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Eileen Dielesen Quotes


"An Angel is a human being who has signed a contract to be an employee of God. Do you not know that you are a spark of the Divine? A sacred and beautiful thought in the mind of God? I tell you that you are! Angels are ordinary human beings who simply trust this Truth and walk in the world shining the Light of God even when they can't see its Source. May you remember this today as you go about your daily doings and bring the LIGHT and LOVE to those who do not yet have the Trust or Faith...for that is the work of an Angel." ~Eileen Dielesen.....the Woman with a Dream

"Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." ~Eileen Dielesen

"BLESSINGS are like butterflies. You can't force them to land on you, but when they do your heart lights up with joy!" ~Eileen Dielesen, the "Woman with a Dream"

"Change takes paths in the wilderness require we walk them again and again before they are fully formed." ~Eileen Dielesen....the 'Woman with a Dream'

"Dare to visit the wild place within yourself for there you will find your wings." ~Eileen Dielesen (the Woman with a Dream)

"Don't let every little wind that blows bend and break you! Save your strength for the big storms that come!" ~Eileen Dielesen....the WOMAN WITH A DRE‪AM

"I AM NEVER ALONE. My SOUL is my most treasured friend and goes with me everywhere I go. To make friends with your Soul is to see with completely new eyes. A whole new world begins to open up and you recognise that you are connected to everything and there is no sense of loneliness, just a deep abiding peace with all that is. Life becomes magical." ~Eileen Dielesen, the WOMAN WITH A DREAM ‪

"It's the friends who walked with me during the darkest times of my life's journey that have been my most precious blessing." ~Eileen Dielesen

"It's the simple things that have such power to touch our Spirits and bring us so much JOY." ~Eileen Dielesen, the Woman with a Dream

"LOVE hangs patiently waiting for us to remember what we are! To think we are unworthy and 'little' is absurd! We are beautiful and incredible....the only thing that stops us from knowing this are the beliefs that we have been fed! Let them all go, right NOW...yes NOW! Go into your mind and tell yourself to just hold the space for Truth to be remembered. You only need to remember...that's all...remember what you are." ~Eileen Dielesen....the "Woman with a Dream"

"Never let someone else's boundaries stand in the way of reaching out for what your own heart and soul desires." ~Eileen Dielesen...the WOMAN WITH A DREAM ‪

"Once you have learned to be comfortable alone, you will walk the way of DEEP PEACE. To be your own best friend is the greatest gift. It offers you complete peace because you no longer need to seek for anything. You have found it all right where you stand. This is bliss!" ~Eileen Dielesen, the "Woman with a Dream"

"Stumbling on rocks and falling is a common issue! Rest awhile, then get up, dust off and keep going." ~Eileen Dielesen....the 'Woman with a Dream'

"The heart knows nothing of suffering...only the mind can think that the heart is broken. The heart is love...let it rule over the mind and be happy." ~Eileen Dielesen

"The work you do to remove the darkness in your own mind and Heart is the most powerful work you can do to change the world.....For as you change yourself.....your Heart begins to Light up every other Heart." ~Eileen Dielesen

"Your magnificence is always quietly singing its song in your heart. Let the song become so loud that the whole world will hear it and will sing it with you." ~Eileen Dielesen....the "Woman with a Dream"

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