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Eleanor Brownn Quotes


"Allow yourself to experience fully every step of the journey, both the joy and the pain. You're alive. Greet the moment at hand with a grateful heart." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Despite the blessings and the challenges, the hills and the valleys, the joys and the sorrows, the triumphs and the disappointments, the wins and the're still ALIVE. Thank God and keep going. Hold your head up today and make the most of your circumstances, whatever they may be." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Don't beg for crumbs, when a feast has already been placed on your table." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Embrace your journey, because every moment has its own kind of beauty." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Everything you need is already rooted within your soul." ~Eleanor Brownn 

"Familiar roads are seductive, but you won't find your passion there. The world is a big place for your heart to explore." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Hurts and disappointments can hold gifts." ~Eleanor Brownn

"If you truly open your eyes, you won't have to look very far. Focus on the good in your life, on what gives you strength. May you have another beautiful and blessed day in the sunlight of the spirit." ~Eleanor Brownn

"It's a whole lot easier to look through a magnifying glass than to look into a mirror, but you learn more from the mirror." ~Eleanor Brownn

"May you and all those you hold dear remain healthy, strong, and safe in a circle of loving peace." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Say something kind and honest to someone today. The world can always use a little more light." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Some people won't love you no matter what you do. Some people won't stop loving you, no matter what you do. Go where the love is." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Storms pass, even though it doesn't seem like they will when you're in the middle of one. Don't even think of giving up, because you're going to see the sun again." ~Eleanor Brownn

“The sun is behind every cloud. Every single one.” ~Eleanor Brownn

"The words don't matter. When you speak from your heart, the message is clear." ~Eleanor Brownn

"There's so nuch pleasure to be found in simple things, when you take the time to look." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Travel with a gentle heart." ~Eleanor Brownn

"We came with nothing. We leave with nothing. Everything is temporary. Enjoy the sunlight while you have it. It's good to be alive." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Whether you find yourself on top of a mountain or down in a valley, you are never alone." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Wisdom, faith and gratitude grow deeper with the passage of time. This is the wonder of living. This is why you do not need to fear growing old." ~Eleanor Brownn

"You are not measured by the mistakes you make. You are measured by the way you overcome the mistakes you make." ~Eleanor Brownn

"You could have walked down a smoother road, but you didn't. You knew in your heart it was better to do what was right, even if it wasn't easy." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Your journey is uniquely yours, with all its twists and turns. Embrace what is." ~Eleanor Brownn

"Your own Fear is the greatest obstacle you will ever face on your journey. Let your Faith be bigger than your Fear." ~Eleanor Brownn

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