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Dr. Laurie Mattera Quotes


"And...even mistakes are learning experiences. Face your day without any fear." ~Dr. Laurie Mattera

"Begin with your spiritual center and then work on your emotional and physical health. Your Joyful Soul will sparkle out to others as a result of doing this!" ~Dr. Laurie Mattera

"We are never really alone. Sometimes I struggle from day to day to complete all the tasks before me. It seems overwhelming. But then I remember I can "do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13) and I ask for help. It's amazing how I then breeze through the rest of my day. When you feel it's impossible to finish what is set before you, remember nothing is impossible for Him. That's JOY!" ~Dr. Laurie Mattera

"What we create in our minds is very powerful and affects how we live and how others view us. Make it Joyful." ~Dr. Laurie Mattera

"You don't even have to agree to do it together or talk about it...just start loving your partner and believing they love you, trusting your partner and being trustworthy, respecting your partner and expecting respect, and fostering the friendship between you." ~Dr. Laurie Mattera

"Your soul aches for peace - remember that if you are doing all you can to maintain peace in every aspect of your life, and you are met with resistance, you are still doing all that is in your control, which will bring you peace!" ~Dr. Laurie Mattera

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