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Di Riseborough Quotes


"A positive mindset is your unlimited access to achieving your dreams and goals. When your attitude is in check there's nothing that can stop you from being successful, there's no challenge or struggle too great." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"Being Happy does not mean everything is just perfect. It means we have decided to look beyond the imperfections and still accept, love and embrace it." ~Di Riseborough

"Don't allow one person to tear you down, don't allow one person to ruin your day, don't allow one person to hurt you, allow that one person to make you stronger as in the end it's how you choose to respond that counts." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"Fill your Heart with what is Important and be done with the rest." ~Di Riseborough

"How strange that the nature of life is change as it's always constant, yet the nature of human beings is to resist it. How ironic that the difficult times we fear might ruin us are the very ones that can break us open and help us blossom into who we were meant to be." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"In life, there are no second chances... but you can start a new beginning in this moment, one choice at a time. Courage is the ability to make the changes, choose your own path and live a New Beginning." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"It is always possible to be thankful for what is given rather than to complain about what is not given. One or the other becomes a habit of life." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"Most family relationships are dysfunctional and as we evolve to becoming more conscious we see the role we play. It is then at that point we might need to make a decision to change our behavior which impacts the behavior of another. When we change our within it affects our external world as well, but it is important to check in and see what is best for ourselves, where we might compromise...and if we do we need to take ownership for it....." ~Di Riseborough, Intuitive Life Strategist

"Never let another break your spirit, especially if you believe in something powerful. You have a responsibility to yourself to honour your soul's path as in the end it is you who walks in your shoes along your journey." ~Di Riseborough

"Never live life to make people happy, because at the end of the day you are the only one that has to walk in those shoes." ~Di Riseborough

"Often we seek others thoughts on what we are to do, but in the end it's important for you to trust what is best for you." ~Di Riseborough

"Our need to be right or wrong comes from the place of our ego mind and often shrouded in fear, while the soul which essence is love is to just BE." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"Our self esteem can often take a knock when the ones we love are critical. Our inner judge grabs hold of the illusion and uses it against you to make you feel bad about yourself. Don't let it, dig deep and find your inner strength to say 'No, that is not true', my true wisdom knows the truth and find ways to improve your thinking, what is great about you....and to not let other people's perceptions be your truth. So, in case you forget remind yourself of this..." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"Patience is key, timing is everything...your time will come, be patient." ~Di Riseborough

"The actions of the adult child today are not a reflection of the parent yesterday. We as adults are 100% responsible for own own actions and life, for our own choices and decisions. So let go of the attachment to blame others for what we do." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"The best way to be conscious, to become self-aware is to STOP and PAY ATTENTION. Listen to the whisperings of your soul." ~Di Riseborough

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin really living it." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"There are plenty of people holding flashlights casting shadows, offering directions. Perhaps it's best if you light your own way." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"There is great COURAGE in being vulnerable. The truth is everyone is not perfect, we will always be judged. When we allow ourselves to be honest and visible to those around us it opens up the door for deeper connections and understanding...sometimes I hear the words 'Me too, I thought I was the only one'. So try it, it takes practice and find your courage to be yourself." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"We already have so much abundance. We truly do. We need not search too far. It is within all of us. The reason we fail to recognize this is because we haven't quite mastered the art of being. For abundance to prevail, we must practice love, gratitude, acceptance and compassion." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"We are born knowing exactly who we are. Over the years we have abandoned or neglected much of what we know about ourselves. Fortunately, the good news is it's never too late to rediscover who we are." ~Di Riseborough

"When thinking about your life remember this: No amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can control the future." ~Di Riseborough

"When we hold onto that hurt it is not affecting the person who hurt us. They might be totally oblivious to our pain. Part of forgiveness is forgiving yourself first for holding onto so deserve to find happiness and peace. But when you are stuck in the pain it is not possible to achieve them...the road to peace and happiness in your life is doing what I call 'the work'..your own healing journey." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"When you accept somebody into your life you also accept their past too. Be careful not to use it against them as you were not there then. Instead listen with compassion and understanding and offer support when asked. If it creates an emotional response for you then that might be something that is being reflected about your past and an opportunity to do some soul searching within. What has been your experience ?" ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"When you come from a heart-centered place rather than a head space, your life will be abundantly Blessed." ~Di Riseborough-Intuitive Life Strategist

"You only have so much emotional energy each day. Don't spend it on things that don't matter or on people who don't value you or your time. Be discerning." ~Di Riseborough

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