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Dr. Charles F. Glassman Quotes

"A drowning person cannot help someone else who is drowning." ~Charles F. Glassman, MD on EBOLA virus

"A genuine teacher does not seek to impress you with their greatness, but instead to impress upon you that you possess the skills to discover your own." ~Charles F. Glassman

"A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other." ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman

"A person being 'too busy' is a myth. People make time for the things that are really important to them." ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman

"A strong woman loves, forgives, walks away, lets go, tries again, perseveres … No matter what life throws at her." ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman

"All it takes is a little bit of your self. Try this approach, this affirmation, and watch how it sends an empowering, healthy chill that moves you in the direction to live your everyday extraordinary!" ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman, Coach MD

"Although some say it is both a blessing and a curse to feel so deeply, I will take sensitivity over indifference every time." ~Dr. Charles Glassman

"Anti-social behaviour is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists." ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman

"Before searching for happiness in others, we must first find it in ourselves." ~Dr. Charles Glassman, CoachMD

"Before you find your soul mate, you must first discover your soul." ~Dr. Charles Glassman, Coach MD

"Being an optimist doesn't mean you have to ignore reality. Instead, it helps to keep you healthier, with a clearer head, so that you can understand the reality and respond to it, rather than react." ~Dr. Charles Glassman , Coach MD

"Belief conducts the symphony of our thoughts. While moments dance to that symphony. Want better moments? Choose to be a better conductor." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD (Glassman)

"Don’t believe you’ve reached the end before you’ve even reached the beginning." ~Charles F. Glassman, MD Coach MD

"Don’t underestimate the power of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself to deliver peace and serenity." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"Everyone has a story. And that story is filled with ups and downs, disappointments, frustrations, and sometimes downright hardships. However, as long as we are alive on this earth, we must remember that despite our challenges, hope lies in the reality that our story does not end here." ~Charles F. Glassman, MD

"Everyone has at least one gift, talent, skill. Life is not about leveling the playing field, but allowing you to express your gifts. Those who look to expose your strengths and not take advantage of your weaknesses are much more pleasant (and safe) to be around." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"Everyone has challenges, no matter how perfect their lives seem on Facebook." ~Dr. Charles, CoachMD

"Expecting that the future will be bleak and dark is a sure fire way to lock in ill physical and mental health. But to give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way increases the opportunity to live your everyday extraordinary and have better holistic health." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"Faith plus action equals Transformation." ~Charles F. Glassman, Coach MD

"Hippocrites are rather easy to recognise. They spend most of their time pointing out the flaws in others, and the rest of the time trying to flaunt their own perfection." ~Charles F.  Glassman 

"How often does this happen in our life - we find ourselves in relationships that we love, yet as time goes on, we begin looking astray, wondering if there might be something better. Or, we go to work and dread it. And as we dread our work, we look at others and wonder what it would be like to have their job, their husband of wife, their life. But it is hard to achieve anything that lasts and that we love, when we always have one foot out the door. What I have found is that loyalty strengthens love – be loyal to your lover, be loyal to your work, be loyal to yourself. From that place of loyalty will grow and attract more love." ~Charles F. Glassman, MD Coach MD

"I will always find a way and a way will always find me." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"It is easy to confuse the desire to achieve with the desire to one-up another. The latter originates from our primal nature, whereas the former comes from the deepest, truest part of our humanity - the location of our authentic personal strength, our mind: the gateway to our pure potential and soul. Redirect your desire and watch how your health improves and how you come close to living your everyday extraordinary!" ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"It is how we nurture the good and deal with the bad that ultimately shapes our destiny." ~Dr. Charles, CoachMD

"It may seem like a no brainer, but how many of us go through life trying to get the approval or love from someone other than ourselves; from our parents, friends, lover, spouse, siblings? The need for love from another person often stands in the way of our finding true self-love, which is the most pure and divine. Once we find that, giving and accepting love becomes fluid and free." ~Charles F. Glassman, Coach MD

"Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle." ~Charles Glassman Coach MD

"Love is not always fireworks and magic. Often we’ll experience it in the form of patience, acceptance, loyalty, and mutual respect." ~Charles F. Glassman, CoachMD

"Making the unfamiliar familiar, the uncomfortable comfortable, and the unknown known means creating new habits and that is a daily exercise." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"Never discredit your gut instinct. You are not paranoid. Your body can pick up on bad vibrations. If something deep inside of you says something is not right about a person or a situation, trust it." ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman, Coach MD

"Patience is the glue that binds hard work and faith." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry. Then watch your health, and life, improve." ~Charles F. Glassman

"Some say if you want success surround yourself with successful people. I say if you want true and lasting success surround yourself with people of integrity." ~Dr. Charles F. Glassman, CoachMD

"Stress can destroy much more than just our physical health. Too often, it eats away at our hope, belief, and faith." ~Charles F. Glassman — Coach MD

"Usually when someone is angry we hear their angry words. Instead, try hearing the unspoken, “I am scared, I am frustrated, I am insecure, I am vulnerable, I am threatened." The words are less important than the actual trigger and will hurt less if we recognize this." ~Dr. Charles, Coach MD

"Using someone else’s ruler to measure your self-worth will always leave you short." ~Charles F. Glassman, CoachMD

"Usually when someone is angry, all we hear are their angry words. Instead, try hearing the unspoken, “I am scared, I am frustrated, I am insecure, I am vulnerable, I am threatened." The words are less important than the actual trigger and will hurt less if we recaognize this." ~Dr. Charles Glassman, CoachMD

"We are always looking for the next best thing to keep us in tip top shape. I have found that the way we choose to walk our lives, each day, is what ultimately shapes our health. That's why, for the health of my mind, body, and spirit, I choose to walk with: gratitude not envy; faith not worry; confidence not fear; kindness not anger." ~Dr. Charles, CoachMD

"We formulate dreams, wishes, wants, but don't always know the why. We think we do, but truth be told, often our dreams are based on needs and wants created by certain lacks within us and within our history. That is why, I keep an open mind. Because I know that sometimes on the way to our dreams, We get lost and find an even better one." ~Charles F. Glassman, MD, Coach MD

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