ~Robert Clancy on Enlightened Hearts

"A loss is not the end … it's the beginning of a new beautiful chapter and no matter what, try with all your heart to begin it with love." ~Robert Clancy

"A love story just needs your beautiful heart to write it." ~Robert Clancy

"A star can only be inspired to shine that much brighter when the night is darkest." ~Robert Clancy

"Adding kindness to your life’s wardrobe is as simple as wearing a smile on your heart." ~Robert Clancy on Wear a Smile

"All dreams have a chance when there is still hope in your heart.” ~Robert Clancy

"All hearts are refillable, rechargeable and renewable. May yours be overflowing with love." ~Robert Clancy

"All smiles are created with love...and a sprinkle of angelic light." ~Robert Clancy

"All storms of the heart will come to pass. There’s always a peaceful shoreline and a safe harbor touching all troubled waters. Sail on!" ~Robert Clancy on Healing

"All the peaks and valleys of your life have heavenly views. If you always look up you'll never miss any of them." ~Robert Clancy

“All the truth you’ll ever need to know is found when you trust the beauty in your heart.” ~Robert Clancy

"Alone in the blackness of a starless night, I could only call upon grief’s dark cloak to cover my shivering soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Although it's easy to draw a line in the sand, it’s always worth the extra effort to try to draw a heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Although you may think many of your little acts of kindness are mostly thankless, the angels are singing your name in all the heavens every time you do one." ~Robert Clancy

"Among all the chaos, love is the only constant in the universe that travels at the speed of your beautiful heart." ~Robert Clancy

"An angel will always appear to illuminate every dark day of your life." ~Robert Clancy

"Angelic love is every kind word gently whispered for your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Angelic prose is all the beauty your precious heart will ever need to say." ~Robert Clancy on Angelic Love

"Angelic Love: Love is at its most beautiful when you take the breath away from someone’s heart, even if it’s only for a heavenly second." ~Robert Clancy

Angels always win every battle against darkness, because their weapon of choice is light.” ~Robert Clancy

"Angels: Do you know why God’s army of angels always win any battle against darkness? Their weapon of choice is light." ~Robert Clancy

"Angels Watch Over: Every second of your life is meant to be a celestial sunrise wrapped in an angelic kiss; and it can be when you open your precious heart to that divine love." ~Robert Clancy

“Attitude truly is everything, especially when that outlook on your life comes from deep within your soul. Whatever you’re going through, you can and will make it if you believe in the divine light within your heart.” ~Robert Clancy

"Balance: A life balanced with hope has equal amounts of faith and love on each side of the scale.” ~Robert Clancy

"Balance in life isn't about making everything equal, it's about balancing your heart for each area of your life." ~Robert Clancy

"Be Beautiful: Shine your beauty to the world as if it’s love's first precious kiss." ~Robert Clancy

"Be Fearless: May your precious soul become a radiant light that dances among the shadows of all your fears and doubts." ~Robert Clancy

"Be Grand!: There are no problems larger than the size of your heart, none greater than your capacity to love, and none deserving a second of time that you haven’t first given to yourself in gratitude for all you are." ~Robert Clancy

"Be Radiant! Never underestimate the great tool you carry with you everywhere…your beautiful smile. It can touch the heart of an old friend, bring radiance to a stranger and most importantly, it can change your whole outlook on life when you share it with yourself." ~Robert Clancy

"Be renewed
Fears released
This year is yours
Be at peace!"
~Robert Clancy

"Be the Light: A miracle occurs every time you share a smile." ~Robert Clancy

"Be the Light: It's true that most of the universe is dark, empty and cold, but in the midst of that darkness you will find stars. Anywhere a star is shining you'll find celestial light, warmth and quite often an abundance of life. These precious lights can guide you home, but you'll shine just that much brighter when you become one of those lights to help guide others home." ~Robert Clancy

"Be the Light: Your heart will let more light in when it’s fully open, but that’s also how you enlighten everyone around you." ~Robert Clancy

"Being transparent isn't about being invisible. It's about showing the world who you truly are with grace and beauty." ~Robert Clancy

"Beauty can be found in just about everything, but the greatest amount is found right there in your heart." ~Robert Clancy on Self- Worth

"Beauty of Life: Life is simply a series of changes—some difficult, some wonderful, but isn’t that what the beauty of life is all about?" ~Robert Clancy

"Become the Light: If you’re unable to find a beacon of hope, become one. There’s always someone who needs you." ~Robert Clancy

"Become the Light: Never let your circumstances define you—good or bad. The light you have within yourself is so much more than that." ~Robert Clancy

