Table of Contents



"Acceptance is the beginning of the best part of your life." ~M.B.M, Life's a Dance

"And now I will sleep. Dreams will guide me through the soft and deep. I will look for you there, and dance, we will through halls of air." ~Margaret B. Moss

"As the sun slips below the horizon, drawing the covers over another day, I remind myself that you, like the sun, are still out there ... just out of sight. And maybe this night, I'll see you again in my dreams." ~Margaret B. Moss

"Be grateful for the rough seas... even though they are difficult and sometimes so painful, it is by navigating through those waters that we acquire our greatest strength and perspectives on life." ~Life's a Dance

"Breath deep. Don't let the worries of this world dull your spirit. This too shall pass." ~Margaret B. Moss

"Dwell in the beauty of life. Watch the flowers of the field, and see yourself dancing with them." ~Life's a Dance 

"Everyone falters. Everyone stumbles... take courage and follow your heart." ~Margaret B. Moss, Life's a Dance

"Everyone stumbles, makes mistakes, or just feels blue sometimes, especially at the end of the day. Remind yourself to just keep doing your best, have a good rest, and keep moving toward the light. That's what I tell myself, and it always turns out to be true." ~Margaret B. Moss 

"Forget about being 'right'. It is our own hubris that drives the urge to be right, and so unimportant in the final analysis." ~Margaret B. Moss, Life's a Dance

"Give your worries a rest. Breathe deep. For this moment, think only of blessings. Let your mind rest with thoughts of gratitude.- light, graceful and wondrous. Breathe deep. Draw a circle around yourself and fill it up with your own breath. It is your turn to rest. Sleep. Dream." ~Margaret B. Moss

"Hold on to what is good, if only with your heart. Reach out with kindness, if only with your words. Count your blessings, if only with one hand." ~Margaret B. Moss, Life's a Dance

"If we all viewed the world with kindness and compassion only, we might see peace." ~Margaret B. Moss, Inspiration Page Owners Group and Life's a Dance

"Peace is in the wonder, in the stillness, in the wind, between every blade of grass. Keep the eyes of your heart open." ~Margaret B. Moss

"See all the possibilities in life is all about your vantage point." ~M.B.M, So stand up tall!

"Sometimes the best thing to do is just breathe." ~Margaret B. Moss

"Speak from your soul and every heart will understand." ~Margaret B. Moss, Life's a Dance

"There is magic in the morning. It takes only clear eyes and a willing heart to find it." ~M.B. Moss

"When things are dark, remember that you carry a light inside you. It is there. All the time. Even if only a fragile flame. Even on your darkest night. All that's required is your gentle tending of the fire. Put your heart into it as you would for your dearest friend. And find that friend inside you." ~Margaret B. Moss

"With every new door you open, a world of possibilities and discoveries open to your mind and heart. New adventures are waiting for you. Open the door." ~Margaret B. Moss 

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