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Doreen Virtue Quotes


"Angels appear in many different forms to hold your hand through the difficult times." ~Doreen Virtue

"Angels, please help me remember to direct blessings and prayers to everyone I meet today. Please send extra healing energy through me to all my relationships. I ask that each encounter I have bring gifts to everyone involved." ~Doreen Virtue

"Ask God and the angels to help you to meet people who will treat you with respect and love." ~Doreen Virtue

"Don't let a temporary setback throw you off your path. Keep going!" ~Doreen Virtue

"Hold the vision of success, and stay optimistic as you move forward." ~Doreen Virtue

"Honor your sensitivity by avoiding harsh situations as much as possible, and befriending gentle people like yourself. Know that your sensitivity is a gift that is essential to your life purpose." ~Doreen Virtue

"If you could see yourself through the eyes of your angels, you would see how truly amazing and divinely perfect you are!" ~Doreen Virtue

"If you've been feeling pessimistic, the best way to shift into a higher gear is to pour out your feelings to God and ask for help." ~Doreen Virtue

"Never be afraid of failure or disappointment, because those are just temporary experiences on the path to your dreams coming true." ~Doreen Virtue

"The miracle that you have prayed for may look different than your expectations, but you can be sure that it is the highest and best outcome, and that it respects the free will choices of everyone involved with the situation." ~Doreen Virtue

"Trust the inner wisdom and truth that your heart whispers to you, in answer to you questions." ~Doreen Virtue

"When dealing with a difficult person, all that matters from a spiritual standpoint is how you react and treat the person. It's not about getting the other person to change or agree with you. Your spiritual growth is all about the way that YOU deal with the relationship, the person, and the situation. Even if the situation would justify you acting harshly, resist this temptation. Ask for heaven to purify and uplift your thoughts and feelings so that everything you do and say is aligned with Divine Love. This is the path and purpose of the lightworker. This is why you are here." ~Doreen Virtue

"When life seems harsh and frightening, it's akin to a tree being pruned. Sometimes the universe removes the old and unneeded from us, in preparation for the new. If we don't understand this process, we may feel frightened, insecure, or victimized. Yet, the pruning process makes the tree grow stronger and -- like this photo of a plumeria tree near my home -- new branches and flowers begin to appear one by one. TRUST that any pruning you've experienced is preparing you for wonderful and beautiful new growth!" ~DOREEN VIRTUE

"When you stand up for yourself, you are standing up for everyone who will follow your positive example! " ~Doreen Virtue

"You don't have to be a "perfect person" to receive help from Heaven. Everyone who asks for help is equally loved and equally helped." ~Doreen Virtue

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