"Believe in Good: Every bad person out there in our world has to be out numbered by at least a million to one. I like these odds." ~Robert Clancy 

"Blessings don’t grow on trees, they blossom in your heart every time you give thanks for all the beauty in your life." ~Robert Clancy on Gratitude

"Cheer for the success of others … there is not only enough sun for everyone, you actually become that light when you celebrate them." ~Robert Clancy

"Choose faith to chart your life course; allow hope to be the star that guides you on that journey; and you’ll always arrive at a destination of ultimate love." ~Robert Clancy

"Clarity of the heart is the ability to see with all your love." ~Robert Clancy

"Climbing a mountain may bring you closer to heaven’s light; helping others overcome their mountains makes you become heaven’s light." ~Robert Clancy

"Creating beauty in the world is as simple as sharing a smile." ~Robert Clancy

"Divine grace shines through your every flow only to reveal the more enlightened reflections within your beautiful soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Don’t judge the path…just take the journey. All roads eventually lead to a pla. ce of love." ~Robert Clancy on Follow Your Heart

"Dwelling in the past will always prevent you from going where you need to be…a place of love." ~Robert Clancy

"Each facet of a diamond reflects light in its own way, just like each of our souls is a unique reflection of divine love." ~Robert Clancy

"Enjoy Life: All of life’s mysteries aren’t meant to be solved, they're meant to be enjoyed with all of your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Enlightened Hearts: Your heart will let more light in when it’s fully open to others, but isn’t that also how you become the light for others?" ~Robert Clancy

"Even flawed diamonds shine in their inherent brilliance when they seek the light." ~Robert Clancy on Seek the Light

"Even if the sky has fallen down upon you, you’ll still have a piece of heaven at your feet." ~Robert Clancy on Hope

"Every act of kindness creates a whisper on the divine winds of love that’s lifted to Heaven on a precious angel’s wings." ~Robert Clancy

"Every hurricane has an eye to remind you that even among life’s most terrible storms, God is still watching over you." ~Robert Clancy

"Every peaceful sunrise is born to shine upon your beautiful heart.
Every wave in the ocean is meant to flow over your precious soul.
Every star in in the universe shines for your loving spirit."
~Robert Clancy on Heaven

“Every tear you weep in sorrow is caught by God’s hand and dried by the wings of an angel. Hang in there; you are never alone in sadness.” ~Robert Clancy

"Everyone in your life will remain unfinished portraits until you paint them with all the beauty of your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Extending your hand to help someone is just as important as outstretching it to receive help when you need it." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith allows you to rise above your sins. Hope lifts up your chin. In the end, love always wins." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith gives you the belief you can climb that mountain; hope provides you with the strength to keep climbing; and when you reach the summit, only love will fill your eyes." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith, Hope and Love: Faith exists because you believe with all your heart. Hope exists because you hold on to it with every part of your heart. Love thrives because of your beautiful heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith, Hope and Love: Faith is stronger than any rock you’ll ever stand upon. Hope is more precious than anything you’ve ever touched. Love is more beautiful than all the skies your eyes have ever gazed upon." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith, Hope and Love: Lift your heart on the wings of love, for it is the fate-filled wind that carries the seeds of your precious life." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith is unbreakable when it's packaged in hope and wrapped with love." ~Robert Clancy

"Faith provides the belief you can climb any mountain of fear before you. Hope gives you the all the strength you’ll ever need to keep climbing even when you believe you cannot go on. Love is everything your heart drinks in when you stand upon that summit." ~Robert Clancy on Never Lose Hope

"Faith requires just one prayer; Hope needs just one chance; Love is the very essence of that faithful hope-filled heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Family is the circle of all those around your heart who are forever wrapped in unconditional love." ~Robert Clancy

"Fear Not: You don’t have to clear your eyes to see that fear is nothing but a shadow on your soul. Open your heart, lift your chin to the sky and the grace-filled light glistening off an angel’s wings will dispel that darkness." ~Robert Clancy

"Forgiveness doesn’t take a piece of your heart away…it carries your heart to a place of peace." ~Robert Clancy

"Forgiving: It’s true that you hold the key to your heart…just remember that same key also unlocks your chains of forgiveness." ~Robert Clancy

"Forgiving: When you finally realize there should be nothing beneath you, you can rise above everything with amazing grace." ~Robert Clancy

"Forgiving Hearts: A negative view of someone can be changed by embracing a change of heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Give thanks for the family the surrounds you.
Give thanks for the love that surrounds you.
Give thanks that grace has found you.
Just give thanks with all your heart!"
~Robert Clancy

"Grace: You may have been lost, you’ve certainly been found; always know you’re heaven bound." ~Robert Clancy

