Table of Contents



Marriage Is Beautiful

"A beautiful marriage does not mean absence of conflicts or issues but a marriage that turns ugly situations into beauty through systematic application of wholesome principles. It’s a work in progress." ~Kalu Igwe

"A couple that is financially intimate will always have peace of mind." ~Kalu Igwe

"All love is sweet, given or returned. Common as light is loved, and its familiar voice wearies not ever." ~Marriage is Beautiful

"Challenges come and go in marriage, but a beautiful marriage will stand the test of time, any day any time." ~Kalu Igwe

"Dating does not end with marriage. Getting married does not end affectionate public display of emotions. Marriage ups the ante and takes it to another level." ~Kalu Igwe

"Do away with those fleeting pleasures. They are never good for your marriage. Focus on your spouse. Love your spouse with everything within you. Do away with every distraction in your marriage today. Take this pledge with me today: I WILL NEVER CHEAT ON MY SPOUSE." ~Kalu Igwe

"I hope the only thing more beautiful than my wedding dress is my marriage." ~Marriage is Beautiful

"If you want to be your wife's best friend, just give her a listening ear." ~Kalu Igwe

"Irrespective of challenging situations around you, you must be passionate about your ideas or goal. You must intensely feel great about your idea, strength of mind, interest, capability and proficiency. So that you can be assured and have your initiatives buried deep in your subconscious, in order to direct yourself along the path to fulfillment. You are the one to create your world; you cause things to be where you want them to be in your life." -Kalu Igwe

"Love creates the foundation for marriage and commitment creates the foundation for love." ~Marriage is Beautiful

"Love is a vine that grows into our hearts." ~Marriage is Beautiful

"Loyalty: A fine quality we were not born with but something we have to learn if we are to succeed in our marriage." ~Kalu Igwe

"Many people see communication as a time to discuss and tell loving things to one another; okay, that’s just part of it. I have come to understand that communication in marriage is not those planned and premeditated moments alone but also include those fleeting instants when we look each other in the eyes, when we speak with our hearts and feelings, when the atmosphere is just right. When we choose to keep quiet when we are expected to talk. When we refuse to blame when our spouse expects it. That touch, that smile, that knowing look are all wrapped up in this package called communication." ~Kalu Igwe

"Marriage becomes sweet when the couples learn how to communicate in love." ~Marriage is Beautiful

"Marriage Is Beautiful when you are kind to your spouse!" ~ Kalu Igwe

"Remember, your spouse is an opportunity to show love, kindness and gratitude; the best expression of meekness and humility and above all, the best person after God to lavish all the praise you can fathom on." ~Kalu Igwe

"There are times your keeping quiet will be worth more than so many words spoken in your marriage relationship. Don't always be in a hurry to talk back,don't be too eager to argue with your spouse. We agree,it's not always easy but the peace produced from this discipline might just be what you need. Be intuitive,listen more and talk less." ~Marriage is Beautiful

"We are living in an age where if you dare to run after what you feel you want to achieve and not what others feel they want you to achieve, a generation where If you can pursue your Passion and live your dreams,don't be surprised when you get there to notice that millions have followed you on the journey." ~Kalu Igwe

"When a couple holds the vow they made to each other very dear to their hearts, it leaves little room for uncertainty and doubts in the marriage." ~Kalu Igwe

"When a woman knows, and works towards making her home, a peaceful and quiet place, a castle where her man will feel safe and comfortable to stay in always, The atmosphere in this home will make the man to cherish every moment he spends in his home with his queen, and anytime he is away, he will always longingly look forward to the time he will get the chance to step foot in his home again to be with his queen." ~Marriage is Beautiful via Kalu Igwe Kalu

"When you don't give attention to your spouse, you will wake up one day to find out that your spouse has become a stranger to you." ~Kalu Igwe

"When you love unconditionally in your marriage, you remove the burden of performance from yourself to your spouse. You create your own happiness and your joy. It's in you." ~Kalu Igwe

"Whenever your spouse is facing difficulties, remember they will probably need your support more than they will need your advice." ~Marriage is Beautiful

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