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Nancy Rainwater Quotes


"Design your life one decision at a time." ~Nancy Rainwater


"Let sleep be your friend - let all of your fears be swept away, leaving only love and hope for tomorrow." ~Nancy Rainwater

"Let the cleansing waters of time and love and peace and joy wash away your cares and your burdens." ~Nancy Rainwater

"Live your life from your Heart. It will never steer you in the wrong direction." -Nancy Rainwater

"Look for the good and positive in yourself, in your life, in the world around you. Encourage it, nurture it, expect it to grow!" ~Nancy Rainwater

"Perhaps if we are mindful of our breath at least once a day, then we can be aware that there is always hope … no matter what happens … no matter where we are in our lives." ~Nancy Rainwater

"The only place you can start is right where you are." ~Nancy Rainwater


"Peace in my Cells.
Calm for my Nervous system.
Love in my Heart.
Fire for my Spirit.
Joy within my Being.
Hope for my Life.

May it be so.
May it be so.
May it be so.
It is so."
~Nancy Rainwater


"Sometimes, all you need is a little peace and quiet. Give yourself that gift." ~Nancy Rainwater

"The Light you seek comes from within. That's where your answers abide, as well." ~Nancy Rainwater

"The moment that you can truly do something, change something, advance something, improve something ... is this moment, right here, right now. Healthy AND Wise." ~Nancy Rainwater

"Truly, there are pitfalls both in the past and in the future. We either regret or worry. Staying present in the here and now, while difficult sometimes, really is the place to be ... for happiness, for growth, for learning, for love, for peace .... The urge within me says, Celebrate this moment, every moment!" ~Nancy Rainwater

"You just can’t apologize for being you. Nor for your emotional self. Nor for your intellectual self. Nor for your spiritual self. Nor for your physical self. It’s all a part of who you are in this precise moment. Apologizing for any part of who you are signals that you don’t value who you are, and once that occurs, you have some work to do to get back to where you need to be in order to move on in life. Don’t believe those around you who make you feel like apologizing for who you are, either. Time to move on, in my opinion, if that is how they make you feel. Life is short, friends. Make changes in your life when YOU want to do so, but do it on your terms and in your time. Every piece of you is precious. Self-love and care are your first priorities, not the last. Don’t apologize for being you. I’m glad you are here. I hope you are, too." ~Nancy Rainwater

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