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Quotes From Thyme and Again

"A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are." ~Unattributed

"At some point you have to realise that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life." ~Unattributed

"Allow yourself to hope, to believe and to trust again. Don't let a few bad memories stop you from having a good life now. " ~Unattributed

"Although gold dust is precious, when it gets in your eyes it obstructs your vision. Without balance in other parts of our lives (relationships, personal time, health), external or professional goals may blind us to the things that really matter." ~Unattributed

"Always rise above the drama and lies people tell. They are not so worth it." ~Thyme and Again

"Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten." ~Thyme and Again

"Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are - and aren't - that you will truly be happy." ~Unattributed by Thyme and Again

"Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Sometimes when we’re feeling fragile we forget that we’re not exclusively entitled to feelings of vulnerability, so please remember you’re not the only one with problems, everyone has their share of ‘stuff’ to deal with. Whilst you’re feeling fragile, bear in mind that empathy, compassion and kindness can, and should co-exist." ~Unattributed

"Create a life that feels good on the inside, not just one that looks good on the outside." ~Unattributed by Thyme and Again

"Don't carry what you dont need, in your pocket, in your home, in your heart." ~from Thyme and Again

"Don't give up what you want most, for what you want now." ~Unattributed

"Don’t judge yourself by your past. You don’t live there anymore." ~Unattributed

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." ~Unattributed

"Enjoy the time you have now. Live in this moment and never look back." ~Unattributed

"Even in the midst of seeming chaos, a deep breath can help us turn within to find the space to work from, the calm at the centre of the storm." ~Unattributed

“Every lesson learned is God's way of helping us grow stronger.” ~Unattributed

"Every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare." ~Wendelin Van Draanen

"Every sorrow and difficulty that comes in your way are stepping stones for a better tomorrow." ~Unattributed

"Everyone leaves. Learning to love and be loved despite this fact is one of the hardest and greatest things a person can do." ~Unattributed

"'Examine what you tolerate....'
Thought provoking, I'm interested what you'll see.. maybe a reflection of self esteem, compassion, patience, attitude, special circumstances, level of understanding; I wonder. I think I have learnt to be more tolerant in many ways, yet certainly less in others. while I hope I am a kinder, more understanding, forgiving, more compassionate, considerate version of my younger self; I know that certain people/situations get much less airtime, and I often find myself delivering a sometimes polite yet often very direct message and really not caring if someone doesn't like how I see things." ~Thyme and Again

"Find someone who makes you realize three things; one, that home is not a place, but a feeling. Two, that time is not measured by a clock, but by moments. And three, that heartbeats are not heard, but felt and shared." ~Unattributed

"I'm not sure we can choose to 'not care', but I do think that sometimes we have to let our brain keep our heart in check as a self-preservation tactic. When our emotions are tempted to let someone trample all over us, we should just check in to that place in our hearts, that loves us enough to be strong and walk away, even when it hurts short term, to save a bigger hurt long term. Have courage, protect your precious heart." ~Unattributed

"I choose..
to live by choice, not by chance;
 to make changes, not excuses; 
to be motivated, not manipulated;
 to be useful, not used;
to excel, not compete;
 I choose self esteem, not self pity. 
I choose to listen to my inner voice, 
not the random opinion of others."
~Thyme and Again

"In life you're going to be left out, talked about, lied to, and used, but you have to decide who's worth your tears, and your loyalty and who's not. Its a shame to waste your love and energy, so save it for the loyal, trustworthy, loving, kind, caring souls you will meet along the way, save it for the ones who truly deserve it." ~Unattrubted

"In quiet places reason abounds." ~Thyme and Again

"It's not who you think you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." ~Unattributed from Thyme and Again

"Keep trying, keep reaching, keep dreaming." ~Anon

"Know who you are, and know its enough." ~Thyme and Again

"Knowing that both your presence and your absence mean something to someone who's presence and absence mean something to you, can induce an incredible feeling." ~Thyme and Again

"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change." ~Unattributed

"Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had." ~Unattributed

"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions be louder than your words." ~Unattributed

"Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot." ~Thyme and Again

"Life is nothing without a grateful heart." ~Unattributed

"Life will keep bringing you the same test over and over again, until you pass it." ~Unattributed

"Live your life without expectations because it's better to be surprised than it is to be disappointed." ~Unattributed

"Make room in your life for better company." ~Thyme and Again

"Maybe the greatest madness is to see life as it is rather than what it could be." ~Don Quixote from Thyme and Again

"Minute by minute, thought by thought, your mind is what shapes your life." ~Gurumayi from Thyme and Again

