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Julie Parker Quotes

"Everything in this world has a song, its own tone, its own rhythm, its own music. Everything has its place and its purpose. When we are in harmony with our own song, we are in harmony with the world." ~Julie Parker

"Everything you do makes a difference. So choose the difference you wish to make and act with this intention." ~Julie Parker, Heart and Soul matters

"I have faith in myself and my life. I honour the wisdom of my soul." ~Julie Parker
"In the space between each thought,
may you know your greatness,
the vast nature of your Being.

In the space between each breath,
may you feel the immense depth of your Soul,
and know yourself to be Love."
~Julie Parker, Heart and Soul matters


"Love does not find you,
nor do you find love.
Love is ever present...
When you are willing to open, to risk,
to adventure, to live with authenticity -
then the power of Love flows through you."
~Julie Parker, Heart and Soul matters
"Sometimes we make the right choice for the wrong reason,
And sometimes we make the wrong choice for the right reason.
In truth, there is no wrong or right, only choice...
All of it is a lesson, which brings us to where we need to be,
For what we need to learn." ~Julie Parker


Love lights our way through the darkness.
Love keeps us safe through the storm.
Love opens us to new beginnings.
Love is the glow of emerging dawn.
~Julie Parker


"Out beyond the fear, anger, pain and denial,
Lies a field of possibility.
Beyond this a world of Love.
I will meet you there..." ~Julie Parker


"Perfection doesn't make a true musician but determination and passion!" ~Julie Parker

"Sometimes we need to sink to the depths to know how to swim to the light." ~Julie Parker

"There are hundreds of languages in this world and one transcends all, the language of love." ~Julie Parker

"To discover your truth in a world filled with illusion is to discover your power." ~Julie Parker 


"We experience challenges in order to learn and grow.
To evolve into people who are able to Be Love
No matter what we face." ~Julie Parker

"What part of you is dying, in order to just survive? It is this very part you must ignite to really come alive." ~Julie Parker

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