"GRATITUDE: A blessing doesn’t grow on a tree; it blossoms in your heart every time you give thanks." ~Robert Clancy

"Great leaders may be found at the top of a mountain looking back upon their challenges, but the greatest leaders are often found at the foot of the mountain still helping others reach that summit." ~Robert Clancy on Lead from the Heart

"Grief from the loss of a dear loved one is there to show you the depths of your heart—because even in your darkest place, love’s light still shines there." ~Robert Clancy

"Grief is a place you need only visit once with your heart to know that love is a place that persists forever within your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Grief isn’t about an ending of’s about the beginning of understanding how deep your love truly is." ~Robert Clancy on Sorrowful Hearts

"Grow Stronger: Negative experiences from your past should never define you, just as the roots of a tree don’t define it. They only make it stronger so it can stand tall in all its beauty while it shines in the light." ~Robert Clancy

"Have No Doubt: The divine master may have placed your wings on the winds of maybe, but you’ll always end up on the shores of certainty." ~Robert Clancy

"Healing: You can only know your true strength when you’ve been tested.." ~Robert Clancy

"Healing Prayer: May the Lord give you enough faith and hope to help you find the light on the dark days you can’t change and enough love to become that light on the days you can." ~Robert Clancy

"Hope is always in front of you as long as you turn yourself around to face it." ~Robert Clancy

"Hope is just one grace-filled step beyond all your fears, worries and doubts." ~Robert Clancy

"Hope is knowing there is always another sunrise awaiting to caress your beautiful soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Hope will never leave your side, unless you choose to let go of it." ~Robert Clancy

"If love comes into question, look no further than your heart for the answer." ~Robert Clancy on Love is the Answer

"If you believe you’re alone, you’re not. There is always someone who cares deeply about you, even if you can’t see this. Still, if you can’t feel that light, know that an angel is always smiling because of your beautiful soul." ~Robert Clancy on You're Not Alone

"If you feel like you can’t keep love in your heart, it’s because your heart is so beautifully open…and that’s the most precious thing about you!" ~Robert Clancy on Open Hearts

"If you feel you cannot make a stand…rise above." ~Robert Clancy

"If you’ve been knocked down or you’ve fallen hard, it takes the strength of both legs to stand up again. Let those legs be filled with faith and hope." ~Robert Clancy

"If you’ve lost faith, look no further than your own hands, for you always hold it. If you’ve lost hope, place your faith-filled hands upon your heart, for you’re always covered with it. If you’ve lost love, look no further than you own hopeful heart, for it begins there." ~Robert Clancy

"If you want to hear the angels sing, listen to the love songs preformed by the magnificence within your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"In life there are many places to go and many roads to follow, but only the path within your heart leads to love." ~Robert Clancy

"In the eyes of the angels you’re a beautiful celestial masterwork created by God. Let the world see that art that’s showcased by your heart. All you have to do is light it up with a radiant smile." ~Robert Clancy

"In your darkest hour, even the smallest ray of light will beckon your heart to never give up." ~Robert Clancy on HOPE

"Isn’t it wonderful that the greatest strength that lies within you is also the softest part of your heart?" ~Robert Clancy

"It’s amazing how infinite love can always grow, especially when your beautiful heart is added to it." ~Robert Clancy

"It’s not that God gives you more than you can handle in life; it’s that you discover His grace in what you overcome; you learn the importance of love during those trials; and you never let go of hope during your darkest hours." ~Robert Clancy

"It’s not that you’re expected to return from a difficult time unscathed. It’s that your faith allows you to hold onto just enough hope to be able to lead yourself back to everlasting love." ~Robert Clancy

"It's true that all superheroes have a unique power or ability, but they also all have one in common…a kind heart." ~Robert Clancy

"It might be easier to find your way home on a lighted pathway, but life is so much grander when you can light that way for someone else." ~Robert Clancy

"It only takes the compassion of one kind heart to make love a true reality." ~Robert Clancy

“It takes but one glimmer of hope to find your way out of the darkness.” ~Robert Clancy

"It takes but one word of kindness from your lips for everyone to know your true heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Jealousy: You haven't given anyone a reason to be jealous of your successes-that drama is the lesson they need to learn from their own insecurities. Seek those who celebrate in your triumphs, for they are the light within your achievements." ~Robert Clancy

"Kindness creates a magic that can only be matched by the enchantment you bestow upon the world with your beautiful heart." ~Robert Clancy

“Kindness is a heavenly gift that’s packaged with love, sealed with an angel’s kiss and delivered with a beautiful smile.” ~Robert Clancy

