Table of Contents


Quotes from Mountain Wisdom

"A daughter takes your finger for but a moment, and for a little longer she holds your hand and then one day you look and there a woman stands where your baby used to be. I love the child she was, and the woman she is and my love she has and my heart she will hold for all eternity but no matter how old she might be, she will always be my little girl to me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"A grandchild is a flower like no other you will ever see, as the love of a grandchild blooms in your heart forever, and in your soul for all eternity." ~MW

"A hug is the best gift because it shows that those you love also love you, it costs nothing, but is priceless, it takes a moment but lasts a lifetime, and it is a gift that can never be taken from you." ~MW

"A true friend in times of need gives you a shoulder to cry on, two arms to rely on, love that you can count on, and the strength to go on." ~Mountain Wisdom

"A walk down an old country road is the perfect place to learn that true inner peace comes not by thinking about what you want, but by thanking God for what you already have." ~MW

"Age is nothing but a number as long as I never let go of the child living inside of me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Any day with a grandchild in my arms, on my lap, in my home, or on my mind is a very good day." ~Mountain Wisdom

"As I get older I find that I forget things more often and I always feel so bad when I do. Fortunately within a few minutes, I forget that I forgot, and that always makes me feel better." ~Mountain wisdom

"As my child there is something you need to know. I like flowers and candy. I like eating out and pretty cards too, but you must never forget that I dearly love you. The day the doctor first handed you to me I knew then and there that I had just been given the greatest Mother's Day present there ever could be." ~Mountain wisdom

"Children are flowers that bloom in your heart everyday. And I love mine more than words could ever say." ~MW

"Children learn not by listening to what you say, but by watching what you do." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Dear God, please forgive me for sometimes forgetting about you, when you have never forgotten about me." ~MW

"Death has taken you, but neither time nor death can take away our love or memories. One day we will be together again, but not for just a moment, but for all eternity." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Death will one day come for us all, and we do not know when that will be, but if we dedicate our lives to God, we do know where we will spend eternity." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Doctors give the medicine, but God supplies the cure ." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Enjoy each second with those you love and who love you, for if it is wasted, the loss will forever haunt you and them." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Feeling lost and depressed, unsure of what will become of you, then turn to the word of God, open your heart to it and before you are through, you will find the message of love and comfort, placed there by God for you." ~Mountain Wisdom

"God has filled my soul with a peace that goes beyond anything I can explain." ~Mountain Wisdom

"God I ask that you stand with those I love today, comfort them if they are in need, watch over and guide them along their way, and fill their souls with the peace that you have given me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"God is always with me and while his face I may not see, when I am in need, I can feel the light of God shining down upon me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"God never said that the trip through life would be easy, the road free of stones, or the sky always clear. He does promise that the journey will be worth it and that he will travel it with you." ~Mountain Wisdom

"God took an ordinary woman and through the power of love, He made her a nurse, a teacher, a cook, a maid, a banker, a guide, a protector, and a best friend, and then He gave this super woman to me as my MOM." ~MW

"Grandchildren are better than flowers because they bloom in your heart forever." ~MW