"Never let an earthly circumstance disable you spiritually." ~Unattributed

"Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do." ~Thyme and Again

"Never waste your time or argue with a fool, people watching might not be able to tell the difference." ~Unattributed

"No spot on earth is on holier ground than where you stand for all that has come before is in you." ~Unattributed

"Once you become consciously aware of just how powerful your thoughts are, you will realize everything in your life is exactly how YOU allow it to be." ~Unattributed

"Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you." ~Unattributed

"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change." ~Unattributed

"Open your mind to the fact that not everyone is having the same experience as you. People can be in the same room, listening to the same conversation and come away with very different perceptions. No one is right and no one is wrong. Our minds create our reality, and each reality is unique for each person. We add our own thoughts and experiences to every emotion, every reaction. Let’s try to remember this next time we feel the need to argue our point and be right." ~Anon

"People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Remember, the way we treat ourselves, sets the standards for others; be wonderful to yourself today." ~Unattributed

"Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds." ~The Collected Works of Venerable Master Chin Kung

"Sometimes no matter how much you want for things to happen, all you can do is wait. And usually, waiting is the hardest part." ~Thyme and Again

"Sometimes the first step to forgiveness is understanding the other person is a complete idiot." ~Unattributed

"Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey, they don't need to, it's not for them." ~Unattributed from Thyme and Again

"Sometimes you have to fall many times from grace, to really understand & appreciate all that has been in your life." ~Unattributed

"Somewhere in the world there is a treasure that has no value to anyone but you, and a shimmering secret that is meaningless to everyone except you, and a frontier that harbours a marvellous revelation only you know how to celebrate." ~Unattributed

"Stay close to anything that makes you glad to be alive." ~Thyme and Again

"Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you're in need. People who would never take advantage of you. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through." ~Unattributed

"The best feeling in the world is being loved back by the person you love." ~Unattributed

"The best moments of your life will be the small nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you." ~from Thyme and Again

"The first step towards a new destination is the decision that there is somewhere you should be, more than the place you are.. the second step is the courage to leave the familiar in search of the spectacular." ~from Thyme and Again

"The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest." ~Unattributed

"The greatest gift you can give might be the gift that you yourself were never given. Give that gift." ~Unattributed

"The shadow chapters of our lives are as invaluable as the light. Do not discard the challenging times, the sadness, the pain, for they are where the growth happens, where the healing takes place and where wholeness arises from." ~Unattributed

"The surest way to lose your self worth is by trying to find it through the eyes of others." ~Thyme and Again

"The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter." ~Unattributed

"There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousands truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet; but we are shut up to them, and so they bring us nothing, but sit and sing awhile upon the roof, and then fly away." ~Henry Ward Beecher

"There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realise that nothing will ever be the same, and time is divided into two parts, before this and after this." ~Unattributed

"There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go." ~Unattributed

"There comes a point when you realise you'll never be good enough for some people. The question is, is that your problem or theirs and does it really matter?" ~Unattributed

"There will be days like this: When you step out of the phone booth to fly and the very people you are trying to save are those standing on your cape." ~Thyme and Again

"We all have a story we will never tell. Some are too painful, some are just ridiculous, some we are ashamed of, and some don't seem to matter. Yet all our stories create us through the experiences we've weathered, the lessons we've learned, and the characters we met along the way may or may not realise the impact they've had upon our existence. Maybe we should tell more stories, to share that we're not alone in our struggles, to extend the encouragement we have found along the way to becoming who we are, and the hope of where we intend to go. Life is a struggle, but we're here to help each other, and maybe our stories are just another way we can hold out our hands." ~Unattributed

"When people walk away from you, let them go, your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means that their part in your story is over." ~Unattributed

"Work for a cause, not applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt." ~Anon

"Worry is a misuse of your imagination." ~Thyme and Again

"You are enough. You are not less-than, not-as-good as, or beneath anyone. You are a miracle of thoughts, spirit and heart. And although you may not be where you want to be in life yet, you have the all the tools to get you there. Seek your tools, see their value, see your value, and realize, you are enough." ~Unattributed by Thyme and Again

"You cannot heal a heart with the same hands that broke it, stop tracing blood trails back to the past expecting to find love in the same places it died." ~from Thyme and Again

"You don't measure love in time,
you measure love in transformation
sometimes the longest connections
yield very little growth,
while the briefest encounters
change everything.
The heart doesn't wear a watch, its timeless.
It doesn't care how long you know someone
what it cares about is resonance.
Resonance that opens it,
resonance that enlivens it,
resonance that calls it home.
And when it finds it,
the transformation begins."
~Thyme and Again

"You must listen to your heart and follow it, or it will find a million ways to remind you that there is something missing." ~Unattributed by Thyme and Again

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