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David La Chapelle Quotes

"A walk in nature can help bring about one of the most essential acts a human being can perform: the stilling of the mind. For when the cacophony of disturbances, reactions, and self-talk subsides, like a windswept sea suddenly finding calm, the lens of our lives becomes a still, pure crystalline window for the cosmos to experience itself through." ~David La Chapelle

"A walk in the natural world, with conscious mindfulness, can help bathe the senses in the implicate ordering of existence. Such a direct and immediate reminder does much to help steer us back to the center of ourselves." ~David La Chapelle

"All philosophy and essential religious experience emanates from a direct perception of the depth and beauty of nature. For in the end nature does not stop at the tip of a leaf or a leap of a salmon." ~David La Chapelle

"Finding our true nature, so that we can take up our place in the great dance of the cosmos, is the fundamental act of our lives." ~David La Chapelle

"The flow of nature rises, in elegantly apportioned vibrational levels, from the solidity of stone to the force of pure truth." ~David La Chapelle

"The temple of nature has its own architecture of elegant repetition. This repetition of basic form reinforces the direct experience of underlying patterning. When we awaken to such patterning we can rest some of the struggles and conflicts that live within us. The same patterning that flows through a forest, meadow, or mountainside lives deeply within our psyches." ~David La Chapelle

"...when we begin to liberate the divine potential within ourselves, we begin to contribute to the world. The contributions we make from a state of inner stillness, in which Guidance becomes tangible, will have an unerring exactness and precision that can help alleviate even the most powerful difficulties in the world." ~David La Chapelle

Source: OUR TRUE NATURE, published by Inspiration Line

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