"Kindness is a magic that can only be created by the enchantment you bestow upon the world with your beautiful heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Kindness is a rose that is blessed by every sweet smile it inspires." ~Robert Clancy

"Kindness is the mirror of your soul that reflects your beauty upon everyone who looks into your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Kindness matters just as much as life fact kindness brings every heart to life." ~Robert Clancy

"Know Your Grace Within: You may have been lost, you’ve certainly been found; always know you’re heaven bound." ~Robert Clancy

"Know your light within and trust it, for that is where the truth is revealed to your precious soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Legacy is not just what you leave behind, but rather what you leave ensures no one is ever left behind." ~Robert Clancy

“Let love be the peace-filled ocean your heart swims in from now until the end of time.” ~Robert Clancy

"Let Love Happen: When you allow life to happen, it will unfold its beauty like a newborn butterfly’s wings; today is the day to take flight and sail on the winds of love." ~Robert Clancy

"Let your love sail on the wings of forever." ~Robert Clancy

"Life is a simple equation when you allow everything to add up to love." ~Robert Clancy

"Life is about seeking balance, striving for honesty, being at peace with the things you can’t control, and trusting in everything you are and everything you’ll ever be. A true loving relationship is exactly all of those things too." ~Robert Clancy on True Love

"Life is not so much about trying to bring the world to your feet, but rather to hold the hearts of others in your hands." ~Robert Clancy on Life's Lessons

"Life is the adventure.
Kindness is the path.
Love is the destination."
~Robert Clancy

"Light can only enter the darkness and the darkness can never enter the light; therefore when you shine from within, others will never be without that light." ~Robert Clancy

"Listening to your heart is the first step in becoming fluent in love." ~Robert Clancy on The Language of Love

"Live, Laugh And Love: There is a cure for death…it’s called life. Live every moment with love and kindness. Laugh during the good times; remember to laugh again after the bad ones, but most of all share your heart and all the beauty it contains with the world." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is Light: An angel will always appear to illuminate the darkest day of your life." ~Robert Clancy

"Love becomes an unlimited renewable resource the instant it’s powered by all the beauty within your priceless soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Love becomes exponential when it’s multiplied by your beautiful heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love doesn’t start in the heart. It begins the moment you believe in it with all your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love's Flowers: Become the flower—soft, colorful, reaching for the heavens. You were born from the morning dew under a starlit sky. Your very essence fills the air with an ocean wonder. Open your petals to the light of this new day so the world may admire all of your beauty." ~Robert Clancy

"Love’s great splendor, glorious grace;
Light of a new day upon your face.
Time for healing, time for peace;
Let love be your home,
so your heart has a place."
~ Robert Clancy ~

"Love is a beautiful new beginning with a never ending." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is a golden bridge between your beautiful soul and everything else." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is a simple word that simply means everything." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is an endless ocean that flows from the depths of your soul. Set sail." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is everything you were, everything you are, and everything you’ll ever be." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is how you’re connected to the very fabric of the universe." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is Infinite! Love’s light reaches every corner of the universe. Imagine now just how big your heart truly is when you share that light." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is like all the stars in the heavens. The beautiful light it creates reaches every corner of the universe." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is like a garden. The only things that will ever grow within it are the things you place there, nurture and tenderly care for with all your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the easiest way to pray." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the essence of all that you are and all you should ever be." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the essence of everything you are and everything you are ever meant to be." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the glorious magnificence of everything you are. Wear that crown proudly for your soul was created to rule that beautiful kingdom within your heart." ~Robert Clancy on Angelic Love

"Love is the most beautiful ocean your heart can ever swim in." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the only blanket that’s woven by the kindness within your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the reason for your being." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is the universal language, but it’s also the language of the Universe. Speak it fluently!" ~Robert Clancy

"Love is truly the greatest currency we have in this world; spend and invest it with passion as much as humanly possible." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is without beginning or end. It's simply an endless ocean of waves meant to touch every shoreline in your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is your one, God-given, natural-born, talent that you still need to practice each and every day." ~Robert Clancy

"Love may be spoken fluently in every language, but is best articulated by a kind heart." ~Robert Clancy on Speak Love

"Love requires all…every ounce of your heart, every thought in your mind and every fiber of your soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Love: Of all the things you can create in your life, love is among the greatest gifts you’ll ever make." ~Robert Clancy

"Love: Set your intention with all your heart and you will always end up someplace beautiful." ~Robert Clancy

"Love: The closest you’ll ever be with someone is when you let them all the way into the beauty of your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love: There’s nothing sweeter than the fragrance of unconditional love. Be that beautiful ocean of flowering kindness." ~Robert Clancy

