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Dr. Jeff Kane Quotes

"Are you ready to take a swim or do you prefer to stay close to the shore? Your choice will change the course of your life." ~Dr. Jeff Kane

"Reflection can lead you in a new Direction. Take some time out once in a while to notice where you are so you can begin to contemplate where you want to go." ~Dr. Jeff Kane, Relationships Unscripted

"Relationships have their shares of ups and downs. Stay the course and remember that the road to change will have its share of twists and turns. Embrace the lessons learned during your travels. The growth along the journey will create a closeness and a love that will keep you connected in a deep way." ~Dr. Jeff Kane

"The best way to create change in your relationship is to begin by changing yourself. It’s so easy to blame your loved one for why your relationship is stuck. Change ultimately begins with looking at oneself. What do you think you need to do differently to create change in your relationship?" ~Dr. Jeff Kane, Relationships Unscripted

"Thoughts that are often never expressed can influence your relationship in ways you never imagined. What you think will greatly influence what you say and how you act. The expectations you carry will affect what how you move through your relationship. Change your thoughts and change your relationship." ~Dr. Jeff Kane

"Your beliefs are very powerful. What will unfold in your life is greatly related to what you believe will happen next. Beliefs set the tone for what you see and how you see it. Once you change your beliefs everything else will begin to shift. Change is truly in your hands." ~Dr. Jeff Kane, Relationships Unscripted

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