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Sus Kongsbak Larsen Quotes


"And should you lose your bearings...there is nought to do but reach for the stars..." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

‪"Bliss‬ becomes possible only when we view life as the amazing circumstance it is, rather than as a battle in which we are either victorious or defeated." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"Breathe and allow you regrets to shift to acceptance of that, which you cannot change. Regrets are but toxic waste in one's wake, holding one back." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"Breathe, Surrender and Trust your Inner Tide." ~ Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"Each time we Forgive, We Free ourselves of the mutually depleting burden of being in judgment of others." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"Hurts and Blessings alike are only as solid or fluid as we make them. We have the choice to receive and solidify the gifts that come to us - even from our pain - and let them propel us forward." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"I see everything that has happened in my life as a gift, not because it has made me who I am, for I have always been just me, rather, because I Love Life. We create stories around our experiences. We co-create our suffering with our emotional reactions. I choose to be at Peace with what I have created." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"No matter how long your walk through the desert, know that Love is always within you and where Love springs, there is an Oasis of Peace." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"Telling our children to "come out of their shell" may be equivalent to throwing them into deep water before they can swim. Instead, may we reach in to honor and Love them where they are, and watch them shine and thrive in Life, self-aware, worthy and at Peace." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"When we allow the eternal tide of love to wash through us we become one with our very essence. We Are Love." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

"Wishing you Gentle Awakening and Smooth Sailing as you venture into the Horizon of your New Dawn." ~Sus Kongsbak Larsen

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