"Love: You will always walk hand-in-hand with the precious love every time you reach out with your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is Action: Words of love, kindness and caring are just words, unless a heart with intention is behind them." ~Robert Clancy

"Love is stronger than death even though it can’t prevent the loss of someone so dear to you. Death can never separate you from love." ~Robert Clancy on Strength in Love

"Love Life: Each of us are born with a unique set of instructions for life. I find it wonderful that as diverse as all these directives are, they’re all meant to simply lead us to a place of love." ~Robert Clancy

"Love may be as delicate as a gentle kiss from an angel’s wing, but it’s also strong enough to free your heart from any cage that imprisons it." ~Robert Clancy

“Love may move mountains, but it’s even more amazing when it stirs your heart to do the same.” ~Robert Clancy

"LOVE NATURALLY - To bring harmony to your life, become the nature of love." ~Robert Clancy

"Love requires all…every ounce of your heart, every thought in your mind and every fiber of your soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Love should never be the question, it’s the answer." ~Robert Clancy

"Love: When you wear a smile your entire world becomes the universe within my heart." ~Robert Clancy

"May faith be the cornerstone of your life helping you to weather the storms.
May hope be the skylight of your soul where grace always shines down upon your beautiful essence.
May love be an ocean as deep as your heart where others swim in your kindness."
~Robert Clancy

"May love be your muse, patient not hurried. Let peace be the comfort to ease all your worries." ~Robert Clancy

"May love be a beautiful oasis within your heart; allow others to rest there, if only for a moment." ~Robert Clancy

"May the gardens of love grow forever wild and free within your precious heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Never Lose Hope: Faith provides the belief you can climb any mountain of fear before you. Hope gives you the all the strength you’ll ever need to keep climbing even when you believe you cannot go on. Love is everything your heart drinks in when you stand upon that summit." ~Robert Clancy

"Never underestimate the light you bring to the world with your beautiful smile." ~Robert Clancy

"New Beginnings: Starting over doesn’t mean you’ve lost everything, but rather you have everything to gain." ~Robert Clancy

"New Chapters: Never view a loss as the end—it’s the beginning of a new chapter and no matter what finish every one of those chapters with divine love!" ~Robert Clancy

"No one will ever know what dwells behind your beautiful eyes until you show them what dwells within your precious heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Old souls may be the ones who’ve been around the block a few times, but they’re also the ones who know how vastly beautiful that block is; they’re the one’s who still stop to smell the roses; and they always stop to drink in every small moment of life." ~Robert Clancy

"One Heart: There is nothing more beautiful in this world than when two hearts come together to become a greater one." ~Robert Clancy

"One of the easiest ways to pay-it-forward is with kindness; it costs nothing, yet it’s worth everything." ~Robert Clancy

"Open Hearts: A flower is just like your heart, its beauty can only be viewed when it’s fully opened to the light." ~Robert Clancy

"Open Hearts: Your heart will never be more open than when you’ve poured it all out in kindness for another."—Robert Clancy

"Paint your beautiful soul upon the canvas of another's heart, for this is where love's art is created." ~Robert Clancy

"Peace is always at your heart’s door. It’s up to you to open it." ~Robert Clancy

"Peace is found in the gentle whispers of love. You can’t catch what you must simply breathe in." ~Robert Clancy

"Peace of Heart: To share every piece of your heart, you have to find all the peace in your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Peace of mind is a beautiful thing to see, but peace of heart allows you to see the beauty in everything." ~Robert Clancy

"PEACE: If you seek harmony in your life, simply let your heart sing the melody." ~Robert Clancy

"PEACE: The pathway of true peace doesn’t lead one to a destination. It must simply become a way of one’s life."—Robert Clancy

"Peace: When hope knocks upon your heart, let faith unlock the door and divine love open it to the light of this new day, for your precious soul deserves these heavenly guests. " ~Robert Clancy

"Peace was given to your soul upon creation. Your heart simply has to rediscover it during your journey through life." ~Robert Clancy

"Pure love is wanting to spend hours talking with someone for a thousand summer nights, but knowing your heart said everything it needed to the second you met them." ~Robert Clancy

"Raise the blinds of your heart so the light of a thousand endless summers will shine down upon it." ~Robert Clancy

"Releasing grief doesn't mean you've given up on your loved one, but rather you've given in to the incredible love you share with them." ~Robert Clancy (Grief)

"Seek Love: If you can’t find love, look within your own heart first. If you stumble on your way, let hope be your guide. If you become lost, let faith help you find your way back." ~Robert Clancy

