Table of Contents


Quotes from THE SOUND of MUSIC


Christopher Plummer 

"An actor should be a mystery." ~Christopher Plummer

"As you grow older, and you have some experience of life, you see more into the depths of each character." ~Christopher Plummer 

"Chris was an extraordinary man who deeply loved and respected his profession with great old fashion manners, self deprecating humor and the music of words. He was a national treasure who deeply relished his Canadian roots. Through his art and humanity, he touched all of our hearts and his legendary life will endure for all generations to come. He will forever be with us." ~Lou Pitt, Manager,  tribute to Christopher Plummer who died in February 5, 2021

"It is so very modern in its dysfunctional family and all of the trappings of power that are disappearing from them — is so modern, it's so human. You need to be much older to understand the depths of a part like that." ~Christopher Plummer on King Lear 

"Unless you can surround yourself with as many beautiful things as you can afford, I don't think life has very much meaning." ~Christopher Plummer


“We’re second family, as adults, we were deeply bonded, so our lives have really interwoven with each other.” ~ Kym Karath (played the youngest von Trapp, Gretl, in an AP interview to commemorate the film’s 50th anniversary.)

"To refuse them would be fatal for all of us. And joining them would be unthinkable. We have to get out of Austria, and this house, tonight." ~Captain Von Trapp

"When the dog bites,
When the bee stings,
When I’m feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad!"
~Sound of Music

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