Table of Contents


Quotes from The FRIENDSHIP BOOK 2000-2013

From Francis Gay:

"Crying is a form of release given to us for times of grief and great stress, and it is an emotion which can help others." ~Francis Gay

"Hard work and cheerfulness are two clever combination." ~Francis Gay, The Frienship Book 2000 (MPW)

"Keep on trying, again and again, even when things seem to be continually slipping downhill." ~Francis Gay (TFBFG 2000 - MPW)

"Love and friendship are rich gold threads which run through the tapestry of life making it sparkle and glow with their warmth." ~Francis Gay, The Frienship Book 2000 (MPW)

"Memories are golden gifts. Store safely, handle carefully and they will never tarnish." ~Francis Gay (2000)

"We can never replace a true friend. When a man is fortunate enough to have several, he finds they are all different. No one has a ounce friendship." ~Francis Gay (2000)


From Others:

"Each day is a new opportunity to correct the mistakes of yesterday and to deal with the challenges that face us today." ~Father Jerome Le Doux (2000/MPW)

"Everybody has something good inside them. Some hide it, some neglect it, but it is there." ~Mother Teresa, TFBFG 2000/MPW

"Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day." ~Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)(TFBFG 2000 -MPW)

"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizons." ~Konrad Adenauer, TFBFG 2000/MPW

"We are all in favour of change - so long as it doesn't make any difference." ~Wise Old Bishop (2000)



"If ever you need a helping hand - you'll find one on the end of your arm!" ~Old Proverb



"May the HONEST heart never feel distress."

"May the winds of adversity NEVER blow upon your door."

"When we are going up the hill of fortune, may we never met a Friend coming down."

Source: TFBFG 2000

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