"Seek Miracles: A miracle happens every time a child smiles for the first time, every time the rays of the sun grace your beautiful face, and every time you share a bit of your heart for someone in need." ~Robert Clancy

"Seek the Light: Even flawed diamonds shine in their inherent brilliance when they seek the light." ~Robert Clancy

"Separate Hearts: When two hearts part ways, love seems to grow in separate gardens, but the angels only see those blossoms as part of one great garden." ~Robert Clancy

"Share a Smile: The sun can only be that much brighter with the light of your beautiful radiant smile." ~Robert Clancy

"Smile: A frown will bring the sun down, but a smile will light a thousand miles." ~Robert Clancy

"Smile: There are millions of smiles shared everyday, but only one as uniquely beautiful as yours." ~Robert Clancy

"Sometimes the simplest acts of kindness that come from a pure place are the ones that last forever in the hearts of others." ~Robert Clancy

"Speak Love: Let love become the language of your life, for your precious soul already speaks it fluently." ~Robert Clancy

"Speak Love: The story of your life isn’t written in a book, it’s told by the kindness in your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Stand tall in face of adversity to have the greatest view of hope’s precious light." ~Robert Clancy

"Stand Tall: In life, whether you’ve been knocked down or you’ve fallen hard, it takes the strength of both legs to stand up again. Let those legs be filled with faith and hope." ~Robert Clancy

“Stay Light! Angels always win every battle against darkness, because their weapon of choice is light.” ~Robert Clancy

"Strength is measured by how tightly you can hold onto hope." ~Robert Clancy

"Success in life isn’t about getting to the top—it’s about always looking up.” ~Robert Clancy

"The art of love is painted upon the canvas of the world with every brushstroke of kindness." ~Robert Clancy

"The beautiful voice within your heart will always speak louder than any thunder roaring around you." ~Robert Clancy

"The delicate wings of an angel are made from the fabric of glistening hope and sewn together with the light of compassion. That’s why you are meant to glide on the winds of love." ~Robert Clancy

"The divine master may have placed your wings on the winds of maybe, but you’ll always end up on the shores of certainty." ~Robert Clancy, Have No Doubt

"The face of fear only exists when you give it one." ~Robert Clancy

"The geometry of life is pretty simple - encircle everyone with all your love." ~Robert Clancy

"The gravity of love should be the only force ever acting upon your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"The greatest bridge you can cross in life is the one that connects your heart with another’s." ~Robert Clancy on Love

"The greatest gift a parent can give a child is a belief in something greater than themselves. The greatest thing you can do with that gift is to show the world your strength in that belief." ~Robert Clancy

"The Language of Love: Listening to your heart is the first step in becoming fluent in love." ~Robert Clancy

"The only place you should ever truly be lost is within all the love in your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"The only things that will ever grow within it are the things that you place there, nurture and tenderly care for with all your heart." ~Robert Clancy (Love is a garden …)

"The people who talk about you behind your back, don't deserve to face your beauty." ~Robert Clancy on Self-Worth

"The sun that sets leaving your weary body in darkness at the end of a trying day is the same one that will greet you in warmth and loving light the very next morning." ~Robert Clancy

"The world is your canvas—use love and kindness to paint your beautiful soul upon it." ~Robert Clancy

"There are people who are so wonderfully kind that simply being in their presence warms your heart like a beautiful sunrise." ~Robert Clancy on volunteers

"There are those precious angels who show up at just the right time, lend you their wings so you can begin to fly again too." ~Robert Clancy

"There are those who think about you when you’re not there.
Those who shed a tear for you, so you know they care.
Those who open their hearts to you so your soul may mend.
They are the precious ones you call your best friends."
~Robert Clancy

"There can never be a more beautiful you, than when you shine the way only you can. Today is your day to be that light!" ~Robert Clancy

"To create peace on earth, you must first discover the peace that has always existed within your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"To make the world a place of peace, you first have to start by making your heart a peace-filled place." ~Robert Clancy

"To share every piece of your heart, you have to find all the peace in your heart." ~Robert Clancy on Peace of Heart!