"Grandchildren are proof that dreams can come true, as mine did the day I was handed my first grandchild." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Grandma said a small house filled with love is better than a large house where there is none. A cookie shared with a friend is better than two eaten alone. A broken down sofa filled with family and friends is better than an empty throne." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Growing up others may have had more material things than we did, but no one had a better mother than I did." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Help me age with grace and dignity, as you will one day walk the same road traveled now by me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Hold the hands tightly of those you love today, as the day will come when they are but a memory and those things that you did and did not do will either comfort or forever haunt you." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Hold the hands tightly of those you love today, laugh with them, cry with them, share with them, speak of your love for them freely, as the day will come when they are but a memory and those things that you did and did not do will either comfort or forever haunt you." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I am a parent. My love for my children knows no limits, no bounds. Time and distance are meaningless as nothing could break the bond we share. I loved them yesterday, I love them today and I will love them through eternity." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I am not afraid. Storms have come before and they will come again. I do not face them alone. He who calmed the seas with "peace be still" is always with me. What is torn down, he can pick back up, what is shattered he can make whole, what is taken, he can return. The winds will cease and the clouds will part and all will be as my God has said it will be. The storms of Earth mean nothing, as my God and his Angels are standing with me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I am only visiting here as one day when God calls me home, I will fly away and where I am going no more troubles or sorrow will there be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I can smile because I know where I have been, I know where I am, and when this life is over thanks to God I know where I will be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I cannot see the face of God, but my heart knows that he is here with me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I do not fear, as God protects me. I do not despair, as God guides me. I do not feel alone, as God is with me. I do not worry about tomorrow, as my God has already prepared the path for me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I find comfort in knowing that life is but for a moment, but our love and memories we carry with us always and they will comfort me until we meet again to be together for all eternity." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I found the fountain of youth: grandchildren. While they may not make me look any younger, they do awaken the child in me and despite what time may do to my body, thanks to my grandchildren my heart leaps, my soul rejoices and I am so very happy." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I have nothing to fear as wherever I might be, God and his Angels will be there also watching over me." ~MW

"I lift my hands to God, when I can go no further on my own, knowing that he will carry me home." ~MW

"I live by the code of the hills. The code of the hills states that friends are family. If you have a problem with my friends then you have a problem with me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I may be by myself, but I am never alone. No matter where I go an Angel goes with me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I may have my aches and pains. My body may not do everything I want it to do, but one thing is true, when this life on earth is through, I will be moving into one that is brand new. I may not be able to run fast today, but one day soon I will be able to fly away." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I praise God because I know where I have been, I know where I am, and when this life is over thanks to God I know where I will be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I praise God now for each calm and beautiful day I see, as I have learned that they are not all that way." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I refuse to allow the troubles of this world to burden me. My God’s eye is upon the sparrow and I know his eyes are upon me, and God is stronger than any problem of mine could ever be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I shall not fear
what is on the other side of tomorrow,
as God has sent an Angel to walk the path with me.

Should on the bridge I cross any trouble I see,
I shall not tremble for God is greater
than any problem could be."
~Mountain Wisdom

"I thank God for my mom and the home she made for me. No matter how far life may take me from her, her love is always with me, and even now it continues to warm and comfort me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I thank God for the mountains I have had to climb, the storms I have faced, and the tears I have shed, as they have made me understand how strong I really am and how blessed I am when the road is smooth, the sky is clear, and my soul has a reason to smile." ~Mountain wisdom

"I will continue to open my heart to others as the reward of love is worth more to me than the risk of pain could ever be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"I will not fear the end of any day as God and his Angels are never more than a prayer away." ~MOuntain Wisdom

"I will not be ruled by fear this or any day. I am a prayer warrior and that makes me stronger than anything on this Earth that could ever come my way." ~Mountain Wisdom

"If as a child, you were taught to pray, before eating a meal or ending your day, someone loved you enough, to bring you up right." ~Mountain Wisdom

"If the love in my heart for my children was a cloud, it would fill the sky." ~Mountain Wisdom

"If you have ever heard a hymn being sung and it reminded you of one you heard when you were young, someone raised you right." ~Mountain Wisdom

"If you want God to make room for you in Heaven tomorrow, you need to make room for him in your heart today." ~Mountain Wisdom

"If your life is troubled and you do not know what to do, give it to God. Once he is through, you will know the depth of the joy that I feel too." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Knowledge is knowing that you cannot solve all of life’s problems. Wisdom is knowing that God can. Faith is putting them in God’s hands and accepting that his will shall be done." ~Mountain Wisdom

"My best friend is always waiting for me to get home. Happy when I get there, sad when I leave. I love my four-legged Angel more than most could ever believe." ~Mountain Wisdom

"My child, I may not always be able to travel the road with you, but no matter where life takes you, there also my love for you will be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"My children are not a big part of my life. My children are my life. Now and forever." ~Mountain Wisdom

