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Francis Gay 1998 Quotes

"Gardens are bright with early daffodils, crocuses, and other small bulbs, and in sunny spots the first dog-tooth violets are flowering." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"Golden and diamond bright are those little ripples in the sands of time, those minutes and seconds we all need to have, to stand and stare in life. Some quiet times of relaxation and refreshment... We all need them, so that things don't get on top of us in this busy world." ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1998

"Here are three pieces of useful advice for anyone starting out in life: If success is just round the corner, start turning; Fortunes are not found, they are made' Don't wait for your ship to come in - row out and meet it!" ~Francis Gay, TFBFG 1998

"If we all try just a little harder to reflect the Light that shines on us, then the world will surely be a better place." ~Francis Gay 1998

"If we are keen and intent on whatever we are doing, our troubles are forgotten and disappear into thin air." ~Francis Gay 1998

"If you're finding the road tough, it's time to pull up at Life's Traffic Lights: STOP complaining - exercise CAUTION at all times - then GO smiling!" ~Francis Gay, 1998

"Let us not forget all the 'small folk' who work quietly and tirelessly in every walk of life." ~Francis Gay, 1998

"March is the doorway from Winter to Spring." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"Misfortune strikes and we think we will never recover from the blow, but in time things do improve - if they are not the same as they were before, at least there is some semblance of order and meaning." ~ Francis Gay (1998)

"Most of us lead busy lives, … But I think in varying degrees we all need a little space in our lives - time to stand aside for a little while, time to think quietly." ~Francis Gay 1998

"Nature never disappoints us. It always provides something beautiful, even in the darkest days. As well as the beauty, we are given a little ray of hope." ~Francis Gay, 1998

"Sending and receiving picture postcards are a bright and cheerful way of keeping in touch with friends, and letting folk know you are thinking of them." ~Francis Gay 1998

"Sometimes, it is the small things which brighten our lives. Never be afraid to let someone know you are thinking of them. It could be just the boost to their spirits which they are needing." ~Francis Gay on picture postcard, TFBFG 1998

"Sometimes it pays to wear a 'rose-coloured spectacles' to help us see the nicer side of things." ~Francis Gay, 1998

"Sometimes personal relationships can suffer a setback through stormy words or thoughtless acts." ~Francis Gay, 1998

"Surprises are delightful. They bring pleasure to both the creator and the recipient." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"There are those who get ahead, and those who struggle to keep up. To reach life's goals is the important aim - not who gets there first." ~Francis Gay, 1998

"Things don't always happen just when we want them to, but with patience most things will come about eventually." ~Francis Gay 1998

"We may suffer a disappointment but if we look beyond, there is something to restote our faith and serenity. A cloud often has a silver lining." ~Francis Gay 1998

"When our day begins and ends in prayer, problems don't seem to loom as large." ~Francis Gay (1998)

"When troubles rise to the surface they don't always come alone - sometimes they bring their own remedies with them." ~Francis Gay, The Friendship Book 1998


"Having plenty of time is the surest way to be late." ~Mrs. F. Gay


"Anybody can sing when the sun shines, but it's not easy to sing in the rain." ~Attributed to Mary with a Robin

"If you want something badly, never give up. Stay and see it through." ~A gentleman and a statue 😉

"Kind and helpful words, and optimistic words of encouragement can make such a difference on any day of the week, whether we speak or hear them." ~Attributed to a Needlewoman

"You are on the road to success when you realise failure is only a detour." ~Anon

"You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity." ~Thomas Wolfe

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