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Jeff Brown Quotes

"Kindness melts defences.
Kindness softens edges.
Kindness pierces armour.
Kindness eradicates shame.
Kindness lightens loads.
Kindness awakens hope.
Kindness clears debris.
Kindness invites connection.
Kindness opens hearts.
Kindness bridges souls.
Kindness inspires kindness.
Let us always be kind."
~Jeff Brown

"Love needs an entry point. If our emotional body is all blocked up with unresolved material, there's no way in. The more we empty the vessel before it comes, the more space love has to flourish. Healing our hearts gives love a place to land." ~Jeff Brown

"Out with the old and in with the true." ~Jeff Brown

"Sensitivity is a sign of life. Better hurt than hardened. I bow to those who keep their heart open when it is most difficult, those who refuse to keep their armor on any longer than they have to, those who recognize the courage at the heart of vulnerability. After all the malevolent warriors end each other, the open-hearted will inherit the earth." ~Jeff Brown

"The very fact that we are trying to heal our hearts in a world where so many have had to bury their hurt is already extraordinary. It may not seem like such a big deal, but when the energy has been moving in another direction for so many generations, it is quite a challenge to turn the tide. We are breaking new inner ground, after all. Recognizing this should translate into giving ourselves a break when we can’t quite get it perfect. It’s a long path back to the receptive heart, one opening at a time…" ~Jeff Brown

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