"My day comes to an end and dear God, I thank you for giving it to me. I ask only that in your mercy and grace, you bless my family and friends as you have always blessed me." ~Mountain Wisdom

"My God and his Angels stand ready to lift me up beyond the reach of the troubles of this world. All I have to do is ask and lift up my hands." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Never let the darkness of this world, keep you from seeing the light of God that shines all around you." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Never wait until tomorrow to speak the words that your heart wants to say." ~Mountain Wisdom

"No matter the shape it is in, the road to grandma’s house is always the best road there is." ~Mountain Wisdom

"No matter what others may think or say, I will always believe in miracles. I know that I would not be here today were it not for the miracles God has given me." ~Mountain wisdom

"Nothings says you really do care about your family and friends, better than including them in your prayers." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Once I counted the love of my friends and family, and my God that watches over me, I came to realize that I am far richer than I ever believed." ~Mountain Wisdom

"One day I will die, but until that time comes I will live my life as I choose, follow my dreams where they lead me, love a lot, hate little, laugh, cry, feel, pray, and be who I was born to be. If you can accept me for me, you are welcome to join me on my journey." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Only those who have been touched by the love of an animal can understand the pain caused by their loss." ~MW

"Praying is sometimes not the only thing that we can do to help those we love, but in many cases it is the best thing that we can do for them." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Rejoice in the clutter. The day will come when your children are grown, and they will move out and live on their own. It is then that we realize that the little things that bothered us are often those we miss the most." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Some people wake up in the morning wondering when God is going to bless them without understanding that if you and those you love wake up in the morning, he already has." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Sometimes I glance up at the clouds and get the feeling that someone is looking back at me. Thanks to God, I know someone is." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Speak freely of your love for those you love and that love you, so that when the sun sets on your life for the last time, the light of your love will shine in their hearts and minds forever." ~Mountain Wisdom

"The best way to begin and end your day is to pray." ~Mountain Wisdom

"The day will come when your loved ones are but a memory and those things that you did and did not do will either comfort or forever haunt you." ~Mountain Wisdom

"The only person you need to impress is the one looking back at you in the mirror." ~Mountain Wisdom

"The only thing better than having a son that you love with all your heart, is the joy of watching him grow into the kind of man that you prayed he would be." ~Mountain Wisdom

"The smile on my face, lump in my throat and warm feeling in my heart were all gifts from my grandchildren to me." ~MW

"There is something about an old country road that speaks to you in a way that could never be explained, but when the journey is over a part of you will know that at times where you were going is not as important as how you got there." ~Mountain Wisdom

"Those who walk in the light of God's love need never fear the darkness." ~Mountain wisdom

"When a child you love has a child you love with all that is within you, only then will you know just how grand being a grandparent truly is." ~Mountain Wisdom

"When death one day comes for me, I shall go with a smile on my face, a hallelujah on my lips and no fear in my heart as my God will be coming for me and where I will be going no more troubles will I ever see." ~Mountain wisdom

"When I can go no further, I lift my hands upward and pray knowing that my God will carry me the rest of the way." ~Mountain Wisdom

"When I cannot handle it on my own, I turn it over to God." ~Mountain Wisdom

"When you pray, God hears your words, but he listens to what your heart has to say." ~Mountain Wisdom

"When your days come to an end, it will not matter the car you owned, or the money you had to spend. Only the love and time that you shared with your family and friends, will mean anything at all to you or to them when the last day of your life comes to an end." ~Mountain wisdom

Gleaned from FB authored by Jane Craft



Dear God, There have been times when I let my mouth speak what should have gone unspoken by me.There have been times when I have let a little problem sour my mood and blind me to the many blessings I have been given by you. There have been times when I forgot to thank you for all you have done for me and continue to do. Forgive me for these and for sometimes forgetting about you, when you have never forgotten about me." ~Jane Craft, Mountain Wisdom

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