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Marlene Buffa Quotes


"Bumping into unseen forces, we sometimes feel a hovering entity or looming feeling surrounding us, daring to collide with our circumventing comfort zone." ~Marlene Buffa from Inspiration Line

"Life knocks on the door of our consciousness offering us a deeper existence, bumps into us and diverts us onto a higher path and whooshes by us reminding us that it’s never too late to wake up!" ~Marlene Buffa from Inspiration Line

"The older we grow, the quicker time passes. Our perception and vantage point change as time reflects against the accumulation of our experience. Time, as we interpret it through man-made dials and clocks, remains constant and some say, circular or infinite. Unseen thoughts, entities and even energies wrap around us, check us out, and whisk away – in an instant. The indescribable feeling of déjà vu, or the instinctive choices we make, represents our higher selves responding to Life." ~Marlene Buffa from Inspiration Line

"When Life or Spirit bumps into us, it renders a touching reminder for us to awaken to the events and emotions around us while we make our way on the planet. From the premonitory diversion to avoid an accident, to the gentle nudge into something better, Life reminds us of the power of the Infinite as a gentle teacher." ~Marlene Buffa from Inspiration Line

"When life streaks by us in our unaware state of the daily banal, we waste precious time in the coma of disengagement." ~Marlene Buffa from Inspiration Line

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