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"Canberra is the home of the Australian stories, where our national attractions hold and share the essence of Australia. Beyond the striking ‘house on the hill’ you’ll find experiences showcasing Australia’s history, culture and lifestyle. An array of stylish restaurants, bars, shops are close by and for those more adventurous, scenic natural surrounds await you." ~Your Life Choices

FUN FACT: "In 1959, the US Postal Service sucessfully delivered mail over 1000kms, from Virginia to Florida, with a cruise missile."

Fun Fact: "Male Redback spiders are not harmful to humans, they're also not very harmful to female Redbacks which often eat them."

Fun Fact: "On average, a lead pencil will write a line 50kms long, or write approximately 50,000 words, before it runs out."

Fun fact: Snails can sleep for over three years.

Fun fact: "The average cloud weighs about 500,000 kilograms."

(Not so) Fun Fact: "Time magazine chose Adolf Hitler as man of the year in 1938."

"When travelling and visiting new places it is sometimes difficult to know whether to be brave and tackle the destination yourself, or if you would be better off engaging a travel guide." ~YOURLifeChoices

Fun Fact: "Zero decibels is not silence – it’s just the quietest sound an average human can perceive." ~Fun Fact from Your Life Choices

"The Gold Coast may have a reputation for being all glitz and little substance, but the beauty of its hinterland, and the magnificence of Mount Tamborine, offer the chance to experience another side to this beachside destination.
'Take a walk on the quiet side.'"~Your Life Choices


"A politician and a statesman or woman are not the same thing. He/She must possess four critical qualities: A bedrock of principles, A moral compass, A vision, and The ability to build a consensus to achieve that vision. " ~Mitzy, Your Lfe's Choices, on M. Thatcher, 09/04/2013
Somewhere I read and recorded someone saying ...

"The modern politician put his "feelers" out to gauge the public mood; once he knows which way the wind is blowing, he shapes his message to give the people (taxpayers) what they want." ~Unattributed

"A statesman/woman believes in absolute truth and his moral compass is rooted in a sense of "absolute right" and "absolute wrong". He/she leads by moral authority and represents all that is best in his/her countrymen/woman". ~Unattributed

"I have my own built-in alarm clock. It's called my bladder and there is no snooze button." ~Your Life Choices/Humour

"The "Poll" tax was the straw that broke the camel's back." ~Mitzy (as above)

"War is Hell. Mens basic animal survival instincts rule. I've been there." ~Aaron on M Thatcher, Your Life's Choices, 11/04/2013

"We don't need World Government. We don't need the controlling government ..., we need Government of our people by the people, free and in our own free land. ...No mandate was given for this to happen." ~Sylvia, YLC, 09/04/2013

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