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Cam Richmond Quotes


"Being able to supply love and grace in any situation is priceless." ~Cam Richmond

"In the midst of the tides of the ups and downs of your life, take some time to be still and quiet and there you will find your next step and your next breath." ~Cam Richmond

"Keep your heart open, fear tempts us to close our heart but when our heart is open everything is so much better." ~Cam Richmond

"My prayer today... is that we would wake up to what is happening around us. That we would be ready and doing what we need to do. Prayer is totally vital. Words don't change hearts but prayer can change anything! " ~Cam Richmond

"Life is a garden! Tend it...." ~Cam Richmond

"Life is a tough journey punctuated with hopeful moments." ~Cam Richmond

"Love can change everything!" ~Cam Richmond

"Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness!" ~Cam Richmond

"Quotes are not just words that have been spoken… They are life changing moments in people’s lives…. They are profound, deep, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always RICH in meaning." ~Cam Richmond

"Say a little prayer today
Its something we can all give
Say a prayer for all you love
And all you wish you could
Say a little prayer for peace and strength
Say a prayer for hope
Every little prayer you pray
Is precious in its worth!" ~Cam Richmond

"Some people are just not going to 'get' our journey. They view it through their own strength and not our weakness...
But God!
But GOD...
In His amazing all encompassing love, embraces us right where we are!" ~Cam Richmond

"The biggest hearts are always overflowing." ~Cam Richmond

"The most powerful things come straight from the heart." ~Cam Richmond

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Thank You
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