"True friends are easy to recognize. They’re the ones who always lift you up, especially when you’re broken down." ~Robert Clancy

"True gratitude is knowing every single day begins with a sunrise in your heart." ~Robert Clancy

“True Beauty: More beauty is found in a simple act of kindness than you’ll ever see on the cover of a fashion magazine or in some other human ideal. Be beautiful today!” ~Robert Clancy

"True Love: Love never needs a reason, or a season just because someone else needs pleasin’. It just is as it should always be." ~Robert Clancy

"True Love: When someone accepts your past, holds your heart’s present as the gift it is and dreams of your every tomorrow, then you’ve found true love." ~Robert Clancy

"True peace is found when you calmly walk the grace-filled path within your heart while you’re in the midst of all life’s chaos." ~Robert Clancy

"True Respect: Holding someone in the highest regard even when they’re not present with you, because you know they’re always right there in your heart…this is true respect." ~Robert Clancy

"Trust can only be grown in your heart by someone who truly respects the beauty you have within it." ~Robert Clancy

"Truth: If you’re not honest with yourself, how can you expect others to trust you? The truth can only grow in a fertile garden of the heart. Be loving. Be accepting. Be truthful." ~Robert Clancy

"When love calls your heart, answer!" ~Robert Clancy

"Hope: When the sun takes its final breath just before its last rays drop below the horizon, let all the twinkling stars in heaven remind you that the light of hope will never leave your side." ~Robert Clancy

"Infinite Love: Love bridges the distance between any two hearts, even if that expanse is between here and heaven." ~Robert Clancy

"Waves of kindness create the sea of love." ~Robert Clancy

"What if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists!" ~Robert Clancy

"When God cries His tears help flowers all over the world bloom. Therefore, when your heart becomes sorrowful your tears can only ever be blossoms of hope."~Robert Clancy

"When it's just so perfect in every way you can imagine … you will know love." ~Robert Clancy

"When life seems to be taking you for a ride, know that divine love will always ultimately be the final destination. Trust in the lessons of the journey; believe in the truth discovered in the purpose." ~Robert Clancy on Silver Linings

"When light comes together the brightness only increases. When the darkness meets itself, nothing changes, unless there is a glimmer of light, for it is then there is no more darkness." ~Robert Clancy on HOPE

"When someone paints your universe with their smiles, your heart becomes a beautiful starlit canvas." ~Robert Clancy

"When the Earth has fallen to dust and the last star in heaven ceases to shine, love will remain…forever." ~Robert Clancy

"When there seems to be no light for your day, bring your own; you are your own sunrise." ~Robert Clancy

"When things don't seem to be happening fast enough for you, they're still moving forward. You will arrive right where you are supposed to be in God's perfect timing." ~Robert Clancy

"When you allow life to happen, it will unfold its beauty like a newborn butterfly’s wings; today is the day to take flight and sail on the winds of love." ~Robert Clancy

"When you can’t let it be; Love will set you free. When you don’t know how to feel; Hope will always heal. When you don’t know what to say; Drop to your knees and pray.” ~Robert Clancy on Healing

"When you give without expecting anything in return, love and kindness is released into the universe on the wings of angels." ~Robert Clancy on GRATITUDE

"When you hold space for yourself and others your heart will have all the room it will ever need." ~Robert Clancy

"When you think, act love just like an angel, there is little difference between you and these celestial beings..." ~Robert Clancy

"When your heart rings, an angel sings for all the beauty love brings." ~Robert Clancy

"When your valley of doubt seems so deep your legs will become too weary to cross it, let hope be your strength’s saving grace. If your mountain of pain is so steep you can no longer scale it, let faith carry your spirit higher than any mountaintop can ever reach." ~Robert Clancy

"Whenever fear ends, hope begins." ~Robert Clancy

"Where your heart goes your feet will most certainly follow, but more importantly, your soul will find a home." ~Robert Clancy

"Within all the ups and downs of life, there are always the green pastures to find in the valleys and you should always enjoy the views of heaven from those peaks." ~Robert Clancy

"Wonderment is the divine key that unlocks all the love in the universe. Always dream big!" ~Robert Clancy

"You're a true original not meant to live in sorrow … Raise your chin up to the stars for there will be a beautiful tomorrow." ~Robert Clancy

"You're Not Alone: If you believe you’re alone, you’re not. There is always someone who cares deeply about you, even if you can’t see this. Still, if you can’t feel that light, know that an angel is always smiling because of your beautiful soul." ~Robert Clancy

"You Are The Light: All you are and all you’ll ever be is divine love. Your precious soul has always known this…you just need to spend your life trying to remember this beautiful light." ~Robert Clancy

"You could set out to write your name in the stars, but you’ll have a much grander time painting the world with your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"You've got but one life that will eventually come to pass. Only the love you share with all your heart is what is meant to last." ~Robert Clancy

"You may have a million words of wisdom, but only one is ever needed…love." ~Robert Clancy

"You may have fallen a long way down, but your journey upward into the light is infinite." ~Robert Clancy

"You may not be able to change someone else's journey of the heart, but you can make yours a journey that always includes theirs." ~Robert Clancy (Compassion)

"You may not feel complete, but that’s because God is never finished working on His most beautiful masterpieces." ~Robert Clancy

"You may think your love is stored in your heart, but it's not. It's in the heart of everyone you have touched with your beautiful soul." ~Robert Clancy

"You were born with all the tools necessary to communicate with another, the greatest of which is your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"You’ll be as strong as an oak tree when you believe in the strength of your roots; you shed what is needed for your growth and you forever reach for the light." ~Robert Clancy

"You'll know heaven when love's grace-filled sonnets drifts endlessly through your heart." ~Robert Clancy

"Your heart becomes fully aware of its beauty the moment it connects with another’s." ~Robert Clancy

"Your heart may be fractured and it may be broken, but the light can only enter something that’s open." ~Robert Clancy

"Your heart should be just like the Earth—filled with life while you spin endlessly ‘round a beautiful light that warms your soul." ~Robert Clancy

"Your heart will always speak louder than the words from your lips." ~Robert Clancy (Love's Thunder)

"Your heart will let more light in when it’s fully open, but that’s also how you enlighten everyone around you." ~Robert Clancy on Be the Light

"Your life may begin with desire and end with reflection, but the journey is all about the wonderment of love."—Robert Clancy

"Your love should be a warm ocean breeze of smiles washing over someone's lips; an angel’s song whispering endlessly their ears; and the light of a thousand celestial sunrises radiating from your beautiful heart. That's love!" ~Robert Clancy

"Your precious soul was created from the stardust … life is simply the journey of remembering how to shine in the darkness just like that heavenly body from which you were born." ~Robert Clancy

"Your soul is a beautiful masterwork that’s simply meant to be shared through the divine love it holds." ~Robert Clancy

"Your True Beauty: Of all the challenges you’ve faced, you can only be made better for them. Just as all the great masterworks of art have weathered the wrath of time, only to become more revered in their inherent beauty, you too are counted among them in the hearts of the angels." ~Robert Clancy



You may be broken; you may be torn;
You may feel this is how you were born.
This is not the case; know this grace;
Let it take you to a higher place.

You are mystique; you’re a special soul;
Raise your chin; be made whole.
Know the angels wipe away your tears;
Begin again; release your fears.

~Robert Clancy


"Faith confirms belief;
Hope provides relief;
Love is everything else
that simply makes you complete."
~Robert Clancy


Take me to the river; never let me go.
Fill my heart with love, only kindness to bestow.
Take me to the mountain; release all my fears.
Fill my eyes with hope, for the rest of my years.
Take me to the ocean; let me swim in the vastness of your heart.
Fill my days without longing; let nothing take us apart.
Take me to Heaven; let my ears ring with peace.
Fill my soul with divine light, so all darkness will simply cease.
~Robert Clancy


Smile if just for a moment;
let the angels dry your tears.
Time is just an essence;
let every second cast a year.
Today’s storm will pass;
let tomorrow’s light greet you with a kiss.
Bask in this loving warmth;
let your soul return to bliss.

~Robert Clancy

LOVE is…
The vastness that exists between every beat of your precious heart;
The endless oceans flowing behind your beautiful eyes;
The heavens reigning down upon your delicate soul;
The grace bestowed upon your wonderful life.

~Robert Clancy


Call upon forgiveness to release your precious soul;

Forgiving allows for living; it makes the Universe whole.
Grace will light your way; there’s only one path that’s true;

It’s the one that leads to love, the one with the heavenly views.

You may have shared your heart; you may have some regrets;

But the greatest plan for your soul hasn’t even happened yet.
Stay true to who you are; don’t give up on life’s fight.

It will all be worth it in the end; keep walking the path of light.
~Robert Clancy


A prayer for the faithful;
a prayer for those who see;
Help those who are still blind
to the divine grace-filled seas.

Dance upon the sands of time;
let that ocean caress your feet.
Allow your love become the waves
that wash over those you meet.

Reach your hands to heavens in gratitude;
share your loving heart.
Listen for the angels to rejoice;
make kindness the place you start.

~Robert Clancy


Loving forgiveness is the place to start,
When your heart is shattered or broken apart.

Grief, sorrow, darkness, despair—
Know you’re held; all of heaven cares.

You might be at rock bottom; you may have given in;
The angels have called out—your soul is worth saving.

Hold on for the sunrise, wait for that light to caress your face,
The angels have arrived to wrap you with grace.

~Robert Clancy


You are born to be a child of the infinite light;

Your wings may be hidden, but you can always take flight.
Your smile a radiant gift, from the angels they say;
Bestow your divine beauty to brighten another’s day.
Allow your compassion to give your wings their lift;
Know the love in your heart is God’s great gift.

~Robert Clancy

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